The performance modeling of Markovian and non-Markovian queueing models plays a vital
role in design of real time queueing systems. The application of such models can be seen at
many places including telecommunication system, computer networks, industrial and
production system, etc. The state-dependent queueing models are of practical use and robust in
depicting many real life congestion scenarios. These queues deal with the many realistic
situations such as queues with discouragement, time sharing system, machine repair problems,
etc. Optimal control of parameters of the queueing system is the key concern as far as the
organizer as well customer’s point of view. The arriving customers decide before joining the
system whether to join or not to join the system based on their prior assessment of the queue
length. So far as the controlling of the arrivals in the finite capacity system is concerned,
admission control F-policy is quite useful to control the congestion of the customers/jobs and it
can be helpful in reducing the lost customers/jobs in particular when the system capacity is full.
The admission control F-policy mainly restricts the customers/jobs from an entry in the
queueing system when the system capacity is exhausted and further admission of customers/jobs
is allowed when enough customers/jobs are served so that the number of customers/jobs in the
system drops to a threshold level 'F ' . The admission control F-policy can be employed to
resolve the issue of controlling of the arrivals in the queueing system so as to avoid the loss of
revenue and inconvenience to the customers.
In the present thesis, we investigate state dependent queueing models applicable to
several queueing scenarios. The noble features of the investigation done are design of the control
policies for some Markov and non-Markov queueing models by incorporating several features
such as admission control F-policy, balking, reneging, feedback, unreliable server, retrial orbit,
vacation, etc. In order to study the concerned queueing models, various system metrics such as
number of customers in the system and in the queue, throughput, customer’s loss, long run
probabilities and reliability indices have been obtained using the relevant analytical/numerical
techniques. The cost optimization and evaluation of optimal control parameters of the concerned
queueing models, have been done using various methods such as quasi-Newton method, genetic
algorithm, Harmony search algorithm, etc. The soft computing approaches namely fuzzy logic,
neuro fuzzy technique, parametric non-linear programing are also employed for the prediction
of performance indices of the concerned queueing models.
The main focus of our investigation in the present thesis is to the state dependent
queueing models along with optimal control strategies. The work done on the optimal strategies
and evaluation of performance indices of state dependent queueing models is organized into
eight chapters. Some state-dependent queueing models have been developed by incorporating
customer’s joining strategies, admission control policy, double orbit, etc. The numerical results
based on sensitivity analysis are also performed to validate the results derived for the concerned
queueing model. The investigations done in the thesis are divided into eight chapters which are
described as follows.
Chapter 1 is devoted for an overview and the motivation of the relevant topics alongwith
preliminary concepts used for the concerned queueing models. The brief description of the
methodologies used and the literature survey of relevant topics have been highlighted. Chapter
2 is concerned with an unreliable retrial queueing model under the admission control F-policy
by incorporating the startup time and threshold policy. The adaptive neuro fuzzy inference
system (ANFIS) technique is implemented to compare the numerical results obtained by Gauss-
Seidel method. Chapter 3 presents the single server state-dependent model with general retrial
attempts under admission control F-policy. The minimum cost of the system corresponding to
optimal threshold parameter and optimal service rate is also determined using direct search
method and quasi-Newton method. Chapter 4 deals with the multi-server finite queueing model
with customer’s balking behaviour. The concepts of admission control of customers based on
F-policy and one additional server are incorporated to shorten the queue length formed by the
customers in the rush hour. The system cost is minimized using direct search method and quasi-
Newton method to obtain the admission control parameter.
Chapter 5 contains various results for the single server finite capacity queueing model with
discouragement and general retrial times while the system operates under admission control Fpolicy.
The soft computing based artificial neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) method is
applied to validate the results obtained by analytical method. Cost analysis is also done using
genetic algorithm (GA) and quasi-Newton method by evaluating the optimal control parameters.
Chapter 6 deals with the finite population models with general distributed retrial time under
admission control F-policy. The fuzzy cost analysis for the finite population model is done by
considering the cost elements as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Furthermore, the signed distance
method is used to defuzzify the cost function. To determine the optimal control parameter and
minimum cost of the system, genetic algorithm (GA) is also applied. Chapter 7 presents finite
crisp and fuzzy population model for the multi-component machining system with general
repair, standby support and server vacation. The cost analysis is done using Harmony search
algorithm to determine optimal control parameters.
In Chapter 8, three infinite capacity double orbit retrial queueing models are studied. The first
model is concerned with the customers’ joining strategy in a double orbit retrial queueing system
with balking. This model is transformed into fuzzy environment to study the fuzzified indices
using the parametric nonlinear programing (P-NLP). The cost optimization is also done to
determine optimal service rates using GA. The second model deals with double orbit feedback
model. In the third double orbit model, the single server is taken as unreliable. In order to
validate the feasibility of use neuro- fuzzy controller, ANFIS technique is also implemented.
The cost function is framed and used to obtain the optimal service rates using quasi-Newton
At the end of the thesis, the concluding remarks and future scope have been outlined. The
relevant references have been listed in the end of the thesis in alphabetical order.