Microwave filters are very essential components of modern wireless communication
systems [1]. A filter is a two port network that provides perfect transmission
of signals with frequencies in certain passband and infinite attenuation in the
stop band regions [2]. Microwave system often requires a means for suppressing
unwanted signals and/or separating signals having different frequencies. These
functions are performed by filters. Filters are generally categorized in terms
of their frequency characteristics, such as, low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, and
A microstrip filter consists of a conducting strip line on one side of a dielectric
substrate and a ground plane on the other side. The performance of
microwave filters can be analyzed in terms of sharpness or roll-off factor, insertion
loss, return loss, suppression of higher harmonics, bandwidth and selectivity.
Generally, a microstrip filter can be designed by using two methods. One is insertion
loss method and another one is image parameter method. Both the
image parameter and insertion loss methods of filter design provide lumped element
circuits. These lumped element circuits are converted into distributed
circuit elements using Richard’s transformations [2]. However, these techniques
for designing microwave filters make the circuits bulky. Since the late 1980’s,
techniques employing the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) or photonic bandgap
(PBG) structures and defected ground structures (DGS) attracted the attention
of the researchers, to achieve miniaturization, reducing surface wave probi
lems and removing an arbitrary stopband in microwave components. Recently,
various other techniques, such as, metamaterials or complementary split ring
resonators (CSRR), low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), low temperature
co-fired ferrites (LTCF), defected microstrip (DMS), ground plane aperture
(GPA) and substrate integrated waveguides (SIW) are also exploited for size
reduction and improving the performance of microwave circuits. But DGS is a
simple, popular and efficient method among all these techniques of miniaturization
of microwave components, particularly, filters [3–10]. The concept of DGS
is originated from the electromagnetic/photonic bandgap structures. Basically,
the DGS is a truncated version of an EBG/PBG structure with one or two unit
cells. The EBG/PBGs are periodic structures. These techniques have an attractive
property to stop a particular band of frequency and size reduction in filter
design [11–14].
It is complex to use EBG/PBG structures for the design of the microwave
or millimeter wave components due to the difficulties of modeling. The other
difficulty in using the EBG/PBG circuit is caused by the radiation from the
periodically etched defects but in DGS radiation loss is less due to the employment
of limited number of the unit cells of EBG/PBG (one or two only). DGS
is a simple shape, which is etched in the ground plane of microstrip line. The
dimensions of defect disturb the current distribution in the ground plane of microstrip
line which controls the excitation and propagation of electromagnetic
waves through substrate layer [15–20]. The shape of the defect may vary from
a simple to a complex geometry [11]. The defect in the ground plane of planar
transmission lines also changes the characteristics of the transmission line,
such as, inductance and capacitance [7]. The DGSs have been used or can be
used for the design of microwave components such as power amplifiers [21, 22],
microwave oscillators [23], dividers [24], couplers [25], combiners [26], antennas
[27–31] and filters [15–20] [32–36] in radar systems, optical and wireless
communication systems [37–59]. A lot of literature has been reported on microstrip
filters with defected ground structure to improve the performance of
filters [5–29] [32–36, 60–64]. However, there is still a scope for improving the
performance of microstrip filters with DGS . Various aspects of the DGS application
in planar microstrip filters have not yet fully been explored, although
it has been developed to a great extent for other microwave components. The
basic topologies of DGS were not explored to achieve sharpness in microstrip
filters. Fractal geometries are also not investigated and discussed in detail with
different positions of fractals in dumbbell-shaped (conventional) DGS [65]. The
conventional CSRR-DGSs (square CSRR and circular CSRR) are available for
filter design [5,6,66–69], but these CSRR-DGSs are not extensively explored and
investigated for filter design. Very less has been reported on the design of THz
filters with DGS. This has provided the basic impetus to carry out the design and
realization of microwave filters with DGS. Most of the above mentioned problems
are discussed in this work which forms the basic embodiment of the thesis.
This thesis presents a detailed analysis of microstrip filters with various DGS
structures with their enhanced properties. The first chapter of this thesis presents
an introduction, motivation and scope of the work and organization of the thesis.
In chapter two of the thesis, a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature
survey is given [16].
Chapter three presents the design and realization of microstrip filters with
a new defected ground structure (DGS). Various conventional DGSs (dumbbellshaped)
are available in literature but these DGSs have some limitations. The
main limitation of conventional DGS filters is the DGS itself which is responsible
for losses due to its large area. The sharpness of filter depends on effective
capacitance and this effective capacitance depends on the slot gap which can be
adjusted upto certain extent to increase the sharpness of the filter. So, in this
chapter a new DGS is proposed and compared with conventional DGS. This new
DGS provides an extra degree of freedom to improve the performance of filters.
On the basis of comparative studies, bandstop, bandpass and low pass filters
are designed with the proposed new DGS topology [70]. The proposed filters
are designed and fabricated using 50Ω, =4 microstrip line which is very compact
when compared with conventional microstrip filters. A two step validation
procedure is adapted. Design and co-design are carried out using HFSS electromagnetic(
EM) simulator and ADS circuit simulator respectively, and these
results are compared with the experimental results. For this purpose, all the designed
filters were fabricated and S21=S11 responses were measured using Rohde
& Schwarz Vector Network Analyzer 1127.8500.
Chapter four presents the detailed design studies of defected ground structures
with fractal geometries [71]. The conventional DGSs (dumbbell-shaped)
have a flat rejection property. To design and realize low pass filters with steep
rejection property, many of these conventional DGSs are needed to be cascaded,
which means higher insertion loss and larger size. Fractal DGS has two important
properties: one is self-similarity for multiband application and other one is
space-filling for compactness [72]. The design studies of microwave filters with
fractal DGSs are thus presented in this chapter. These fractal geometries have
been employed at different positions of dumbbell-shaped DGS and compared.
Minkowski and Peano fractals are employed for the design of low pass filters at
the cut-off frequencies 5.4 GHz and 1.9 GHz respectively [73–79]. All the designed
filters are fabricated and tested in VNA and the measured results are in
good agreement with the simulated results.
Chapter five focuses on microstrip filters with complementary split ring resonators
(CSRR) as defected ground structure [80–85]. In this chapter various
CSRR-DGSs (including conventional DGS) are compared. On the basis of these
comparison a new CSRR-DGS is proposed with enhanced filter properties. This
new CSRR-DGS topolgy is used to design filter (bandpass, lowpass, and dualiv
band bandpass). All the designed filters with DGS, discussed above are fabricated
and tested and the measured results are amiable with those obtained using
the full wave simulators.
Chapter six deals with design studies of microstrip bandstop filters with the
defected ground structure at terahertz frequency. In this chapter, a planar microstrip
terahertz (THz) bandstop filter has been proposed with defected ground
structure with high insertion loss (S21) in stopband of -25.8 dB at 1.436 THz. A
dielectric substrate of Benzocyclobuten (BCB) is used to realize a compact bandstop
filter using modified hexagonal dumbbell shaped defected ground structure
(DB-DGS) in a =4, 50Ω microstrip line at THz frequency range for compactness
[86–89]. The proposed filter can be used for sensing and detection in biomedical
instruments in DNA testing [90–93].
Finally, in chapter seven, the contributions made in the thesis are given and
scope for the future work is outlined. In summary, the thesis contributes towards
the improvement of filter performance.