Ever-increasing gap between demand and supply of energy, growing concerns
about the environmental degradation associated with the use of fossil fuels and
spiraling cost of energy have forced the scientific community to find and develop
alternate sources ofenergy. There is a need to develop self sustaining units ofenergy
based on local inexhaustible sources of energy which are available in abundance and
do not adversely affect the environment. This requires emphasis on harnessing
alternate sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, hydropower etc. that
are reliable, plentiful and environment friendly. The eco-friendly nature and free
availability of solar energy in abundance are two factors that have made solar energy
the most favorable among other alternate sources of energy. Among the solar
collector systems, solar air heater is the cheapest and most commonly used system to
convert the incoming radiations into thermal energy, which is extracted by air flowing
under the absorbing surface. However, very low heat transfer coefficient between the
absorber plate and air results in very poor thermal performance of solar air heaters. In
order to improve heat transfer in solar air heaters, artificial roughness, in the form of
repeated ribs, is generally used to disturb and produce turbulence in the laminar sub
layer region. The ribs are one ofthe most desirable methods on account oftheir ability
to combine heat transfer coefficient enhancement with limited increase in frictional
Anumber ofexperimental investigations involving different types, shapes and
orientations of ribs such as transverse, inclined, v-shaped, wire mesh, chamfered, arc
shaped and rib-groove arrangements have been reported in literature for performance
improvement ofsolar air heaters. Rib height, pitch, inclination and v-shaping of ribs
are some of the important parameters that affect the thermal performance of a solar air
heater having roughened absorber plate. Correlations for Nusselt number and friction
factor have been developed.
Thermal performance improvement achieved by the use of artificial roughness
in solar air heaters is accompanied by enhanced frictional losses resulting in an
increase in pumping power requirement to overcome friction. It has been reported in
literature that optimization of roughness geometry parameters of a roughened solar air
heater has been carried out on the basis of thermal efficiency, effective efficiency,
exergetic efficiency or thermohydraulic performance parameter.
An extensive review of the literature revealed that number of investigators had
used v-ribs, having different orientations, to improve the performance of solar air
heaters and observed that v-ribs outperform other rib configurations such as
transverse and inclined ribs in terms of heat transfer enhancement. Other investigators
who used v-ribs for heat transfer enhancement in turbines, nuclear reactors, electric
and electronic equipments, also reported similar observations. However, in all the
investigations involving v-ribs, a single v-rib has been used along the width of heat
transferring surfaces of rectangular duct to improve heat transfer. In the present
investigation, multiple v-ribs have been employed along the width of absorber plate of
a solar air heater to create artificial roughness for heat transfer enhancement. This
arrangement is expected to result in substantial enhancement of heat transfer
coefficient due to formation of correspondingly large number of secondary flow cells.
In view of the above, the present work is proposed to include the following
i. Experimental investigation of effect of multiple v-ribs on heat transfer
coefficient and friction factor in duct flow.
ii. Development of correlations for heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in
terms of roughness geometry and operating parameters.
iii. Investigation of enhancement of thermal performance of solar air heater
having absorber plate roughened with multiple v-ribs.
IV. Thermohydraulic optimization of roughened solar air heater to obtain optimal
roughness geometry.
An experimental set up has been designed and fabricated in accordance with
the guidelines suggested in ASHRAE standard 93-77 for testing of solar collectors
using an open loop system. It consists of a rectangular duct having entry, test and exit
sections, a centrifugal blower, two control valves, a calibrated orifice plate and other
necessary instruments for measurement of temperature and pressure drop.
Extensive data has been collected on heat transfer and fluid flow
characteristics of a rectangular duct roughened with multiple v-ribs. Experimental
data pertaining to heat transfer coefficient and friction factor as function of
geometrical parameters of roughness namely relative roughness height, e/D, relative
roughness width, W/w (ratio ofabsorber plate width to width ofa single v-rib), angle
of attack, a and relative roughness pitch, P/e has been recorded. The range of
roughness geometry and flow parameters considered in this experimental
investigation is given below;
Range of roughness and operating parameters
S. No. Roughness Parameters Range
Reynolds number, Re 2000-20000 (10 values)
Relative roughness height, e/D 0.019-0.043 (4 values)
3. Relative roughness Width, W/w 1-10 (8 values)
Angle of attack, a 30° -75° (4 values)
5. Relative roughness pitch, P/e 6-12 (4 values)
A total of thirty-eight multiple v-rib roughened absorber plates were tested in
this experimental work covering different roughness geometry parameters.
It has been found that Nusselt number and friction factor are strong functions
of roughness geometry and flow parameters. Nusselt number increases with an
increase in relative roughness width and attains a maximum value corresponding to
relative roughness width value of 6 in the range of parameters considered. With
further increase in the value of relative roughness width, Nusselt number is found to
decrease. However, it has been observed that friction factor increases with increase in
relative roughness width ratio and attains a maximum value corresponding to relative
roughness width value of 10. Nusselt number and friction factor increase with an
increase in angle of attack and attain maximum values corresponding to angle of
attack value of 60°. Nusselt number and friction factor attain maximum values
corresponding to relative roughness pitch, P/e value of 8 and on either side of this
value, decrease in Nusselt number and friction factor has been observed. Nusselt
number and friction factor increase monotonically with an increase in relative
roughness height, e/D.
The maximum uncertainties in the values of Reynolds number, Nusselt
number and friction factor computed are ± 3 %, ± 6.31% and ± 5.97 % respectively.
Experimental data on heat transfer and friction factor has been utilized to
develop correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor in terms of relative
roughness height, e/D, relative roughness width, W/w, angle of attack, a, relative
roughness pitch, P/e and Reynolds number, Re. The correlations are given below;
,0.77 , x0.43, y0.49
f5 Re0' j^-j exp(-0.1177(ln (W/w))2)
exp(-0.61(ln (a/90))2) - exp(-2.0407 (In (P/e))2)
7=4.47,10-Re— I^V" f^FfiL J exp (-0.52 (/„ (a /90))2 )
exp(-2.133 (ln(P Ie))2)
A comparison of experimental values of Nusselt number and friction factor
and those predicted by these correlations shows that there is a good agreement
between the experimental and predicted values with an average absolute deviation of
4.45% for Nusselt number and 4% for friction factor values. Hence, the designer can
use the correlations with reasonably good accuracy.
A computer program has been developed to predict the thermal performance
of roughened collector in terms of plate efficiency factor, F, heat removal factor, F0,
and thermal efficiency, nTh, on the basis of these correlations developed for Nusselt
number and friction factor. The effect of roughness geometry and operating
parameters on thermal performance has been investigated and thermal performance of
roughened and smooth collectors was compared in order to determine the
enhancement in thermal performance on account of the use of multiple v-rib type of
roughness geometry.
It has been observed that thermal performance of roughened solar air heaters is
a strong function of roughness geometry parameters. Enhancement in thermal
efficiency has been represented in terms of enhancement factor which is defined as
the ratio of thermal efficiency of roughened collector to that of conventional smooth
collector for the same operating conditions. The value of enhancement factor has been
found to vary in the range of 1.13 to 2.45.
As pointed out earlier, the use of artificial roughness in solar air heaters
improves the thermal performance considerably; however, this improvement in
thermal performance is accompanied by increased frictional losses resulting in an
increase in pumping power requirement to overcome friction. It, therefore, becomes
imperative to determine the values of roughness geometry parameters that result in
maximum enhancement of heat transfer with minimum increase in friction. In order to
determine the values of roughness geometry and flow parameters that yield the
optimum performance, thermohydraulic performance of multiple v-rib roughened
solar air heater has been evaluated and the following three criteria have been used for
optimization of roughness geometry parameters;
(i) Thermal efficiency
(ii) Effective efficiency
(iii) Exergetic efficiency
For given values of operating parameters (temperature rise parameter, AT/I
and insolation, I) optimizing parameter values were computed for all possible
combinations of roughness geometry parameters. Comparison of the computed values
of the optimizing parameter yielded a set of optimal values of roughness geometry
It has been observed that on the basis of thermal efficiency criterion, a single
set of roughness geometry parameters yielded optimum performance for the entire
range of operating parameters and is given as;
Relative roughness height, e/D : 0.043
Relative roughness width, W/w : 6.0
Angle of attack, a : 60°
Relative roughness pitch, P/e : 8.0
No single set of roughness geometry parameters yielded optimum
performance on the basis of effective efficiency and exergetic efficiency criteria for
the entire range of the operating parameters. The optimum values of roughness
geometry parameters depend on the operating parameters (temperature rise parameter
and insolation). For instance, the optimum values obtained on the basis of effective
efficiency criterion are given below;
Optimum values of roughness parameters on the basis of effective efficiency
Roughness parameter
Temperature rise parameter
range (K-m 'W)
Value of Roughness
Relative roughness
height, e/D
AT/I < 0.00375 0.019
0.00375 <AT/I< 0.006
Function of insolation and
temperature rise parameter
AT/I > 0.006 0.043
Relative roughness
width, W/w
AT/I < 0.003 1.0
0.003 <AT/I< 0.01375
Function of insolation and
temperature rise parameter
AT/I > 0.01375 6.0
Angle of attack , a
AT/I < 0.00325 30°
0.00325 < AT/I < 0.00675 Function of insolation and
temperature rise parameter
AT/I > 0.00675 0
Relative roughness
pitch, P/e
AT/I < 0.00575 12.0
0.00575 <AT/I< 0.008 Function of insolation and
temperature rise parameter
AT/I > 0.008 8.0
For given values of temperature rise parameter and insolation, a set of
roughness geometry parameters can be obtained from the design plots prepared for
each roughness geometry parameter on the basis of effective and exergetic
efficiencies. A design procedure has also been proposed to determine the optimum
values of roughness geometry parameters for a multiple v-rib roughened solar air
heater for given values of temperature rise and the insolation.
Summarizing on the basis of experimental investigation on a solar air heater
roughened with multiple v-ribs, it can be stated that considerable enhancement in
thermal performance has been obtained in comparison with a smooth conventional
solar air heater. Empirical correlations have been developed for Nusselt number and
friction factor in terms of roughness geometry and operating parameters. Optimum
values of roughness parameters have been determined based on the criteria of thermal
efficiency, effective efficiency and exergetic efficiency. Design plots have been
prepared which can be utilized to obtain a set of optimum values of roughness
geometry parameters that will result in the best thermohydraulic performance for
given operating conditions. A design procedure has been proposed to arrive at the
optimum roughness geometry for given set of operating parameters of a multiple v-rib
roughened solar air heater.