The analysis of cable stayed bridges to estimate the dynamic response due to
wind loading is an imperative requirement in the design criteria, as they are relatively
lightweight, flexible and lightly damped structures. The research in the area of bridge
aerodynamics marked a beginning in this direction after the collapse of Tacoma
Narrows Bridge in 1940s. The last two decades witnessed a lot of progress in wind
tunnel testing techniques, analytical assessment and development of software to
evaluate wind induced response. These advancements in the state-of-the-art, applied to
the design, helped in the design of long span cable stayed bridges such as Normandy
Bridge in France (main span 856m) and Tatara Bridge in Japan (main span 890m).
The wind induced oscillatory phenomena can be grouped into limited amplitude
oscillations such as buffeting, vortex excitation, etc. and divergent amplitude
oscillations such as flutter and galloping. This dissertation is devoted to buffeting as
well as flutter analysis of long span cable stayed bridges, as the former affects the
safety and serviceability states whereas the latter may become critical in design.
Some of the problems in the area of buffeting and flutter analysis of long span
cable stayed bridges are identified after a detailed literature review. As these bridges
are geometrically nonlinear structures, any attempt to simplify the analysis may lead to
inaccurate prediction ofresponses. Also, usage of assumed modal structural damping in
the aerodynamic analysis of these bridges might not reflect their actual behaviour under
the action of wind. Therefore, there is a need to apply reliable analytical methods for
evaluation of modal structural damping for rational wind analysis.
Type of deck supports at towers and abutments such as fixed, movable, floating
and elastic supports play an important role in design of cable stayed bridges. However,
their influence on aerodynamic behaviour is not reported so far.
Frequency domain buffeting analysis, even though computationally efficient, is
not capable of handling nonlinearities in the system. The other option to conduct
aeroelastic model investigations of long span bridges, may demand larger size wind
tunnels, or compel to make a compromise on modelling of wind and structure, which
may lead to inaccurate prediction of responses under wind. Further, modelling of the
bridge deck supports for wind tunnel investigations of aeroelastic models is not an easy
task. The limitations of conventional methods can be overcome by performing
buffeting analysis using time domain.
With longer span lengths, the possibility of occurrence of coupled flutter,
especially combined lateral and torsional modes, needs to be investigated. As
innovations in the design of cable stayed bridges are still in progress, new generation
cable stayed bridges with improved and elegant designs are likely to be constructed in
the near future. Torealize these innovative long span bridges, there is a need to develop
realistic analytical procedures to understand the complex wind induced oscillatory
After considering the state-of-the-art analytical procedures in bridge
aerodynamics, a comprehensive approach for buffeting and flutter analysis of long span
cable stayed bridges is developed. The steps include (i) nonlinear static analysis under
dead load accounting for geometric nonlinearities, (ii) vibration analysis using dead
load deformed geometry (iii) evaluation of energy based modal structural damping
(iv) digital simulation of wind velocity field (v) time domain buffeting analysis using
generated buffeting forces and (vi) flutter analysis.
In this thesis, the above methodology has been used to study the effect of
(i) terrain roughness, (ii) mean wind speed and (iii) bridge deck supports at towers and
abutments, onthe aerodynamic response of cable stayed bridges. The steps involved are
described below.
Nonlinear Static and Vibration Analysis: The nonlinear static analysis of cable
stayed bridges is performed after idealizing these bridges as a three-dimensional space
system and the deformed geometry is obtained under dead loads and initial cable
tension. After modifying the initial geometry, the vibration analysis is carried out using
Lanczos iteration procedure and the frequencies and mode shapes are determined.
Using the modal ordinates and element and geometric stiffness matrices of the
deck, tower and cable elements, the modal strain energy and potential energy
contribution of these components is computed. Using the energy loss factors
corresponding to the materials ofthese bridge components, the total energy dissipated
is computed. The modal structural damping is evaluated as ratio of total energy
dissipated to potential energy. Software routine ENDAMP has been developed for
evaluation of energy based modal structural damping.
Digital Simulation of Wind: For the time domain buffeting analysis, the wind field
along the span ofbridge is generated using the spectral representation method using the
Kaimal spectrum and Panofsky-McCormick spectrum for longitudinal and vertical
velocity fluctuations respectively. The method essentially consists ofrepresenting the
components of random process/velocity fluctuations as sum of cosine functions with
random frequencies and phase angles corresponding to the target cross-spectral density
matrix. Computer software WTNGEN has been developed for generation of spatially
correlated wind velocity field along the span of bridge.
Time Domain Buffeting Analysis: The buffeting forces in the lateral, vertical and
rotational directions required for performing time domain analysis are first generated
by modified quasi-steady approach using the simulated wind fluctuations, steady state
force coefficients and their derivatives as well as aerodynamic admittance functions.
These forces are generated at a time step of 0.25 seconds, and a total duration of 512
seconds was chosen after a sensitivity analysis. The net modal damping required for
buffeting analysis is obtained by summing up the modal structural and aerodynamic
dampings. The aerodynamic damping in vertical, lateral and rotational directions are
evaluated using the expressions, which matched well with aerodynamic damping
measured in wind tunnel studies (Irwin, 1977). The buffeting analysis is performed by
time integration ofequations ofmotion in modal co-ordinates using Wilson-8 method.
Flutter Analysis: The formulation/ for equations of motion for flutter analysis are
derived along with methodology for two-dimensional and three-dimensional flutter
analyses. The possibility of occurrence of coupled lateral and torsional motion is
Numerical Analysis of Bridges: After duly validating the procedures for buffeting and
flutter analysis as presented above, their applications are illustrated with numerical
analyses of four cable stayed bridges - two each with three spans and the other two with five spans. The three span bridges are composite structures with steel deck and
concrete A-shaped towers with total span length of 627.8m (Bridge # 1) and 1255.8m
(Bridge # 2). The five span bridges included are : the existing steel bridge, the Luling
Bridge in USA with a span of 836.6m (Bridge # 3), and a concrete bridge, the Yamuna
Bridge with a total span of 610m (Bridge # 4), under construction in India.
The nonlinear static and vibration analyses of the bridges are performed first.
The modal structural damping is theoretically evaluated. The time domain buffeting
analysis has been performed for (i) terrain categories TC-1 to TC-4 with surface
roughness parameter 0.005m, 0.03m, 0.3m and 1.0m (ii) mean wind speed in the range
of 30 to 60m/sec, at steps of lOm/sec and (iii) type of deck supports (DST-1 to DST-6).
After performing the time domain buffeting analysis, the results are compared with the
mean wind response. The gust response factor - ratio of peak to mean static response - has been evaluated to quantify the amplification in response due to buffeting. Based on
gust response factor, the best type of deck supports suitable for aerodynamic design of
cable stayed bridges has been selected. The effect of buffeting on forces in cables,
deck, tower as well as on the reactions at tower base and deck supports at towers and
abutments has been quantified by comparing the results of buffeting analysis with static
response of the bridges under mean wind. Flutter analysis of these bridges is carried out to observe the effect of bridge
vibration in higher modes, effect of angle of attack, influence of deck supports on
occurrence of flutter, and, prediction of flutter due to coupling of lateral and torsional
The main findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1. Improvement in state-of-the-art wind analysis is achieved by adoption of
theoretically evaluated modal structural damping for wind analysis, time
domain approach for buffeting analysis and prediction of critical flutter speed
for coupled lateral and torsional modes in long span cable stayed bridges.
Detailed studies are carried out to observe the effect of type of deck supports on
aerodynamic behaviour of cable stayed bridges.
2. The time domain approach used in this study to compute buffeting response of
cable stayed bridges, serves as an alternate tool to aeroelastic wind tunnel
testing which is time consuming and expensive.
3. Buffeting response increases nonlinearly with mean wind speed. The major
contribution to buffeting response in vertical direction is by the first and second
symmetrical vertical bending modes. The number of modes to be included for
buffeting analysis of long span flexible bridges depends on the type of bridge
deck supports and could be decided on the basis of vibration characteristics.
Buffeting induced forces in outer cables, deck member near tower as well as the
vertical reaction at deck supports at abutments or near cable anchorages are
significantly high in comparison to forces induced by mean wind.
4. Nonlinear static response of cable stayed bridge is dependent on the type of
deck supports. The mode type and order in which the bridge gets excited varies
with type ofdeck supports.
5. Energy based evaluation of damping serves as an efficient analytical tool to
assess the modal structural damping for the analysis and design of cable stayed
bridges under random wind forces.
6. The effect of bridge vibration in higher modes on criteria for onset of flutter is
to reduce the critical wind speed in long span cable stayed bridges. The angle of
attack of wind plays an important role in flutter analysis, as the critical wind
speed for occurrence of flutter significantly decreases with increase in angle of
attack (positive). Therefore, it is necessary to determine the flutter derivatives at
various wind angles and perform flutter analysis at different angles of attack of
wind for a rational wind design.