dc.description.abstract |
To improve the reliability and efficiency of the distribution system, an important tool is required,
named as Distribution automation (DA). It includes many applications such as distribution
network reconfiguration, network optimization, state-estimation, reactive power management,
short-circuit analysis etc. In this thesis, one of the application of DA, namely, short-circuit analysis
of distribution network, is explored. Short-circuit analysis is an important tool for analyzing
the system behavior (system voltage profile and currents) under the short-circuit conditions. Modernize
distribution systems have some inherent features, such as radial as well as weakly meshed
configurations with several thousands of nodes, untransposed lines, multiphase line sections, unbalanced
loads, integrated various types of Distributed Generations (DGs) at any locations etc.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop the short-circuit analysis algorithm for the distribution
network which considers all these special features of the system in the short-circuit study.
The information provided by the short circuit studies can be used for real-time applications,
such as distribution adaptive relay coordination and settings when feeder reconfiguration is performed
automatically and identification of fault locations. The results of short-circuit studies can
also be used for the selection of ratings of the protective equipments. It can also be used for the
selection of appropriate size of the fault current limiters (required in the network to limit the fault
current to a safer value).
Nowadays, the distribution systems are changing from one source supplying structure into
multi-source supplying structure with participations of distributed generations (DGs). Both conventional
and renewable energy resources can energize the DG units. Technologies, based on
conventional energy resources, include internal-combustion engines, reciprocating engines, gas
turbines, fuel cells, micro-turbines and batteries, while renewable energy technologies included
photovoltaic energy conversion system (solar PVs), wind energy conversion systems, small hydro
systems, biomass systems, solar-thermal electric systems and geothermal systems. There are so
many advantages of the integration of DGs into the distribution network. DG provides an alternative
for satisfying the increasing load demand in the network without the need of expansion
of distribution system. DG improves the system efficiency by enhancing the system voltage profile
and minimizing the number of required voltage regulators and capacitors and reducing feeder
power losses.
However, the integration of a large number of DGs into the network introduces so many challenges.
One of the problem mentioned in the literature is the violation of original settings of the
protective equipments during the short-circuit conditions because of the introduction of additional
DG fault current into the network. Generally, the protective devices are designed based on the fault
current analysis of the original system without DGs. When DGs are added to the system, they also
contribute to the fault current in addition to the grid current. Therefore, the fault current sensed by
the protective devices is greater than the original fault current from the grid. It might be possible
that the protective devices can get damaged due to this excessive fault current. Even if the increase
in fault current does not exceed the rating of installed devices, coordination of the primary and
secondary protective devices may be disturbed due to excessive DG fault currents. Therefore, the
appropriate short-circuit analysis algorithm is required for the analysis of unbalanced distribution
network considering DGs under the fault conditions.
In the literature, initially the classical symmetrical component based approach was used for the
short-circuit analysis of distribution system. In this approach the phase quantities of the voltage,
current and impedances in the distribution system are first converted into their respective positive,
negative and zero sequence components and then the short-circuit calculations are performed on
these components separately. This approach is advantageous only when all the three sequence
components are decoupled from each other. But in case of distribution system, this condition is not
true as the mutual impedances between the phases of distribution lines are not equal (since the distribution
lines are untransposed). Therefore, the results obtained by this approach are erroneous.
To overcome this problem, the phase component based approach was introduced in the literature.
In this approach, the short-circuit calculations are directly performed on phase components.
Some of the phase component based short-circuit analysis methods are based on the concepts of
Thevenin equivalent impedance and bus admittance matrices of the systems, while some are based
on [BIBC] (Bus injection to branch current) and [BCBV] (branch current to bus voltage) matrices
of the system. In most of these methods, it has been assumed that the load currents are
negligible as compared to the fault currents. Therefore, the load currents have been ignored in the
calculations of short-circuit currents.
Also, the short-circuit analysis methods for the unbalanced distribution system considering
the effect of DGs are also available in the literature. In these methods, the contribution of DGs
into the fault current have been considered during the short-circuit calculations. Generally, the
inverter based DG models have been considered in these studies. The appropriate inverter control
strategies have been applied to the IBDGs during the faults. Most of these methods are based on
dq 0 sequence component based approach and have carried out only the time domain simulation
studies for the analysis of short-circuit faults. However, sequence component based fault analysis
methods are not suitable for unbalanced distribution network with single and two phase lines and
for distribution lines with unequal mutual impedances. Also, the available short-circuit analysis
methods for the unbalanced distribution system with IBDGs have not considered the loads during
short-circuit calculations. Hence, the accurate and the efficient short-circuit analysis algorithm
is required for the unbalanced distribution system which also includes the effect of loads in the
short-circuit calculations.
Initially, the short-circuit analysis method, for the unbalanced radial as well weakly meshed
distribution system has been developed which considers the effect of loads during short-circuit
calculations. The proposed method is based on bus admittance matrix of the system. It is a single
iteration method and hence is a less time consuming. This method can also be applicable for
the analysis of multiple faults in the distribution system. To demonstrates the accuracy and the
effectiveness of the proposed method, it has been tested on modified IEEE 123-bus radial and
weakly meshed test distribution system. Subsequently, the proposed method has been extended for
the short-circuit analysis of unbalanced distribution system considering IBDGs. Since, with the
inclusions of IBDGs in the distribution system, the KCL equations of the network become nonlinear.
Hence, to solve these set of non-linear equations, the Newton-Raphson based numerical
method has been applied. In this method, initially the current control strategy of the inverters
has been applied to the IBDGs and perform the short-circuit calculations to obtain the values of
bus voltages, branch currents and inverter currents under the fault conditions. Next, on the basis
of obtained values of inverter bus voltages magnitudes, appropriate voltage control strategy has
also been applied to the IBDGs and recalculate the voltages and currents under the short-circuit
conditions. To validate the proposed method, various short-circuit faults have been simulated on
modified IEEE 123-bus test system. Analysis of multiple faults has also been performed on the
same test system using the proposed method.
Further, a novel load flow analysis method for the unbalanced distribution system considering
various three-phase transformer models and IBDGs is proposed in this work. The nodal admittance
matrix based transformer models (p.u.) have been considered in this approach. This method
is based on [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices of the distribution network. Two modes of operation of
IBDGs, namely ”Constant active power mode” and ”Power and voltage control mode”, have been
considered in this approach. The proposed method is applicable for the radial as well as weakly
meshed distribution systems. The singularity problem for particular types of transformer connections
such as, star-grounded/delta (Y g ), star/delta (Y ), delta/star ( Y ), delta/delta
( ) connections etc., has also been addressed in this method. Next, the short-circuit analysis
method has been developed for the distribution system considering three-phase transformer
models and IBDGs. It is also a Newton-Raphson based approach. The proposed method has been
tested on modified IEEE 123-bus test system and the obtained results have been compared with
the results obtained by the PSCAD/EMTDC simulink software. A case of multiple faults has also
been simulated on the same test system using the proposed method.
Furthermore, the method for the load flow analysis of unbalanced three-phase four wire multigrounded
radial distribution system has been proposed in this thesis. This method is also based
on [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices of the network. Separate [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices have
been developed for phase, neutral and ground currents and bus voltages. Well established Carson’s
formula has been used for the calculation of line impedances of three-phase four wire multigrounded
distribution system. A case of isolated neutral has also been simulated using the proposed
method. The proposed method has been tested on two different systems, modified three-phase four
wire multigrounded IEEE 34-bus and IEEE 123-bus distribution systems. Subsequently, two different
short-circuit analysis methods have been proposed for three-phase four wire multigrounded
distribution system. One of the proposed method is based on [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices of
the system, while the other one is based on bus admittance matrix [Ybus] of the system. Both of
these methods have also considered the effect of loads during the short-circuit calculations. The
results obtained by these methods show their accuracy and effectiveness.
Finally, the load flow and short-circuit analysis methods have been developed for the threephase
four wire multigrounded distribution system considering three-phase transformer models
and IBDGs. These methods have been developed separately for two different configurations of
transformer models, first one is Delta/Star-grounded ( -Yg) and the second one is Star-grounded/Stargrounded
(Yg-Yg). First, the load flow analysis method, based on [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices,
has been developed for the two different transformer configurations. Next, two different shortcircuit
analysis methods (one is [BIBC] and [BCBV] matrices based, while the other one is bus
admittance matrix [Ybus] based method) for both the transformer models have been developed.
Again, the current control mode of operation of IBDGs has been considered during the shortcircuit
analysis. Both of the proposed short-circuit analysis methods uses the Newton-Raphson
based technique. The results obtained by the proposed methods have been compared with the results
obtained by PSCAD/EMTDC simulink software which show the accuracy of the proposed
methods. |
en_US |