In this thesis, attempts have been made to investigate the dynamics of pest control
models considering various pest management tactics with birth pulses. The mathematical
models in pest management are the system of differential equation with impulsive
conditions. These impulsive effects may occur due to the instantaneous killing of pest
using pesticides, releasing natural enemies and harvesting pest. Dynamical behaviors
of some impulsive models with time-dependent strategies as well as state-dependent
strategies have been explored. Emphasis is given to exploring the factors that are
responsible for pest eradication. Due to impulses in pest control systems underlying
equations have complex dynamical behavior, including periodic solutions, quasiperiodic,
chaotic behavior etc.. The numerical simulations are carried out to explore
the dynamic complexity in impulsive models. The efforts have been made to interpret
mathematical results and to explore the biological relevance of these results.
Chapter 1 includes brief introduction including basic concepts for pest control,
mathematical tools, literature survey and summary of the thesis. The chapters 2, 3
and 4 are devoted to the control of pest using single pest management strategy. The
next three chapters incorporate the Integrated Pest Management approach to control
the pest population. The effect of pesticides on the environment is considered in chapter
8. A state dependent control is discussed in chapter 9. The conclusions and future
scope are presented in the last chapter.
In particular, the second chapter deals with the dynamics of an impulsive stagestructured
pest control model. In this model, birth pulses occur at regular intervals to
release immature pest. The Ricker type birth function is assumed. Pest population is
controlled by periodic spray killing mature as well as immature pest instantaneously.
This is synchronized with birth pulses. The discrete dynamical system determined
by the stroboscopic map is analyzed. The threshold condition for pest eradication is
established. It is found that if the birth rate parameter is below the critical level,
then the pest can be effectively controlled. Finally, numerical simulations depict the
complex dynamics of the model.
In chapter 3, birth pulse and chemical spray are no more synchronous. The pesticide
is sprayed periodically before the birth at the fixed time. The effect of pesticide spray
timing on threshold condition for pest eradication is studied. The pest will extinct
when the time of pesticide spray exceeds the critical value. The maximum reduction
in immature and mature densities will occur near the birth pulse when the basic reproduction
number exceeds one. Further, asynchronous pulses reduce the complexity
of the system.
A pest control model using pesticides having residual effects is discussed in chapter
4. The effect of residual pesticide can be described by kill function. Birth pulse
and chemical spray are assumed to be asynchronous. The basic reproduction number
for pest eradication has been computed. The effects of various model parameters on
the threshold condition are investigated. It is found that the killing efficiency rate
reduces the threshold below unity which is required for effective pest control. Further,
the decay rate of the pesticide enhances the threshold and pest outbreak may occur.
Finally, numerical simulations depict the complex dynamical behaviors.
In chapter 5, a model is developed considering the continuous mechanical effort
(harvesting) to control the immature pest while mature pest is controlled impulsively by
the pesticide. It is found that the pest cannot be controlled successfully in the absence
of harvesting effort. The combination of harvesting effort and pesticide is needed
for successful pest control. The use of pesticides can be reduced by incorporating
mechanical control. It is found that when mature pest density goes beyond a critical
level, then the pest-free state will be stable. Further, the rate reduces the complexity
of the system with an increase in immature pest mortality rate. Due to asynchronous
pulses, the harvesting reduces the complexity of the system. The chances of pesteradication
also increase with less toxic pesticides.
In chapter 6, an impulsive model with three pulses is considered where the mechanical,
chemical control and birth pulse occur at three different fixed times. The increase
in time delay of chemical control reduces the mature pest density as well as the threshold
for pest eradication. The threshold value of harvesting effort has been obtained
for the stable pest-free state. The critical level of pulse period is obtained to control
the pest population. Numerical simulations have been performed to show the complex
dynamical behavior, including period-doubling bifurcation and chaotic dynamics.
The Lyapunov exponent and Lyapunov dimension are computed to establish the pest
outbreak in the form of chaotic attractor.
In chapter 7, integrated pest management approach comprising of the impulsive
chemical as well as mechanical control is considered. The residual effect of pesticide
with the delayed response is assumed. The harvesting effort and birth pulse occur
asynchronously. The basic reproduction number has been computed. The bifurcation
diagram with respect to birth rate has been plotted to show the stability regions of the
pest-free state and interior fixed point. The harvesting effort of immature and mature
pest reduces the threshold condition and thereby enhancing the stability of pest-free
state. Numerical simulations reveal that increasing the delayed response may stabilize
the pest-free state. It is found that the shorter delayed response rate is not sufficient
for pest eradication. The combination of time delay in harvesting and the delayed
response rate is required to control the pest population.
Chapter 8 investigates the toxic effects of pesticides on the environment. The
sufficiently small toxicant removal from the environment may eradicate the pest successfully.
Otherwise, the pest will occur in regular/irregular periodic manner. For the
lower birth rate pest can be eradicated completely. Similarly, the pest outbreak will
occur when toxin input into the environment is sufficiently small.
A state-dependent combined strategy for biological and chemical control is discussed
in chapter 9. The Poincare map is used to explore the system dynamics. Sufficient
conditions for the existence and stability of natural enemy-free and positive period-1
solutions are obtained. The positive period-1 solution bifurcates from the semi-trivial
solution through a fold bifurcation. Complex dynamical behavior, including chaos is
obtained. It is also observed that if more natural enemies are released, the complexity
of the system increase, but the pest population will remain below the threshold level.