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Browsing MASTERS' THESES (CSE) by Issue Date

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  • Jaiswal, Shubhangi (I I T ROORKEE, 2017-11)
    In recent years, with increase in the use of Internet the multimedia contents on it have rapidly increased. Users may want to go through a video in top down manner i.e. browsing the videos, or in bottom up manner i.e. ...
  • Tak, Raghu (I I T ROORKEE, 2017-11)
    To detect emotions of the writer in any textual corpus is a requirement that has been persistent in the industry. In the current phase of this research work, we are focusing only on the eight primary bipolar emotions ...
  • Khurana, Vaishali (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The appearance of unknown words often disturbs communication and reading. The proposed system focuses on detecting those words which are unfamiliar to the users using temporal data, Electroencephalography (EEG) and facial ...
  • Kadam, Deepika (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    In the past few years, many object classification techniques have been developed. However, these techniques do not perform very well when categorizing objects belonging to fine-grained categories. It is easier to ...
  • Spandana, Dola (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Software engineering is partial without Software reliability prediction. “For characterizing any software product quality quantitatively during phase of testing, the most important factor is software reliability assessment. ...
  • Gahalawat, Monika (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Sentiment Analysis is a rapidly growing field of research due to the explosive growth in digital information, there is a need to filter out unnecessary information and get meaningful results out of this huge information. ...
  • Kartik (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    In this Internet era, multimedia content is drastically increasing over the Internet and distributed over thousands of servers. In order to nd content over the large scale database, content-based search strategies(CBIR) ...
  • Rani, Rachna (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The social opinion for products and services advertised on online platforms such as Amazon, TripAdvisor or YouTube plays a vital role in shaping the decision of users. The products and services most liked by the users ...
  • Sharma, Shivali (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Generative Adversarial Networks that fall under the class of generative models, aim at taking training examples from the training set and learning the probability distribution that generates those samples. The network ...
  • Rathi, Ayush (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Time Series data are of crucial importance as they depict trends among various entities over time. Finding similarity in patterns in time series data can help in getting meaningful insights in it. This work presents a ...
  • Dixit, Deepanshu (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    In inter-releases software fault prediction, the data from the previous version of the software that is used for training the classifier might not always be of same granularity as that of the testing data. The same ...
  • Mitra, Anirban (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Thermal Comfort indicates human interpretation of comfort level of an environment. Predicting Thermal Comfort for a certain future date can have several applications. Predictive Mean Vote (PMV) is one of the most used ...
  • Chauhan, Sneha (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Internet is today’s buzz. It brings with it, many advantages and disadvantages. One such disadvantage is security. The communication done through the Internet must be secure so that no third party could read the information ...
  • Katta, Mridul (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    With Cloud and Internet among the essential pillars on which the world resides in this era. With the increasing advancements in technology, network speed and a need of greater, more reliable and feasible processing power, ...
  • Makkar, Himanshu (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Frequent itemset mining is a field of data mining wherein we extract frequent itemsets from the dataset. This may reveal sensitive patterns. Privacy Preserving Data Mining(PPDM) approaches are used to hide sensitive ...
  • Kaur, Manpreet (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    In this report, a di erent approach for the semantic segmentation of images is presented. It mainly focuses on the semantic analysis of images that lessen the gap between semantics and low level visual features of images. ...
  • Singh, Vipin (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The availability of location-tracking devices such as GPS, Cellular Networks and other devices provides the facility to log a person or device locations automatically. This creates spatio-temporal datasets of user's movement ...
  • Mishra, Akshat (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Phishing isawayofobtainingpersonalinformationthroughillegitimatewebsitesthatare exactly sameaslegitimatewebsite.Therearemanytechniquesavailabletodetectphishing websites, butcurrenttechniquesleavemuchtobeobtained.Aprima ...
  • Yadav, Sheetal (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The success behind Deep Learning have mostly relied on Convolutional Neural Network. Convolutional Neural Networks became popular because of their e - cient ability to exploit signi cant statistical properties of images, ...
  • Jaiswal, Govind (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Linear Programming is a way of allocating resources in e cient manner so that cost in allocation can be minimized and pro t can be maximized. Linear Pro- gramming is based on mathematical formulations .Transportation ...