Collocation method is an emerging popular technique to solve initial and boundary value
problems. It was developed to seek an approximate solution of di erential equation in the
form of linear combination of basis functions. The idea is to choose a nite dimensional
space of candidate solution (usually, polynomials up to a certain degree) and a number of
points in the domain (called collocation points), and to select that solution which satis es
the given equation at the collocation points.
Di erential quadrature method (DQM) is a higher order numerical discretization technique
for solving di erential equations. DQM can provide the solution with a higher level
of accuracy and with less computational e ort. It has been also pointed out that the
DQM is basically equivalent to the collocation (pseudo-spectral) method, in fact, DQM
directly compute the functional value at the grid points rather than spectral variables.
In this method, determination of the weighting coe cients is the key procedure which is
of paramount importance. One of the advantage of this method is that it satis es varieties
of boundary conditions and require much less formulation and programming e ort.
Moreover, the mathematical techniques involved in the method are also not so sophisticated.
And therefore, they are more explicit and simple for some practical applications
and especially advantageous for nonlinear problems. So the DQM could be easily learned
and successfully applied in the varieties of problems originated in the applied sciences.
In this research, we have developed collocation and di erential quadrature methods
with B-spline functions to solve linear/nonlinear partial di erential equations (PDEs).
The use of cubic B-spline basis functions in getting the numerical solutions of some partial
di erential equations is shown to provide an easy and simple algorithm. Strong
stability preserving Runge-Kutta (SSP-RK) methods of di erent stages and order are
also combined with these methods. In case of nonlinear PDEs, the numerical solutions
can be obtained without using any transformation and linearization process of the equation.
Therefore, the equations are solved more easily and elegantly using the developed
techniques. These methods are simple and easy to use in comparison to other existing
methods, e.g. nite element, nite volume and spectral methods, etc. All the chapters
include several examples to demonstrate the applicability and e ciency of the presented
methods. The chapter wise summary of the thesis is as follows:
Chapter 1 is preface which contains some relevant de nitions, introduction to numerical
techniques like the nite di erence method, nite element method and existing
literature review. B-spline functions of various degree are drawn out from the recursive
formula. Some of the signi cant properties of B-spline functions are also discussed. Afterwards
a brief introduction on B-spline functions, it contributes an introduction to collocation
method, di erential quadrature method and their execution process to solve linear/
nonlinear PDEs. Strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods of various stages
and orders with their signi cant attributes are also brie
y talked about. The formulae
for computing error norms and order of convergence are also discussed.
Chapter 2 deals with the numerical solutions of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation
and coupled Klein-Gordon-Schr odinger equation with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary
One dimensional Klein-Gordon equation is given by
utt + uxx + g(u) = f(x; t); x 2 (a; b); t > 0;
with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. The parameter < 0 is a known
real constant, f(x; t) is known analytic function and g(u) is a nonlinear force which may
takes many forms such as: sin u; sinh u; sin u + sin 2u; sinh u + sinh 2u. The nonlinear
Klein-Gordon equation describes a variety of physical phenomena such as dislocations,
ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domain walls, DNA dynamics, and Josephson junctions.
Yukawa-coupled Klein-Gordon-Schr odinger (KGS) equation is given by
i t =
xx ;
tt = xx + j j2; x 2 R; t > 0;
with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Here (x,t) is a complex function represents
a scalar neutron eld and (x,t) is a real function represents a scalar neutral meson
eld. The model describes the interaction between conservative complex neutron eld and
neutral meson Yukawa in quantum eld theory and plays an important role in quantum
Numerical solutions of both the equations are obtained using cubic B-spline collocation
method. Modi ed cubic B-spline basis functions are used to handle the Dirichlet
boundary conditions. The equations are decomposed into a system of partial di erential
equations, which is further converted to an amenable system of ordinary di erential equations
(ODEs). The obtained system of ODEs is solved by SSP-RK54 scheme. Numerical
results are presented for six examples, to show the accuracy and utility of proposed approach.
The approximate solutions of both the equations are computed without using any
transformation and linearization process. The computed results are of better accuracy
than earlier results available in the literature. The execution of this method is very easy
and cost-e ective.
A portion of this chapter has been published in International Journal of Computer
Mathematics (2014).
Chapter 3 addresses the modi ed cubic B-spline collocation method to nd the numerical
solution of nonlinear sine-Gordon equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
One dimensional sine-Gordon equation turn out in many di erent applications such as
propagation of
uxion in Josephson junctions, di erential geometry, stability of
uid motion,
nonlinear physics and applied sciences.
We consider one-dimensional nonlinear sine-Gordon equation
utt = uxx sin(u); x 2 (a; b); t > 0;
with suitable initial and boundary conditions.
The method is based on collocation of modi ed cubic B-splines over nite elements
so that the continuity of the dependent variable and its rst two derivatives throughout
the solution range is preserved. The sine-Gordon equation is converted into a system
of partial di erential equations. Using modi ed cubic B-spline collocation method, we
obtain a system of rst order ordinary di erential equations. Finally obtained system
of ODEs is solved by SSP-RK54 scheme. The particular feature of SSP-RK scheme is
that, it inherently perpetuates certain stability properties and maximum norm stability.
It also controls spurious oscillations and non-linear instability during simulation. In terms
of computational cost, SSP-RK schemes have drawn the same cost as traditional ODE
solvers. To demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of present scheme, four numerical
examples are presented. The obtain results are of better precision and competent accuracy
than the results available in the earlier works. The order of convergence of the scheme is
also computed and found to be approaching two.
A part of this chapter has been published in International Journal of Partial Differential
Equations (2014).
Chapter 4 is concerned with the numerical solution of one dimensional hyperbolic
telegraph equation with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, using cubic B-spline
collocation method. The one dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equation is given by
utt(x; t) + 2 ut(x; t) + 2u(x; t) = uxx(x; t) + f(x; t); x 2 (a; b); t > 0;
where and are known real constants. For > 0, = 0 it represents a damped wave
equation and for > > 0 it is called as telegraph equation.
The method is based on collocation of cubic B-spline basis functions over nite elements.
Modi ed cubic B-spline basis functions are used to handle the Dirichlet boundary
conditions. The use of B-spline basis functions for spatial variable and its derivatives,
results in an amenable system of di erential equations. The resulting system of equations
is solved by SSP-RK54 scheme. Stability of scheme is discussed using matrix stability
analysis and found unconditionally stable. The e cacy of approach is con rmed with four
numerical experiments and the numerical results are found to be very good in comparison
with the existing solutions found in the literature. The advantage of this scheme is that,
it can be conveniently use to solve the complex problems and also capable of reducing the
size of computational work.
First part of this chapter has been published in Applied Mathematics and Computation
(2013). Second part of this chapter has been published in International
Journal of Computational Mathematics (2014).
In chapter 5 we have proposed an e cient di erential quadrature method, to nd
the numerical solution of two dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equation with Dirichlet
and Neumann boundary conditions. The hyperbolic partial di erential equations have
signi cant role in formulating fundamental equations in atomic physics and are also very
useful in understanding various phenomena in applied sciences like engineering, industry,
aerospace as well as in chemistry and biology too.
utt(x; y; t) + 2 ut(x; y; t) + 2u(x; y; t) =uxx(x; y; t) + uyy(x; y; t) + f(x; y; t);
(x; y; t) 2 [a; b] [c; d] (0; T];
with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. Here , are known real constants.
For > 0, = 0, it represents a damped wave equation and for > 0, > 0, it is called
telegraph equation.
In order to nd the numerical solutions, modi ed cubic B-spline basis functions based
di erential quadrature method is developed. The equation is converted into a system of
partial di erential equations and further reduced into a system of ordinary di erential
equations using DQM. SSP-RK43 scheme is used to solve the obtained system of ODEs.
By employing DQM, accurate solutions can be obtained using fewer grid points in spatial
domain. The stability of the scheme is studied using matrix stability analysis and found to
be unconditionally stable. The e cacy of proposed approach is con rmed with seven numerical
experiments, where comparisons are made with some earlier works. It is observed
that the obtained results are acceptable and are in good agreement with earlier studies.
However, we obtain these results in much less CPU time. The method is very simple,
e cient and produces very accurate numerical results in considerably smaller number of
nodes and hence saves computational e ort.
A part of this chapter has been published in Applied Mathematics and Computation
Chapter 6 discusses the application of modi ed cubic B-spline di erential quadrature
method to nd the numerical solutions of some nonlinear wave equations in one and two
dimensions with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider
utt = uxx + f(x; t; u; ux; ut); x 2 (a; b); t > 0;
utt = uxx + uyy + f(x; y; t; u; ux; uy; ut); (x; y; t) 2 [a; b] [c; d] (0; T];
with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Here f is some nonlinear expression in
terms of u, ux, ut, uy. Nonlinear wave equations are arise in many physical and engineering
applications such as continuum physics, mixed models of transonic
uid dynamics
and many other elds of science and engineering.
To obtain the numerical solutions, above equations are decomposed into a system of
partial di erential equations. Modi ed cubic B-spline basis functions based di erential
quadrature method is used for space discretization to obtain a system of nonlinear rst
order ordinary di erential equations. The resulting system of equations is solved using
SSP-RK43 scheme. In numerical testing, the method is implemented on Vander pole type
nonlinear wave equation, Dissipative nonlinear wave equation and Telegraph equation.
The obtained numerical results are found to be very good in comparison with the existing
solutions found in the literature. The numerical solutions of nonlinear equations are
computed without linearizing the nonlinear term. The order of convergence of method is
also computed and found to be two.
A part of this chapter has been published in the proceeding of 3rd International
Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics
(ICACCI 2014)(IEEE Xplore).
Chapter 7 presents the numerical solution of two dimensional nonlinear coupled
Burgers' equation
+ u
+ v
@x2 +
+ u
+ v
@x2 +
(x; y; t) 2 [a; b] [c; d] (0; T];
where R is Reynolds number. This system models a large number of physical phenomena
such as tra c
ow of a shock wave traveling in a viscous
uid, phenomena of
turbulence, interaction between the non-linear convection process and the di usive viscous
process, sedimentation of two kinds of particles in
uid suspensions under the e ect
of gravity. Modi ed cubic B-spline di erential quadrature method (MCB-DQM) is used
to discretized the spatial derivatives of coupled Burgers' equation and reduces it into a
system of rst order ordinary di erential equations. The obtained system of equations is
solved by SSP-RK43 scheme. The accuracy of the approach is tested on ve test problems
and computed results are compared with some earlier works. The results indicate
that MCB-DQM combined with SSP-RK scheme gives more accurate results than earlier
works with less computational cost. Numerical results are computed for higher Reynolds
number up to R = 1500. The strong points of the method are in ease to apply and less
computational e ort.
Finally, in chapter 8 conclusions are drawn based on the present study and future
research work is suggested, in this direction.