Infrastructure is the backbone of economic activities and it contributes a significant role in
overall nation’s development. Infrastructure not only supports economic function other than it
helps in improving living standards of communities. There are various authors and economists
done research in this sector but still its definition is not clear. Interestingly, Grimsey and Lewis
(2002) said that there is no need of any definition of infrastructure, it can be easily identified and
recognized by its services and facilities. Few of authors segregated infrastructure into two parts
physical infrastructure and social infrastructure, physical infrastructure includes all the sectors
and services provided by infrastructure which are directly contribute in production functions and
directly helps a nations to become economically strong. On the other hand, social infrastructure
directly assists in improving livelihood and helps in eradicating poverty. Physical infrastructure
includes transportation, communication, irrigation, and power, and social infrastructure consist
education, health, water and sanitation facilities and sewage systems. Both the types of
infrastructure such as physical and social infrastructure are essentially well developed and
maintained for the smooth production activities and higher living standards. A nation’s
development measure by not only its building, roads, industries, railways etc, but it needs to
measure the quality of life of people living in the country. Thus, only physical infrastructure is
not necessary for an economy, but at the same time social infrastructure facilities are also equally
important for a nation to expand its overall growth. Various authors have conducted research in
this field and recognized a strong impact of infrastructure on economic development of a nation.
Most of the studies focused on the contribution of physical infrastructure in economic
development, very few researchers identified the significant role of social infrastructure in
economic development. In context of India, very few studies empirically proved the relationship
between both the infrastructure and economic development. Thus, the prime objective of this
study is to find the relationship between both types of infrastructure such as physical and social
infrastructure and economic development of India. Further the study also examines the linkage
between investment in infrastructure sector and economic development of India. Study also
analyses the trends and patterns of infrastructure level in India from 1991-2015. It also analyzes
the investment status of central and state level in both physical and social infrastructure. Thus
this study aims to address the following research questions:
1. What is the status of infrastructure sector in India?
2. Is there any causal relation between infrastructure and Indian economic development?
3. What kind of causality exist between infrastructure (physical and social) and economic
development in India?
4. What is the status of infrastructure investment in Indian infrastructure sector?
5. Does infrastructure investment have any causal relationship with the economic
development of India?
6. What is the status of PPP in infrastructure sector in India?
This study has planned in stepwise manner to achieve its objectives, development of new
measure of long term relationship between infrastructure and economic development of
First stage of the study analyses the status of both physical and social infrastructure in India for
the period 1991-2015, further this stage analyses the central and state infrastructure investment in
physical and social infrastructure sector in India for the period 1991-2015.
Second stage examines the relationship of infrastructure and its investment with economic
development of India.
Third and last stage of the study describes the status of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects
in Indian infrastructure sectors and sub-sectors.
For achieving the objectives of the study used time series analysis and techniques such as unit
root test, co integration techniques and VECM model to find the long term causal behavior of the
variables. In order to decide the causal directions among the study variable Granger Causality
test has used for it.
Findings of the study showed an essential relationship of infrastructure and infrastructure
investment with economic development in India.