In the era of nano-technology, Graphene nano-ribbons (GNRs) considered as an emerging material for the purpose of interconnects, it is because of their extremely good electrical, mechanical and thermal properties as compared to copper and other interconnects. The improvement in propagation delay, power dissipation and crosstalk as compared to regular Cu interconnects. The bandwidths and stabilities are much higher as compared to Cu/MWCNT interconnects at global interconnect lengths, the improvements become more significant with technology scaling and increasing wire lengths. In 2013, the ITRS predicts a higher value of current density of 3.3x 106 A/cm2. As per current technology this higher values can only be supported by GNRs, as theoretical and experimental reports shows the value of current densities for GNRs is upto 109 A/cm2. So, for future high-speed VLSI interconnects technology. GNRs can prove as most outstanding organic material. For MLGNR, multi-conductor transmission (MTL) line and equivalent single conductor (ESC) models have been presented also shown that both models are in good agreement with each other. Propagation delay, power dissipation and crosstalk influenced propagation delays are discussed. By using dual axis propagation delay and power dissipation graphs, we estimated the optimum thickness of MLGNR for different interconnect lengths. Bandwidth and relative stabilities of MLGNR interconnects analyzed and compared with MWCNT and Cu interconnects. MLGNR interconnects performance deviations under the influence of process variations, which are due deviation in dimensions at time of manufacturing. These process induced effects are discussed in detail at different interconnect lengths and widths by varying only one dimension at a time also discussed all dimensional variations on performance of MLGNR interconnects.