Heat transfer involving phase change phenomena in biological tissues is a complex
process. It involves several mechanisms such as thermal conduction, convection, radiation,
metabolic heat generation, blood perfusion and phase change. The analysis of many
biological heat transfer applications by the physiologists, physicians and engineers in the
field of bio-heat transfer have resulted in improvement of treatment, preservation,
destroying tumors and the protection of humans from extreme environmental conditions.
Phase change heat transfer problems are also known as moving boundary problems
which are encountered in many practical applications like metal casting, environmental
engineering, thermal energy storage system, freezing and thawing of foodstuff,
cryopreservation and cryosurgery etc. Cryosurgery is a therapeutic technique that uses
extreme freezing to treat the diseased tissues. The basic feature of this technique is that it
is low invasive and offer the advantages of less expensive, shorter hospitalization and
recovery period. The objective of cryosurgery is to treat the affected tissues and minimize
the damage of healthy tissues in the vicinity of the tumor tissues. A number of
investigations have been carried out to study the applications of cryosurgery.
Various heat transfer models are used to analyze phase change phenomena in heat
transfer problems. The purpose of most of the heat transfer models is to find the
temperature field and heat flux in a biological tissue under the set of constraints: general
heat equation, initial and boundary conditions and distribution of sources or sinks, etc.
During phase change, interface between the frozen and unfrozen regions is moving
with time and the boundary conditions at this interface require specific treatment. Except
initial and boundary conditions, two more conditions are needed on the moving boundary,
one to determine the boundary itself and another to complete the solution of the heat
equation in each region. The phase change problems are non-linear in nature due to the
unknown position of the freezing front and the direction of ice growth. In advance, it is
difficult to predict the position and velocity of moving interface. The required
mathematical analysis is much more complicated, when the physical properties of the
system are temperature dependent.
Phase change heat transfer problems have a limited number of analytical solutions, which
are confined up to one-dimensional problems along with some simple boundary
conditions. Therefore, for solving such type of problems it is essential to employ the
numerical methods because they appear to offer a more practical perspective. Based on
front tracking, non-front tracing and fixed domain approaches, various numerical methods
have been proposed for the solution of phase change problems. Numerical methods based
on enthalpy and effective heat capacity formulation are well known methods to solve
phase change heat transfer problems.
The present thesis deals with some Mathematical models to study phase change
heat transfer problems in biological tissues during cryosurgery. The study of the thermal
gradient inside the tissue is an important issue for the optimization of cryosurgery. The
transient temperature profiles in tumor and normal tissue are useful to diagnose whether
the tumor is damage or not and also try to minimize injury to healthy tissues during
cryosurgery. Numerical solutions are obtained using finite difference method based on
temperature dependent enthalpy. A computer code has been developed using MATLAB
software on “Intel core i5 processor @ 3.30 GHz with 6GB RAM”. Results obtained are
interpreted in the graphical form.
The present thesis is compiled in six chapters and the chapter wise description is given
Chapter 1 is an introductory and contains some basic concepts of heat transfer. Different
heat transfer models are also discussed in this chapter. It gives a brief description of
freezing process of biological tissue during cryosurgery, mechanism and mathematical
formulation of cryosurgery and the solution methodology.
In Chapter 2, a two-dimensional hyperbolic bio-heat model is developed by
modifying the classical Pennes bio-heat model. Non-ideal property of tissue, metabolic
heat generation and blood perfusion are also taken into consideration to study the phase
change heat transfer during cryosurgery process of lung cancer. An enthalpy based finite
difference scheme is adopted to solve the present model. We have examined the effect of
different values of relaxation time on transient temperature, lower and upper interfaces
during freezing process. Information obtained is useful to predict that the tumor tissue has
been damaged or not and minimization of the damage of surrounding normal tissues by
over-freezing, which could be helpful to improve the treatment planning.
In Chapter 3, a two-dimensional dual phase lag model is proposed to study the phase
change heat transfer process during cryosurgery of lung tumor tissue. This model is based
on dual phase lag constitutive relation and also includes the discontinuity of temperature at
the frozen-unfrozen interface. The temperature dependent enthalpy formulation and finite
difference method is used to solve the mathematical model. The effects of phase lag of
heat flux and temperature gradient on temperature profiles and position of phase change
interfaces have been studied numerically. The results of this study are significant for
successful cryosurgical treatment.
In Chapter 4, we have studied the freezing behavior of triple layer skin tissue
using a three-dimensional hyperbolic bio-heat model. The complexities of the problem are
due to moving interface, discontinuity in the temperature at interface and triple layer skin
tissue which has different thermal properties in different layers. The finite difference
method is adopted to analyze the effect of relaxation time on freezing interfaces and
temperature distribution in skin tissue. It is noted that relaxation time has important effect
on phase change interfaces and temperature distribution.
In Chapter 5, to study the effects of two phase lags in triple layer skin tissue
freezing, a three-dimensional dual phase lag model is proposed. The difficulties of the
problem are temperature discontinuity and movement of freezing interfaces and different
thermal properties of layers of skin tissue. The finite difference approximation based on
temperature dependent enthalpy has been used to solve the dual phase lag model.
Temperature profiles and motion of freezing interface are plotted to see the effects of both
the phase lags in freezing procedure. It is found that the freezing is fast for small value of
phase lag of heat flux.
Finally, Chapter 6 presents the conclusion drawn from the thesis and possible
directions of the future scope.