dc.description.abstract |
The mega-thrust offshore earthquakes leading to Tsunami generation led to loss of
human lives, affected economies of several nations through destruction of property and
infrastructure. However, these earthquakes have also provided necessary geophysical data,
whose analysis led to a deeper understanding of episodic subduction processes involving large
scale deformations at several depth levels from hypocenter to mean sea level. GRACE satellite
with its global gravity mapping capability in space and time have provided an immense
opportunity to study the episodic processes of subduction and associated deformations of geoid,
crust and upper mantle.
By considering the conventional gravity modeling of subduction of oceanic plate below
continental plate at oceanic trench region, our co-seismic GRACE gravity anomalies are
modeled using unit vertical pyramid model. The co-seismic gravity signals are arrived at by
differencing post from pre – earthquake GRACE gravity data at a mean satellite height of 500
km. The resulting data is filtered by a carefully selected band-pass filter after a systematic search
over the entire range of spherical harmonic spectrum of 90 degrees and orders. A carefully
constrained 3-D density distribution and relevant multi-layered thrust fault spanning crust and
mantle in hypocenter regions of offshore mega-earthquakes like Sumatra Earthquake 2004,
Chile Earthquake 2010, Japan Earthquake 2011 and Okhotsk Earthquake 2013 (Deep focus
earthquake) have been considered for estimating the gravity responses, which matched with
observed anomaly pattern (RMS errors are 6.26%, 5.80%, 6.59% and 8.7%). We have also
independently derived crucial seismological parameters (rupture length, slip rate, seismic
moment, momentum, earthquake energy distribution, force, differential pressure and work
done) for these mega-earthquakes and they agree with the literature.
Our co-seismic GRACE gravity modeling comprising an eleven layered 3-D megathrust
fault with varying slip (𝜃1-𝜃10 ), in the case of shallow earthquakes like Sumatra
Earthquake 2004, Chile Earthquake 2010 and Japan Earthquake 2011, and varying slip (𝜃1-𝜃15 )
for fifteen layered 3-D mega-thrust fault for deep focus Okhotsk Earthquake 2013 have honored
co-seismic deformations from sea surface up to a hypocenter and beyond. The roles of seismic
energy partitioning, frictional heat loss, spherical spreading energy loss and absorption losses
in the earth medium are considered for gravity based estimates of slip rate. Co-seismic gravity
data analysis inferred momentum at sea floor can be equated to an area pulse in motion led to
deformation of ocean surface (geoid) in the range of minimum to maximum, which can serve
the Tsunami generation model(s).
Further, this has helped to interpret the pressure (areal) pulse created due to co-seismic
deformation of ocean floors leading to deformation of geoid and tsunami generation in case of
Sumatra 2004, Chile 2010 and Japan 2011mega earthquakes.
However, the physical mechanism of deep earthquakes (depth>300km) remains a
complex puzzle, partly because their rupture dimensions are difficult to estimate due to their
low aftershock activity and absence of geodetic or surface rupture observations. Satellite gravity
data analysis and interpretation provided a unique opportunity in understanding the rupture
processes of such deep focus earthquakes to a first order approximation by a rigid body motion
within brittle earth medium. Our gravity inferred seismological parameters may serve as
additional independent constraints to traditional seismological studies.
Thus, our traditional gravity modeling for co-seismic gravity signals based on brittle
mechanical model of affected earth medium have helped in 3-D mapping of the deformed
volumes of geoid, ocean floor, crust and mantle (up to hypocenter and beyond) in a novel
manner contrary to more sophisticated earth media extending from elastic to visco-elastic
involving more intricate relaxation models in seismological literature. Further, our independent
estimates of seismological parameters for the attempted four mega-earthquakes and their
successful validation with literature gives us a hope that our modeling efforts could be
undertaken as a preliminary step prior to attempting more intricate deformation models for coseismic
and post-seismic satellite gravity response analyses. In such an effort, the ambiguity in
our gravity models can be reduced further with more refined input data sets like fortnightly to
daily based spherical harmonic solutions in open file platforms for satellite gravity. |
en_US |