Soils are made of an assemblage of particles having different shapes and sizes in form of a
skeleton whose voids are made up of water and air. The interaction of pore pressure with soil
skeleton during earthquake results in the 'weakening' of soil-fluid composite which reduces
the effective stress in soil mass, causing liquefaction. Liquefaction takes place often in
saturated loose sands under earthquake and impact loadings. The pioneering experimental
work associated with liquefaction phenomenon and cyclic mobility was proposed by Seed
and Lee (1966), Seed and Idriss (1971), Castro and Poulos (1977), Seed 1979, Seed et al.
(1985). The physical phenomenon is well defined whereas; the analytical modeling of soil
liquefaction and computer simulation remains a challenge. Therefore, soil behaviour has been
analysed by considering the effects of transient flow of the pore-fluid through voids. Hence,
it requires a two-phase continuum formulation for saturated porous media.
Based on a detailed review of literature, the present study has been directed towards the
establishment of an adequate mathematical framework to describe the liquefaction
phenomenon. In the proposed study, a fully coupled formulation is developed to predict the
liquefaction phenomenon of a finite and semi-infinite saturated sandy layer assuming plane
strain condition. The saturated soil mass is considered as a saturated porous media using
Biot’s theory with u–p formulation. The variational principle is applied to the field equations
of fluid flow in a fully saturated porous elastic continuum, and the finite element method is
used to numerically solve the resulting continuity equation and equilibrium equation. The soil
behaviour is defined using Pastor–Zienkiewicz Mark III model which describe the inelastic
behaviours under dynamic loadings. This formulation is used to evaluate the responses of
respective pore fluid and soil mass. A transmitting boundary is introduced to differentiate
between near field and far field. Kelvin elements have been incorporated at transmitting
boundary to absorb the wave energy and prevent back propagation of wave into the domain.
In the far field, infinite elements are incorporated in the solution algorithms to simulate the
infinite extent of the domain in 2-D plane strain finite element analyses. Newmark-Beta
method is used for integration in time domain. In-situ stresses are computed from static
analysis prior to dynamic analysis. Cyclic and Seismic analysis are performed considering
finite and infinite domain. A parametric study is conducted to highlight the significance of
permeability, shear modulus and frequency on the response of liquefaction phenomenon. A
significant reduction in displacement and EPP is observed with increase in shear modulus.
Displacements are affected marginally with change in permeability whereas EPP is affected
significantly. With decrease in permeability, considerable increase in EPP is observed. Effect
of cyclic frequency is drastic for the range of frequencies considered in the analysis. It is
noticed that the liquefaction occurs throughout all the depth of sand layer at frequency 1 Hz
and 2 Hz of the cyclic loading, whereas no liquefaction is observed at 0.5 Hz. Similar trends
of displacements and EPP are observed for variation in shear modulus and permeability for
El-Centro earthquake input motion. For the case of Bhuj earthquake ground motion, only soil
domains with shear modulus more than 50000 kPa are sustainable. For smaller values of
shear modulus, soil domain is liquefying at early stage of earthquake ground motion.
PLAXIS 3D software based on UBC3D-PLM model has been used to analyze 3-D modeling
of liquefaction and mitigation. The present study was directed to examine the effectiveness of
remedial measures for liquefaction. The models with and without remedial countermeasures
were analyzed. A comparative study was performed to highlight the effect of countermeasure
on liquefaction. The stone column resulted in the smaller strains and cyclic mobility of the
soil stratum. Maximum lateral strains and highest EPP in soil domain were observed in the
no-remediation case with surcharge. Smaller values of displacements are predicted in
comparison with the benchmark Model 1, but the variation is marginal. In lack of surcharge
at surface, stone-columns are apparently ineffective in controlling settlements. As compared
to Model 1, a reduction of around 40% in EPP is visible in Model 2. Predicted values for
Model 4 are less than those evaluated for the benchmark Model 3 and the variation is
noteworthy. Due to presence of a surcharge, stone columns are very effective in settlement
reduction. The values obtained in Model 4 are about 50% less than those in Model 3,
signifying the competency of the Model 4 in controlling the displacement produced during
seismic shaking showing stiffer composite-material behavior. A significant reduction value
of maximum EPP is visible in Model 4 as compared to maximum EPP in Model 3. Study
presented effectiveness of mitigation measures in controlling liquefaction.