dc.description.abstract |
Energy is a critical factor in developing countries for economic growth as well
as for social development and human welfare. Hydropower is a renewable source of
energy, which is economical, non-polluting and environmentally benign among all
renewable sources of energy. For efficient operation of hydropower plants, in order to
meet the electricity demand, the hydro energy is stored either in reservoirs for dam
based schemes or settling basins for run-of-river schemes. These reservoirs or settling
basins are filled with sediments over a period of time. This problem must be taken
care of by sediment settling systems in power plants. However, lot of unsettled
sediment pass through the turbines every year and turbine parts are exposed to severe
erosion. The erosion of hydro turbine components is a major problem for the efficient
operation of hydropower plants. These problems are more prominent in power
stations which are of run-of-river types. The problem is aggravated if the silt contains
higher percentage of quartz, which is extremely hard.
Silt erosion is a result of mechanical wear of components due to dynamic
action of silt flowing along with water. However the mechanism of erosion is
complex due to interaction of several factors viz. particles size, shape, hardness,
concentration, velocity, impingement angle and properties of material. The silt laden
water passing through the turbine is the root cause of silt erosion of turbine
components which consequently leads to a loss in efficiency thereby output, abetting
of cavitation , pressure pulsations , vibrations , mechanical failures and frequent shut
downs. Since silt erosion damage is on account of dynamic action of silt with the
component, properties of silt, mechanical properties of the component in contact with
the flow and conditions of flow are therefore, jointly responsible for the intensity and
quantum of silt erosion. The hydraulic machines, working under medium and high
heads are normally exposed to erosion. High head Francis and impulse turbines are
highly affected by sand erosion. Even low head Kaplan turbine and propeller turbines
are also found eroded in rivers with high sediment contents. The erosion damages are
to some extent different for Francis and impulse turbines. The most common type of
impulse turbine is Pelton turbine, which operates under high head. The available
potential energy of water is converted to kinetic energy at the nozzle, which
furthermore depend on the mass of water and available head. The energy available in
the water is converted into mechanical energy in the form of turbine rotation at the
cost of reaction to the turbine components. During this process, the sediment present
in the water exerts force on the turbine components; as a result the turbine
components get deformed. The dimensional change of the components leads to
efficiency loss and eventually the system failure. In case of Pelton turbines needle,
seal rings in the nozzles and runner buckets, splitter are most exposed to sand erosion.
It is generally considered that erosive wear is the gradual removal of material
caused by repeated deformation and cutting actions. Most common expression for the
erosive wear was based on experimental experiences quantified by means of erosive
wear rate and generally expressed as a function of properties oi' eroding particles,
properties of substrates and operating conditions.
Theoretical studies were made to discuss the main causes of damage of water
turbines viz. cavitation problems, sand erosion, material defects and fatigue. Based on
the available studies it was found that the best efficiency point of turbine decreased in
direct proportion to the increase in silt concentration. Many investigators reported
their experimental results on erosive wear conducted with different base materials and
different types of erodent. Based on the case studies it was reported that in run-ofriver
power plants in steep sediment loaded rivers caused damages to runners due to
severe erosion.
Further, it is revealed from the literature survey that a number of investigators
have studied the process of silt erosion in Pelton turbines, the effect of different
parameters and the remedial measures to be undertaken. Based on their studies
correlations were developed. These correlations are mostly based on experiments on
small specimens, which do not match actual turbine components. The flow conditions
created in the test rigs used in such experiments did not represent the real flow
conditions in turbines. The models based test results obtained during such
experimental studies in laboratories may not be able to predict the silt erosion of
turbines actually in practice. It is therefore, more theoretical and experimental studies
are required to incorporate the actual flow conditions inside the turbines. It becomes
necessary to investigate the effect of different parameters, i.e., silt concentration, size
of silt and jet velocity under different operating conditions on erosion of turbine
components in order to predict silt erosion more accurately.
Silt erosion has impact on both performance and reliability of a Pelton runner.
Bucket is the most affected part of the Pelton runner. The change of bucket profile
alters the flow pattern causing loss of efficiency. Similarly loss of material weakens
highly stressed parts increasing probability of fracture. The maintenance of buckets
after erosion is costly in comparison of other components as the maintenance of the
eroded turbine mainly depends upon dismantling time of the runner. The present
investigation was carried out for erosive wear on Pelton turbine buckets.
Keeping this in view, the present study is carried out with respect to the
following objectives;
(i) To design and fabricate the experimental setup for the actual flow condition in
the Pelton turbine,
(ii) To predict the pattern of erosive wear and the wear mechanism in the different
locations of the Pelton turbine buckets.
(iii) To investigate the effect of various silt parameters (concentration and size of
silt particles) and operating parameters (jet velocity and operating hour) on
erosive wear of Pelton turbines.
(iv) To develop correlations for erosive wear as a function of silt related
(v) To investigate the Pelton turbine performance and develop correlations for
turbine efficiency parameters as a function of silt related parameters.
An experimental set up was designed and fabricated to investigate the effect of
the silt and operating parameters on erosive wear. It consisted of a Pelton turbine with
spear valve, water tank, service pump-motor, connecting pipes, stirrer, pressure
transducer, open channel, weir, generator, control valves and other accessories.
An extensive experimental study has been carried out to collect the
experimental data in order to discuss the wear mechanism and to develop the
correlation for normalized erosive wear as a function of particle size, concentration,
jet velocity and time of operation of Pelton turbine. Experimental data have been
generated taking into account all the parameters contributing their effect on erosion of
Pelton turbine bucket. The silt samples were collected from the river Bhagirathi basin
(India), where a severely silt affected powerhouse is situated. Therange of parameters
considered under the present experimental study is as given in Table1.
Table 1 Range of parameters
No. Parameter Range
1. Concentration 5000 to 10000 ppm
2. Silt size Upto 355 micron
3. Jet velocity 26.62 to 29.75m/s
4. Operating time 8 hrs run for each set
The experimental investigation was carried out in two stages viz. i)
Identification of hot spots and analyzing the wear mechanism - Pelton turbine buckets
were coated with easily erodible material and wear hot spots were identified after
operating the turbine over a short period of time and ii) Determination of quantum of
erosive wear and analyzing the efficiency loss of Pelton turbine due to erosive wear.
In order to study the mechanism of erosive wear, small pieces of soft material
were glued at the hot spots, identified under the first part of the experimental study.
The pattern of erosive wear has been examined by taking photographs of buckets.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrographs placed at wear hot spot were
Based on the observations it is predicted that coarser particles travelling at
higher velocity relative to the velocity of water jet created pits and craters along the
depth of the bucket at higher value of impact angle. However, the particles traveling
at higher velocity in the vicinity of the splitter cause the erosion. This may be due to
the shearing action of the surface of the silt particles. Smaller particles flow along the
water jet causing abrasive type of erosion along the depth and at the outlet of the
bucket. These particles seem to be embedded into the surface at inlet of the bucket
due to lower kinetic energy and are flown out from the surface by the incoming jet.
The micrographs of splitter tip and along the depth of the Pelton bucket after
erosive wear were obtained. The splitter tip has been found to be eroded by plastic
deformation and indentation, overlapping craters are found on the splitter tip while
along the depth of the bucket erosion takes place by plastic deformation as well as
The quantum of erosive wear was determined by measuring the mass of
individual bucket before and after the experimentation at proposed time intervals. Silt
concentration is found to be the strong parameter for mass loss of the Pelton bucket.
The normalized wear varies with silt concentration. Mass loss increases linearly with
operating hour and other parameters viz. silt size, silt concentration and jet velocity.
On the basis of experimental investigation, it has been found that the normalized
erosive wear increases with an increase in the value of silt concentration for all the
value of silt size. However, for a given value of silt concentration, the erosive wear
rate has been found to be higher for larger size particles as larger particles have higher
impact energy.
The bucket erosion has been found to be varied with the jet velocity and it
implies that the jet velocity is the strongest parameter in bucket erosion. As jet
velocity is the function of head, the high head turbines are more vulnerable to silt
erosion. It has beenobserved that the power output of the turbine decreased in a rapid
rate at initial stage and after some time period of operation, the power out put
decrease rate achieved asymptote. The inlet or splitter, depth of the bucket and the
outlet edges are found to be the prominent parts of bucket erosion. Based on the
qualitative study it was found that the sharp edge of the splitter became blunt and the
depth of the bucket increased due to silt erosion.
Based on the experimental data collected, a correlation has been developed for
normalized erosive wear of Pelton turbine bucket as a function of the silt parameters
and operating conditions. Correlation for percentage of efficiency loss has also been
developed as a function of silt parameters and operating condition. Based on the
experimental data obtained under different conditions following correlation were
(i) Correlation for normalize mass loss
W =7.91xlO"•'1J3(/ty)iu0y.9v9 (/cS-)vOu.IUJ(/pC-), 1'M.23 (,-V1,-)n 3.79 (1)
(ii) Correlation for percentage efficiency loss
no/o= 2.43x10--,1u0(,t.)xu0,.375(S/)Cu\u0y09y9(C/r),Ux 0V.9J3 (nVr). 3.40 (2)
A comparison between actual value of mass loss and the value predicted from
the correlations are made and the results are found to be in good agreement.
Summarizing, on the basis of experimental investigation it has been concluded
that the normalized erosive wear increases with an increase in the silt concentration,
silt size and jet velocity. The developed correlations may be useful for turbine
manufacturing industries in order to predict the quantum of erosion in Pelton turbine
bucket at manufacturing stage. |
en_US |