dc.description.abstract |
Large-N thermal QCD laboratories like strongly coupled QGP (sQGP) require not
only a large t’Hooft coupling but also a finite gauge coupling [1]. Unlike almost all
top-down holographic models in the literature, holographic large-N thermal QCD
models based on this assumption, therefore necessarily require addressing this limit
from M theory.
Using the UV-complete top-down type IIB holographic dual of large-N thermal
QCD as constructed in [2] involving a fluxed resolved warped deformed conifold,
its delocalized type IIA S(trominger)-Y(au)-Z(aslow) mirror as well as its M-theory
uplift constructed in [3], in [4], the type IIB background of [2] was shown to be
thermodynamically stable. We also showed that the temperature dependence of DC
electrical conductivity mimics a one-dimensional Luttinger liquid, and the require-
ment of the Einstein relation (ratio of electrical conductivity and charge suscepti-
bility equal to the diffusion constant) to be satisfied requires a specific dependence
of the Ouyang embedding parameter on the horizon radius. Any strongly coupled
medium behaves like a fluid with interesting transport properties. In [5], we ad-
dressed these properties by looking at the scalar, vector and tensor modes of metric
perturbations and solve Einstein’s equation involving appropriate gauge-invariant
combination of perturbations as constructed in [6]. Due to finite string coupling,
we obtained the speed of sound, the shear mode diffusion constant and the shear
viscosity (and
s ) upto (N)ext to (L)eading (O)rder in N. The NLO terms in each
of the coefficients serve as a the non-conformal corrections to the conformal results.
Another interesting result for the temperature dependence of the thermal (and elec-
trical) conductivity and the consequent deviation from the Wiedemann-Franz law,
upon comparison with [7], was obtained at leading order in N. The results for the
above qualitatively mimic a 1+1-dimensional Luttinger liquid with impurities. Also
we obtained the QCD deconfinement temperature compatible with lattice results (a
study that was in fact initiated in [4]).
On the holographic phenomenology side, in [8], we computed the masses of the
0++, 0−+, 0−−, 1++, 2++ ‘glueball’ states corresponding to fluctuations in the dilaton
or complexified two-forms or appropriate metric components in the same aforemen-
tioned backgrounds. All these calculations were done both for a thermal background
with an IR cut-off r0 and a black hole background with horizon radius rh. We used
WKB quantization conditions on one hand and imposed Neumann/Dirichlet bound-
ary conditions at r0/rh on the solutions to the equations of motion on the other. We
found that the former technique produces results closer to the lattice results [9], [10] |
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