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The focus has continuously increased on the performance of the organizations in order to meet the challenges of the competition globally. Organizations can improve their performance by restructuring the process and policies through improved job design. This has been realized by managers and academicians that what an employee actually does on his job has considerable influence on his productivity, job satisfaction, work life balance and level of burnout.
The present study mainly aimed at studying the functions of job design on work-life balance and burnout of employees. This study tries to explore and examines the relationship of key components of job design (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback) with work-life balance (work interference with personal life, personal life interference with work and work/personal life enhancement) and burnout (exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy). In addition, the mediating effect of work-life balance on the relation of job design and burnout was also tested. Lastly, the present study has also been extended to examine the occurrence of the differences in the variables of study (job design, work-life balance and burnout) due to demographic variables (gender and marital status).
The purpose of the present research is to explore the impact of job design on work-life balance and burnout. For this purpose, responses were collected from 350 managers and participants were chosen according to purposive and convenient sampling. Collected data were analyzed by using SPSS©17 and Amos©20. Data was also checked for missing values, normality and reliability.
After ascertaining the appropriateness of data, descriptive statistics (Mean, standard deviation and standard error of mean) were calculated. After that, the analysis of data is subject to independent sample t-test, Pearson’s r and Stepwise Multiple Regression analysis examine the effect of job design on work-life balance and burnout of employees. In addition, the scales, that have been used to measure the variables of study, were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Kaiser’s Varimax Rotation. Further, Mediation was checked by using a bootstrap approach through structure equation modeling (SEM).
Conclusively, the results have indicated a positive and significant relationship of job design with work-life balance and on the other hand, a negative and significant
relationship of job design and burnout. Additionally, the study indicates evidences that demographic variables (gender and marital status) cause differences in perception of the variables of study (job design, work-life balance and burnout).
The present study provides important implications for researchers, practitioners and management bodies to understand the need of strategies to achieve organizational effectiveness and competitiveness through efficiency and performance which can be drawn on the basis of these research findings. |
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