Fire is possibly the most severe environmental hazard to which the built infrastructure might
be subjected to. The risk of fires in the aftermath of earthquakes is a credible extreme load in
seismic regions around the world and such events are considered a major threat to life and
property. A very important aspect of the research on the concrete structures exposed to elevated
temperatures is the study of impact of fires on the structures pre-damaged by earthquakes. Over
the past centuries fire has emerged as an integral part of emergency response strategies which
are focused on life safety as well as the infrastructure safety of any nation. However no current
regulations consider the fire and earthquake hazard in a sequential manner. The overall
behaviour of reinforced concrete structures, during the time it is exposed to fire and even after,
is still a hot issue in civil engineering. As far as the behaviour during fire is concerned, the
human safety and the structural resistance of the structures are two important associated
interests involved while as the behaviour of the structure after fire is related to the residual
bearing capacity of the structure. In spite of the fact that the structural materials undergo
mechanical decay after a thermal accident, it is generally necessary to ascertain and quantify the
residual capacity of a structure and compare it with the safety levels.
A critical literature review reveals that a number of studies have been carried out on the
different aspects of concrete structures at elevated temperatures. However no significant
research attempt has been made in the past for assessment of structures under fire following
earthquake. A critical literature review mandates consideration of such loading conditions under
performance based design techniques. Since fire following earthquake falls out of scope of
practising professionals in earthquake and fire service fields, it has stimulated the interest
amongst various groups of researchers in the structural engineering community to carry out a
rigorous investigation in this regard. Another important observation from the literature review
suggests that the past studies have been mostly carried on the ductile detailed concrete
structures. This has led to a information gap with regards to the behaviour of non-ductile
concrete structures, built before 1980’s, which are still more in number than the ductile ones.
Most of the design codes specify the fire rating, i.e. the time to failure of a structural member
exposed to fire, as the measure of the building elements to resist fire. However the biggest
drawback of these codes is the approach of relating the size and the cover to reinforcement as
the only parameters to determine the fire endurance of the structural elements. The effect of the
concrete strength, the tie configuration and the percentage confining reinforcement is
completely neglected in determining the fire ratings in reinforced concrete columns. The effect
of confining reinforcement on the fire resistance of RC columns is not well documented. No
design tools are available in the literature which takes into consideration the effect of
confinement on the fire ratings of RC columns
Thus the research efforts needed to fill the gaps in the state of art may be put at three
different levels: structural, elemental and material. Structural level represents the holistic
behaviour of a framed structure consisting of beams, columns, slabs and joints. Elemental level
represents the behaviour of full scale individual structural elements like columns, beams etc
whereas, material level constitutes the studies on the behaviour of constituent materials such as
steel and concrete.
The principal objective of the current research was to experimentally obtain the behaviour
of a full scale RC frame with non ductile detailing with and without infill. At elemental level, a
study was carried out to study the effect of degree of confinement and concrete strength on fire
resistance of reinforced concrete columns.
In order to evaluate the behaviour of a reinforced concrete (RC) frame in post earthquake fire, a
full-scale RC frame assemblage was constructed without following the ductile detailing
guidelines of the Indian standards. A three phase test procedure was adopted in testing the RC
frame. The frame was first subjected to a cyclic lateral load to simulate the seismic effects
which was then followed by a one hour compartment fire. After fire the frame was subjected to
a residual cyclic load test. The cyclic lateral load was applied on the RC frame using two
double acting hydraulic actuators acting in tandem with each other against a strong reaction
wall. The main aim of the mechanical loading was to induce a damage corresponding to the
collapse prevention performance level (S5) as prescribed by FEMA 356:2000. Following the
lateral seismic load test, the RC frame was subjected to a full scale fire test wherein a designed
compartment fire was developed using kerosene as the fire source. After exposing the RC frame
to compartment fire, the RC frame was again tested under lateral seismic load for measuring the
residual lateral load capacity of the frame. Numerous sensors, namely thermocouples, strain
gauges and linear variable differential transducers were embedded at key locations of the frame
to capture important information during the tests. The results show a marked influence of
reinforcement detailing on the post-earthquake fire performance of the concrete structures. The
simulated earthquake loading caused wider cracks and more severe concrete spalling in the
frame without ductile detailing compared to the frame with ductile detailing. Spalling of
concrete and buckling of reinforcement was observed in top beams. The present study reveals
the conservativeness of the damage levels specified in Table C1-2 of FEMA 356 (2000) vis-àvis
both the RC frames (ductile and non-ductile). The overall damage in the test frame was not
severe as anticipated in the Table C1-2. However, the damage caused in the non-ductile detailed
frame was in line with the expected damage specified by C1-3 of FEMA 356. Present study
also reveals overestimation of permanent drifts given in FEMA 356. However, the permanent
drift in non-ductile detailed RC frames is higher than in ductile detailed frames. The
investigation validates the time-temperature curve designed according to the fire design
equation of Thomas and Heseldon (1972). The tests reveal the vulnerability of thin elements
like slabs and shells of non-ductile RC frames to spalling in post-earthquake fire events. While
drawing the attention towards addressing the issues of fire following earthquakes, the melting
of reinforcement after spalling of thin elements like slab and shells needs to be considered in
design codes. The test reflects the better performance of the RC frames with ductile detailing.
Thus, the recommendations generally used in the seismic resistant design may also be helpful in
enhancing the fire resistance of the RCC structures.
The next component of the dissertation was carried out to study the effect of the masonry infill
on the response of an in-filled RC framed building in post-earthquake fire. Same testing
procedure, as in earlier component, was followed in this study also. The results reveal a better
performance of the frame in the cyclic load test with higher load carrying capacity at S5 level
than the bare frame. Cracks were developed on the in-plane infill walls, though the masonry
walls remained intact after the cyclic load test. The plinth beams, along the loading direction,
however got damaged with a hinge formation and buckling of reinforcement. This study
indicates that for a frame that is properly designed for seismic loads, infill panels will most
likely have a beneficial influence on its performance. The study reveals that infill panels can be
used to improve the performance of existing non-ductile frames. The masonry infill helps in
delaying the flashover. The time taken to reach the maximum temperature is higher in masonry
in-filled frames. The brick infill walls provided insulation to the RC structural elements and
slowed the transmission of heat to these elements. This beneficial effect of masonry walls
should be considered while designing the columns and beams, which are integrated in the
masonry walls.
Finally, towards the end, the effect of the degree of confinement, tie configuration and
concrete strength on the fire resistance of the RC columns was studied. A total of eight full
scale columns of dimensions 2800×300×300 mm were cast with different confinement levels
achieved by changing the spacing of the traverse steel reinforcement. A full scale column fire
furnace was designed and built to test the columns under a standard fire curve of ISO 834:1975.
A standard testing procedure was followed where in the columns were axially loaded to the
40% of the ultimate load carrying capacity, 60 minutes before exposing them to the fire. The
fire was continued till the columns failed to take load. The results show that the degree of the
confinement has a marked role to play in the fire rating of the reinforced concrete columns.
With the increase in the confining reinforcement factor, the fire resistance of the RC columns
gets enhanced. The effect of the confining reinforcement is more pronounced in NSC columns
than in HSC columns. Higher confinement also prevents the spalling of the higher strength
concrete. A design equation has also been developed to measure the fire resistance of RC
columns which also takes confinement parameters into account. The design equation can be
integrated in the design standards to facilitate the fire design of columns.