Buildings made of "masonry structural systcm' remain one of the most vulnerable classes of
structures, because of the easy availability of materials for this type of construction, this kind
of construction is employed in the rural, urban and hilly regions up to its optimum, since it's
flexible enough to accommodate itself accordingly to the prevailing environmental
conditions. Though this type of construction is mostly preferred and most frequently
employed also, yet it is not completely perfect in regard to seismic efficiency. Thus this is
treated as non-engineered construction and most casualties are due to the collapse of these
constructions in earthquake. The aim of present work is a step towards with regard to
illustrate a procedure for retrofitting of a seismic band using GFRP (glass fiber reinforced
polymer) in URM brick masonry building & results are analytically using (ABAQUS
AS per many studies its being known, Uni-einforced masonry structures are the most
vulnerable during an earthquake. Since masonry has adequate compressive strength, implies,
they are designed for vertical loads, the structures behave well as long as the loads are
vertical. When such type of structure is subjected to lateral inertial loads during an
earthquake, the walls develop shear and fiexural stresses. The strength of masonry under
these conditions often depends on the bond between brick and mortar (or stone and mortar),
which is quite poor. This bond is also often very poor when lime mortars or mud mortars are