dc.description.abstract |
Proper protection coordination is one of the inherent requirements to run a distribution system
with highest reliability. It is known that most of the faults of power system occur in distribution
system. Therefore, if the protection schemes are not coordinated properly then many consumers
have to suffer unnecessary outages. For reliable operation of the distribution system, its primary
protection scheme must react to a fault as quickly as possible to isolate the faulty parts from the
healthy parts, but if primary protection fails only then its backup protection scheme should operate.
This condition is the most desired feature of any protection system as primary protection removes
only faulted part whereas the operation of the backup protection isolates a larger portion of the
Commonly, directional overcurrent relays (DOCRs) are used for issuing the trip signal for
circuit breakers (CBs) to isolate the faulted section in distribution or sub-transmission networks.
In ring or multiple source power distribution networks, DOCRs are necessary. The operation of
DOCRs depends on its two parameters, namely time multiplier setting (TMS) and plug setting
(PS). The time gap between operations of primary protection and its corresponding backup protection,
known as coordination time interval (CTI), can be achieved by optimum settings of TMS
and PS of all the DOCRs used and thus a proper protection coordination can be obtained. In general,
optimum settings of the relays are obtained by solving protection coordination problem as an
optimization problem where the objective is to minimize the sum of the operating times of all the
relays in their primary mode of operation while maintaining coordination constraints among all
In radial distribution systems, the feeders are protected by reclosers and fuses. Fuses are placed
at feeders which are at more remote position from substation. Whenever a transient fault occurs
in any feeder, the corresponding fuse does not melt because the recloser’s fast operation allows
the transient fault to self-clear. But, whenever a permanent fault occurs, the concerned fuse must
melt just before the last delay trip of the recloser in order to prevent the loads between the recloser
and the fuse from being interrupted. Therefore, there must be a proper coordination between the
operation of recloser and fuses. Moreover, the increasing penetration of distributed generation
(DG) in distribution systems has added more complexity to the protection coordination problems
(as presence of DG changes the magnitudes and directions of the short circuit currents in the
distribution system). Thus, an appropriately coordinated protection scheme (in absence of DG)
may not be able to perform its coordination function correctly, in the presence of DGs.
The protection coordination problem of DOCRs is formulated as either linear programming
(LP), nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems
and various optimization techniques are applied to solve these problems. In LP formulation, the PS
of the relays are assumed to be known and the sum of operating times of the relays are expressed
as a linear function of the TMS of the relays. When both PS and TMS are to be determined simultaneously,
the coordination problem becomes an NLP problem. Further, when it is necessary
to find discrete optimum values of PSs then this problem is termed as an MINLP one. Normally,
electromechanical/static relays need discrete values whereas numerical/digital relays need continuous
values of variables. Both analytical as well as meta-heuristic optimization algorithms have
been used for solving this problem. As this problem is very complex, meta-heuristic algorithms
have been preferred as they are independent of the nature of problem formulation and the types of
variables. Now, because of the availability of several meta-heuristic optimization methods for coordination
of DOCRs, it is a natural curiosity to find the most effective meta-heuristic optimization
method for practical implementation. Further, in the medium and large interconnected distribution
systems, it is necessary to minimize the operating times of primary and the corresponding backup
relays without any mis-coordination in reasonable time. To achieve these requirements, it is necessary
to develop a new formulation which also minimizes the operating times of backup relays
along with the operating times of primary relays without any constraint violation. Also, protection
coordination of DOCRs needs to be obtained which should be robust enough to protect the systems
under various system operating conditions such as (N-1) contingency.
Initially, a comparative study of different meta-heuristic optimization approaches, which had
been proposed in the literature for DOCRs, is presented. Towards this goal, five most effective
meta-heuristic optimization approaches such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization
(PSO), differential evolution (DE), harmony search (HS) and seeker optimization algorithm
(SOA) have been considered. The performances of these optimization methods have been investigated
on several power system networks of different sizes. The comparative performances of
these methods have been studied by executing each method 100 times with the same initial conii
ditions and based on the obtained results, the best meta-heuristic optimization method for solving
the coordination problem of DOCRs is identified.
Subsequently, for minimizing the operating times of primary and backup relays simultaneously,
a new objective function (NOF) has been developed. In the proposed formulation, different types
of relays (electromechanical, static and numerical) with different characteristic curves (IDMT, VI
and EI) have been considered. As a result this problem becomes a MINLP one because of discrete
nature of PS values of electromechanical and static relays. Further, to solve this MINLP problem,
two interior point method (IPM) based algorithms have been developed. Both these algorithms are
two phase optimization techniques and are named as IPM-BBM and IPM-IPM, respectively. In the
first phase of both the methodologies, IPM is used to obtain continuous values of TMSs and PSs of
DOCRs. In the second phase of IPM-BBM technique, branch and bound method (BBM) and in the
second phase of IPM-IPM technique, IPM is used to obtain final settings (continuous TMS values
and discrete PS values) of DOCRs. The effectiveness of the proposed solution methods and the
developed objective function has been investigated on three power system networks of different
sizes. The suitability of the proposed method for coordination of DOCRs in meshed networks
has been established by comparing its performance with that obtained by GA, DE and two hybrid
algorithms (IPM with GA and DE) for the developed objective function. Also, the superiority of
the developed objective function has been established by comparing the protection coordination
results obtained by using NOF with those obtained by the other objective functions reported in the
Further, a contingency constrained robust protection coordination scheme of DOCRs is discussed.
The robust protection coordination scheme provides single settings of DOCRs which will
be valid for the credible (N-1) topologies created after outage of any element. For selecting the
feasible contingencies, a composite security index (CSI) has been used. The robust protection
coordination scheme has been posed as an optimization problem and solved using an IPM based
algorithm. The feasibility of the proposed formulation and solution algorithm has been demonstrated
on three power system networks of different sizes.
For the protection of radial distribution networks, an optimum recloser-fuse coordination scheme
is proposed in the presence of DGs. The proposed approach formulates optimum recloser-fuse coordination
problem as an optimization problem and applies IPM based algorithm to solve this
optimization problem for obtaining the optimum recloser and fuse settings. The proposed scheme
gives a single set of settings of the reclosers and fuses which is robust enough to coordinate the operations
of the reclosers and fuses properly with and without the presence of single/multiple DGs
in the system. The proposed approach has been tested on two radial distribution systems for three
different scenarios: i) no DG in the system, ii) a single DG in the system and iii) multiple DGs in
the system. The test results prove the robustness and effectiveness of the presented scheme.
Finally, an optimum recloser-fuse coordination in reconfigurable radial distribution systems in
the presence of DGs is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the problem of recloser-fuse coordination
in reconfigurable radial distribution networks has been formulated as an optimization problem.
The formulated recloser-fuse coordination problem has been solved using IPM based algorithm. In
order to obtain all possible reconfigurable radial networks, a new graph theory based approach has
been developed. The proposed approach has been applied to obtain optimum recloser-fuse settings
for two radial distribution systems in the presence of DG. Further, to test the effectiveness of the
proposed approach, cases of mis-coordination have been analyzed in all feasible configurations of
the radial systems in the presence of DGs at single and multiple locations. The test results prove
the effectiveness of the presented scheme. |
en_US |