Iii this \V()rk. a concel)tual design of 17() GHz Megavatt (lass (oiitinuous Wave
Gvmotron 15 P1''t The working mode is TE2 )2 A (lio(!e tVp(' lagnetioii
Iii jectioli Guti ( \IIG) is (lesigne(l and OI)tilliiZe(l Ilsilig Gvrotroii Design Suit (GDS)
V3 2014 and ESHAY (Odes. This gvrotron is designed with conventional (avitv
which iliclli(les interaction seitiuti with \V('ak illl)llt and 011t1)llt tal)('1 se(tions. At
place of interaction regioii sui)er-cun(lucmg uiagnets are use(l to provi(Ie lle(essalV
magnetic field 6.725 1 for magnetic guidimce system. Output system of gvrutroii
is designed that consists of non-linear taper followed liv Quasi-optical launcher and
RF window. The softwares used to 1)rovide the design of difkreiit parts are GDS
V3, Gvrotruii Cavity Interaction Calculations. Launcher Optiniization Tool (LOT)
• for qllaSi-Ol)tical laninlier desigii and MATLAB for Mirror Siithesis.
Phase Retrieval Algorithin illil)lclil('Iite(l and lnerge(l with ODS \13 for conventional
Gyrotron and for (hiflerclll planes phase reconstruction has 1ecii done. The Iterative
Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Gyrotrouus employ a iuuinerical solutiouu which
cl(-lermiuues the phase of t he HF wave froin the Iiueasure(l intensity profile. Phase
reconstruction is aclmieve(l by Iterative or Error reduction method in this case. The
Phase recoiust riicl ion provide profile (1esigning of internal mode converter reflectors
amid matching optical unit (MOU) for Grotrons. The MOU with two mirror systeiui
is designed to correct the beani parameters like astigmatism and cllipticity. The
(orrect beam contains alnuost ideal gaussian (ontent. as uiiore than 99 Y pure l-IE1 . i
mode is required for optinmumuim perfi)rinance for electron cyclotron resomiaumce heating
(ECRI I) transmission system or at plasma end.