This work deals with analysis and approximations of some non-linear parabolic partial differential
equations (PDEs) using nite element method. Such di erential equations arise
frequently in science and engineering. For instance, heat conduction, weather prediction,
option pricing, gas dynamics in an exhaust pipe, waves in deep water, some chemical reactions
like BZ reaction, iodine clock reaction etc. give rise to non-linear parabolic PDEs.
The non-linearity in these equations poses a di cult task in analysing and approximating
the solutions to such di erential equations. With the advent of high speed computers, however,
engineers and mathematicians are devising techniques which enable us to approximate
solutions to such di erential equations to a su cient degree of accuracy. In this work, we
consider some problems of non-linear nature and try to establish their existence, uniqueness
and also approximate their solutions using Galerkin nite element method. A priori error
estimates are also derived for such approximations.
In Chapter 1, some basic concepts regarding this work are introduced and a brief literature
survey is presented.
In Chapter 2, we consider Burgers0-Fisher equation. The existence and uniqueness of the
solution is proved using Faedo-Galerkin approximations. Further, some a priori error estimates
are given for semi-discrete and fully-discrete solutions. Also, since we often model a
physical situation by this di erential equation, it is, therefore, desirable to require a positive
solution in such cases. Hence, we present a positivity analysis of the solution and give a
bound on time step to ensure the solution remains positive if started with a positive initial
solution. The time discretization of the system is done using Euler backward scheme which
is unconditionally stable. The non-linearity in the system is resolved by lagging it to the
previous known level. Some numerical examples are also considered and the results are
compared with the results from literature.
In Chapter 3, a coupled version of the non-linear parabolic PDEs is considered. Using
Banach xed point theorem, the existence and uniqueness of the solution is established.
We also prove an a priori error estimate for the approximation. Neumann type boundary
conditions are taken in this chapter. The time discretization of the system is done using
Crank-Nicolson scheme (C-N scheme) and the non-linearity is resolved by the predictorcorrector
scheme (P-C scheme). Since the C-N scheme and the P-C scheme are second order
convergent, we get an overall second order convergence which is demonstrated in numerical
In Chapter 4, we consider the Brusselator model where the cross-di usion is allowed. The
presence of cross-di usion a ects the stability of equilibrium. As we know, the di usion
in reaction di usion equations may destabilize the equilibrium, which is called `Turing instability'.
Similarly, we investigate the e ect of cross-di usion on the stability. We nd
that the cross-di usion increases the wave number associated to the solution. Some Turing
patterns of the model are also plotted in the chapter.
In Chapter 5, we consider the Schr odinger equation. Some new soliton-type solutions are
given for the equation. Further, since these soliton-type solutions peter out for large spatial
values, we may truncate the in nite domain to some nite sub-domain. Therefore, the truncation
analysis is performed for the soliton solutions so that we may truncate the domain
without loosing much information about the solution. Some examples are also considered
in this chapter where we see the interaction of solitons. The C-N scheme together with P-C
scheme is used for this purpose.
In Chapter 6, a general reaction di usion advection equation is considered and is analyzed
for the existence of solution. Further, a priori error estimates are discussed for approximation
error and second order convergence is found. Some 1D and 2D examples are considered
in this chapter and their computational aspects are discussed.