Cities in India have been experiencing a rapid growth and transformations to adal)t to the
changing urban scenarios. Irrespective of the impacts of varied economic, social environmental
and domestic political complexity, growth continues to be unhindered, witnessing the pace of
activities like never before. Indian cities are acting as magnets, attracting a lot of migrants for
better employmentS education and other I ivelihooci opportunities. The level of Urbanization in
the country was 31% in 2011 and projected to be 50% by 2039 (JNNURM, NIUA, December
2011). There are various issues already existing in our cities like sprawl, slums, housing
shortages. uncoordinated transport systems, lack of resilience, pollution, fragile drainage system
etc., and many other problems have become the present clay norm. These increasing shifts of the
population towards urban areas add up to the problems. Cities' infrastructure tends to crumble. as
our cities were not plainec1 to house such huge populations. nor can they easily adapt to the
challenges brought along with the population shift.