In today's world the need and dependency of human being on mechanical system is
increasing day by day. With the increasing demand, the advancement in the performance
of mechanical system is one of the most important factor for energy optimization. The
improvement in the performance of any mechanical system means the increase in the life
of mechanical system and improvement in the working e ciency in the sense of time as
well as production at optimal cost.
This thesis presents a detailed numerical studies for the analysis of various aspects of
ow, heat transfer and entropy generation within an enclosure equipped with di erent
types of thermal boundary conditions for
uid and porous media with and without
induced magnetic eld e ects. Comparative studies are conducted over clear
uid as well
as nano
uid with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction to obtain the most suitable
fraction of nanoparticles in the base
uid in order to improve the thermal performance of
mechanical systems. Method of entropy generation minimization is used for the modeling
and optimization of energy systems related to heat exchangers in aircraft engines, cooling
devices for cars and nuclear power plants. The total entropy generation in such systems
can be minimized under some physical and geometric arrangements and some optimal
con guration can provide the minimum energy loss.
The numerical solution of set of non-linear coupled partial di erential equations governing
ow, temperature distribution and entropy generation is attained by
nite volume based approach. The numerical simulation has been presented in the form
of streamlines, isotherms, energy
ux vectors and entropy generation in various
ow conditions
of industrial importance. The heat transfer rates are obtained in terms of local
and average Nusselt number. Chapter-1 deals with various de nitions of
ow governing
parameters and solution methods used in
ow governing equations. The analysis of heat
and mass transfer, entropy generation with their measuring and controlling parameters
such as Nusselt number, entropy generation, Bejan number is made in terms of various
ow governing parameters such as Reynolds number, Rayleigh number, Richardson
number and Darcy number etc.
In Chapter-2, we have studied the mixed convection heat transfer e ects in a liddriven
enclosure lled with copper-water nano
uid due to a heated wall mounted block of
constant heat
ux attached along the vertical wall. A detailed analysis of
ow and heat
transfer properties are discussed by placing the heated mounted block on left and right
vertical walls. The
ow governing equations are solved numerically using streamfunctionvorticity
formulation approach using nite volume method.
Chapter-3 deals with the study of copper-water nano
ow in a two-sided liddriven
rectangular enclosure in which the vertical walls move in di erent directions. Three
di erent con gurations have been considered on the basis of direction of movement of vertical
walls to study the
ow and heat transfer e ects to nd an optimum con guration
in order to obtain maximum heat transfer.
In Chapter-4 we have presented a numerical study of hydromagnetic mixed convection
ow inside a cubical enclosure lled with porous mixture. A sinusoidal time
dependent discrete temperature gradient along the boundaries is considered. A time history
analysis is made for
ow and thermal strati cation. The
ow and heat transfer
analysis is made with the variation of Grashof number, Hartmann number, Darcy number
and Prandtl number to obtain the average Nusselt number and bulk average temperature.
Chapter-5 consists of the same con guration as that of chapter-3 and a detailed
analysis of entropy generation in combination with heat transfer e ects is considered.
The energy e ciency is discussed on the basis of performance evaluation criteria based
on heat transfer and entropy generation.
In Chapter-6 a similar con guration as that of chapter-4 is used to study the heat
transfer and entropy generation of a magnetohydrodynamic nano
ow. The
ow is
uenced by time periodic discrete heat sources. A detailed study of
ow, heat
transfer and entropy generation is used to study the performance of the system. Based
on the proposed performance evaluation criteria an optimum con guration is suggessted
to obtain maximum heat transfer on the cost of minimum entropy generation.
Bibliography is the last section of the thesis. All the computations are made by
writing our own codes in MATLAB and FORTRAN, rather then using existing toolboxes.
TECPLOT and MATLAB are used for plotting of simulated data.