dc.description.abstract |
The present thesis deals with the study of direct and inverse problems for certain sumsets in
additive number theory. Let A and B be two nonempty finite sets of integers. Let h and r be two
positive integers. The first sumset considered is the sumset of the form A+r B, called the sum
of dilates of the sets A and B. The second sumset considered is the h-fold generalized sumset
h(g)A with g 1 an integer, which is a generalization of the h-fold sumset hA and the h-fold
restricted sumset h^A. The third sumset considered is the h-fold signed sumset h A. The fourth
sumset considered is the h-fold restricted signed sumset h^
A. The last sumset considered are
the subset and subsequence sums, where the subset sums are actually the unions of restricted
sumsets and the subsequence sums are the unions of generalized sumsets.
The sumset A+r B := fa+rb : a 2 A;b 2 Bg is called the sum of dilates of A and B. For
r = 1, the sum of dilates A+r B coincides with the Minkowski sumset A+B := fa+b : a 2
A;b 2 Bg. The direct problem for the sum of dilates A+r B is to find the minimum number of
elements in A+r B in terms of number of elements in the sets A and B. The inverse problem
for A+r B is to find the structure of the finite sets A and B for which jA+r Bj is minimal. In
this thesis, we solve both direct and inverse problems for A+r B.
Let A = fa0;a1; : : : ;ak1g be a nonempty finite set of integers. The h-fold sumset hA is the
set of all sums of h elements of A, and the h-fold restricted sumset h^A is the set of all sums of
h distinct elements of A. More precisely,
hA :=
liai : li 2 N for i = 0;1; : : : ;k1 and
li = h
h^A :=
liai : li 2 f0;1g for i = 0;1; : : : ;k1 and
li = h
where N denotes the set of nonnegative integers, and 1 h k in case of h^A.
We define the h-fold signed sumset of A, denoted by h A, by
h A :=
liai : li 2 Z for i = 0;1; : : : ;k1 and
jlij = h
We also define the h-fold restricted signed sumset of A, denoted by h^
A, by
A :=
liai : li 2 f1;0;1g for i = 0;1; : : : ;k1 and
jlij = h
where 1 h k.
The direct problem for the sumset h A (similarly for h^
A) is to find the minimum number of
elements in h A (respectively, h^
A) in terms of number of elements in A. The inverse problem
for h A (similarly for h^
A) is to determine the structure of the finite set A for which jh Aj
(respectively, jh^
Aj) is minimal. In this thesis, we study the direct and inverse problems for
both the sumsets h A and h^
In the next part of the thesis, we consider the following generalized sumset. As the name suggests,
this sumset generalizes both regular sumset hA and restricted sumset h^A. For a nonempty
finite set A of k integers, and for positive integers h, g with 1 g h kg, the h-fold generalized
sumset h(g)A is defined by
h(g)A :=
liai : li 2 f0;1; : : : ; gg for i = 0;1; : : : ;k1 and
li = h
Clearly, the h-fold sumset hA and the h-fold restricted sumset h^A are particular cases of the
h-fold generalized sumset h(g)A for g = h and g = 1, respectively.
Let A = f0;1; : : : ;k 2;k 1+bg, where b is a nonnegative integer. We investigate the
behaviour of jh(g)Aj with respect to b, by finding the exact cardinality of h(g)A.
Let A be a nonempty finite set of k integers. Given a subset B of A, the sum of all elements
of B is called the subset sum of B. Let S(A) be the set of all subset sums of A. The subsequence
sum of a given sequence A of integers is defined in a similar way.
We consider the following subset and subsequence sums with some restriction on the number
of elements of the set A (or sequence A ). For a nonnegative integer a ( k), we define Sa(A)
to be the set of subset sums of all subsets of A that are of the size at least a. More precisely,
Sa(A) :=
b : B A; jBj a
Similarly, for a nonempty sequence A = (|a0; :{:z: ;a}0
r copies
;|a1; :{:z: ;a}1
r copies
; : : : ;|ak1; :{:z: ;ak}1
r copies
) of k distinct
integers each repeating exactly r ( 1) times, and for a nonnegative integer a ( rk), we define
Sa(r;A ) to be the set of subsequence sums of all subsequences of A that are of the size at least
a. More precisely,
Sa(r;A ) :=
b :B is a subsequence of A with jBj a
where jBj is the number of terms in the subsequence B.
We find the minimum cardinality of the set of subset sums Sa(A) and the set of subsequence
sums Sa(r;A ). We also find the structure of the finite set A (or sequence A ) of integers for
which jSa(A)j (or jSa(r;A )j) is minimal. |
en_US |