dc.description.abstract |
Over the past decades, mesh reducing techniques (meshfree or meshless) have considered
as e ective numerical techniques for solving engineering problems. Meshing di culties
and consumption of more time for speci c engineering problems, in the existing numerical
methods (FDM,FEM,FVM), which produces serious numerical errors, were the initial
thrust for the development of the meshfree methods.
The prede ned numerical methods(FDM, FEM, FVM) is not well suited to those problems
which having complex geometries, large deformation of the materials, encountering moving
discontinuities such as crack propagation along arbitrary and complex paths, involving
meshing or remeshing in structural optimization problems and moving material interfaces
etc (Liu, 2003a). Therefor it is impossible to completely overcome to these di culties by a
well known mesh-based method.
Due to overcome the above mentioned di culties by the mesh reducing techniques, the
meshfree or meshless methods achieved great attentions from past few decade. There are
several meshfree techniques have been developed by the previous researchers, in which
main attentions achieved by Lucy (1977) and Gingold and Monaghan (1977) by his rst
developed meshfree technique to solve the astrophysical phenomena, which is well known
as SPH method now these days.
Due to inaccurate or having large numerical errors at the boundary in the SPH method,
further various types of meshfree techniques have been developed such as di use element
method(DEM), element free Galerkin(EGG), hp Cloud method, reproducing kernal particle
method, nite point method (FPM), partition of unity method (PUM), boundary node
method (BNM), local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method, meshless local Petrov-
Galerkin method (MLPG) etc.
Between these meshfree techniques having there advantages and disadvantages, not considered
as complete meshfree technique because to need a background mesh for integration
purpose of the computational domain except LBIE and MLPG method. The MLPG
and LBIE is the only complete meshfree methods which acts as a locally and does not
need any background mesh for integration. Atluri and Zhu (1998a) were the rst who
developed the MLPG method for solid mechanics problems. But for the time being MLPG
achieved great attentions to solve structural mechanics,
ow (convection-di usion)
phenomena and other engineering eld problems successfully. Hence Meshless Local-Petrov
Galerkin (MLPG) is selected as a numerical tool for our objectives because of its truly
meshfree characteristics for the various types of bench mark engineering problems having
one dimensional and two dimensional space, including di usion problems and
examples to check its e ciency and accuracy. Indeed non-Newtonian
ow behavior is
encountered in almost all the chemical as well as allied processing industries. Therefor
this method is extended for the one dimensional and two dimensional complex
simulations, because of all the natural rehology follows the non-Newtonian behaviors and
are very useful such as sewage industries, paint industry, water treatment plants and
other process industries etc. Due to very limited or negligible research has been done
in the complex
ow simulations by using this method. Therefor In this study, a
numerical investigation is done to observe the complex
ow behavior and characterize
the non-Newtonian
uid properties.
Based on considering available literature in chapter 2, the essential features and its numerical
formulation of MLPG method, basic numerical techniques to impose the boundary
conditions are explained in chapter 3. According to study the MLPG needs three basic
steps to formulate on a local sub-domain
s in to entire computational domain
, as
(1) a weight function w(x), to convert the PDE in to weaker consistency, (2) a basis
function P(x) and (3) a shape function, which is formulated with the help of basis function
P(x) by using non-element interpolation technique such as moving least square (MLS)
approximations (Lancaster and Salkauskas, 1986). It is clearly distinguished between
support domain
tr and test domain
te, and to select the suitable domain sizes for
multidimensional spaces. The types of MLPG and their applications are explained for
di erent eld problems as given in Atluri and Shen (2005). Due to the complex nature of
MLPG integrational technique described in Atluri et al. (1999b), the Gauss integration
technique for quadrature domain
q are considered, which is well explained in the book
"Meshfree Methods, moving beyond the nite element method" (Liu, 2003a).
A computational tool (C++) for MLPG has been developed to validate the basic bench
mark CFD problems for 1D space di usion problems given in the text book Versteeg
and Malalasekera (2007) and 2D di usion problems. For one dimensional problem the
numerical solutions are validated with exact solution, and for 2D space the numerical
solution are validated with commercial CFD package FLUENT 6.3. The results shows very
close agreement, thus it is expected that MLPG method (which is a truly meshless) is very
promising in solving engineering heat conduction problems in a great extent. Afterwords
1D convection-di usion problems (Lin and Atluri, 2000) at high Peclet number by using
suitable upwind scheme to avoid its wiggle nature at high Pe, is validated, and found very
good agreement for convection dominated problems, which is discussed in detailed as in
chapter 4.
In the rst attempts to validate and verify the use of proposed in-house MLPG based
solver for complex
ow simulations for multidimensional space. In order to ful ll this
objective, the one-dimensional incompressible steady
ow of non-Newtonian power-law
uids through rectangular channel
ow problem has been considered. It is governed
by the mass continuity and Navier-Stokes equations. The
uid rheology is governed by
the non-Newtonian power-law
uid viscosity model. The computational solutions using
in-house solver has been compared and validated with the exact solution. The in
of computational nodes, N=21, 41 and 51 is also analyzed. In particular, the velocity
pro le, shear-stress pro le and the values of pressure drop have been obtained a compared
for a range of power-law index (0:4 n 1:8). Since the shear-dependent viscosity,
special attempts was required to handle the oscillations in numerical solutions due to
shear-dependent nature of viscosity and shear-stress. The present results are corresponding
well with the exact solution over the ranges of conditions considered herein. Hence, the
present work builds up a new numerical algorithm for their reliable use in the understanding
of complex
ow phenomena and lastly summarizes the present work and opens up
the scope of future work.
Subsequently, the two dimensional incompressible steady
ow of non-Newtonian power-law
uids through square channel
ow problem has been considered at di erent Reynolds
number(Re). In the non-Newtonian
uid rheology is also governed by the power-law
uid viscosity model which is governed by continuity and momentum equations in both
the directions. The space domain for N=11 11 and 21 21 is chosen. The numerical
solutions has been compared with exact solution. The power law index between 0.6
n 1.4 is varied at di erent Re. Since due to shear-dependent viscosity, special attempts
was required to handle the oscillations in numerical solutions. A good agreement has been
observed for di erent power-law index (n) at Re = 1 and 20. But at high Reynolds number
Re 1, the well established upwind scheme for Newtonian
ow is not enough to avoid its
wiggle nature due to shear-dependent nature of viscosity and shear-stress. Therefore, more
investigation is needed for non-Newtonian
uid rheology at higher Reynolds number
of shear-dependent viscous
Finally, the last chapter summarizes the ndings of the present thesis and provides the
possibilities of future scope of the research. |
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