Small strain one dimensional consolidation theory, based on many simplified
assumptions is applicable effectively to thin layers only. Theory of large or finite strain one
dimensional consolidation takes into account the self weight of soil, variation of void ratio,
compressibility and hydraulic conductivity and offers a generalized approach for
consolidation of a homogeneous soil type. These attributes make the theory capable of
predicting the settlements of soft soils such as the deposits of dredged materials/ mine
tailings under self / overburden loads at their disposal sites and also the consolidation
settlement of thicker layers of usual soils. This work presents a novel explicit time marching
numerical model based on finite volume method with quadratic three point Lagrangian
interpolation function. Model takes into account the geometric non linearity of the
governing equation and material nonlinearity of the constitutive equations. Unlike the other
numerical models, such as finite element method and finite difference method, this model
accounts for the continuity of fluid flow (mass conservation) automatically due to
conservation specific formulation of the model at discrete control volume level. The
conservativeness and boundedness of the numerical scheme makes the model solutions
feasible and stable. The accuracy of the model is maintainable to the level of third order.
The time step restrictions are not very tight and depend on consolidation induced velocity
and the size of the discrete control volume. The boundary conditions of consolidation for
drained and undrained boundaries are presented in terms of void ratio. The initial
equilibrium distribution of void ratio due to self load and a pre-existing overburden pressure
are determined with the help of quadratic interpolation on data of compressibility
constitutive relation. Comparison of the model solutions with analytical and other numerical
models affirms the accuracy and efficiency of the model. A parametric study on
consolidation behaviour of soft soil having initial void ratio ranging from 3.2 to 2.4, shows
almost linear relation of settlement and square root of time up to 80% average degree of
consolidation. Model has further been tested on experimental results of consolidation of
thicker specimens of 40 mm and 70 mm thickness and has been found to work well.
Solute transport through porous media is an important field of research in the context
of geoenvironmental issues. The concerned one-dimensional governing equation is also a
differential equation of conservation law. An explicit time marching finite volume
numerical model for one-dimensional solute transport in rigid porous media is developed on
the pattern of large strain consolidation. The novelty of the model lies in treating the solute
concentrations in liquid and solid phases of the media as combined concentration for
developing the numerical scheme and segregating it into solid and liquid concentrations
during post processing of the solution. The methodology adopted keeps the solute transport
equation linear up to solutions and opens the model at the stage of post processing to
accommodate variety of sorption isotherms such as linear-equilibrium, nonlinearequilibrium
and nonlinear-nonequilibrium. The model is also set to accommodate the
variation of hydrodynamic dispersion with void ratio and decay reaction of first order. The
solute concentration boundary conditions taken up are; constant concentration for a
boundary with unlimited reservoir, zero concentration gradient for a non-transmitting
boundary and constant flux or reservoir boundary condition for a boundary with small well
mixed reservoir. The interpolation scheme followed is the quadratic upwinding in general
but at critical situations of high gradient or discontinuity the model adopts the exponential
upwinding scheme with normalized variables. Model verification and checks through
comparative studies with other numerical models show the efficiency of the model and it
requires lesser elements to provide an acceptable solution. The model has further been
extended to one-dimensional advection with two-dimensional hydrodynamic dispersion.
Quadratic interpolation functions for two-dimensional space are derived. The departure from
one dimensional interpolation function is found to be only by a small curvature term which
can easily be accommodated with exponential upwinding scheme also. Two-dimensional
model maintains the accuracy level of third order as well. Comparison of results with
exhibits that less number of elements are required in the suggested model as compared to
existing linear interpolation models.
Consolidation induced solute transport is important in assessing the spread of
contaminants in soft deposits of dredged materials and mine tailings as well as in the
compacted clay liners of waste disposal sites. The penultimate chapter of the thesis
describes the synthesis of computational modules of large strain consolidation and solute
transport through rigid porous media to give a semi-coupled numerical model for
consolidation induced solute transport through deforming porous media due to mechanical
consolidation. The coupling of two modules requires additional provision of computation of
Darcy velocity due to existing hydraulic gradient and the consolidation induced Darcy
velocity in consolidation module. Thus computed Darcy velocity is used for computing the
solute transport. Consolidation induced velocity is computed on kinematical considerations
on the basis of reduction in void ratio at each time step as calculated during the
consolidation. It is obvious that the kinematical provision for consolidation induced
advection provides better mass conservation and continuity of fluid flow compared to
computations based on dynamic equation of excess pore pressure gradient. The model
performance has been tested for four types of problems varying mainly in sorption isotherm.
The first one considers the problem of a hypothetical landfill clay liner with linear sorption
isotherm, second is about an experimental observation on kaolinite slurry with nonlinearnonequilibrium
sorption isotherm, the third one is regarding organoclay modified bentonitesoil
mix liner material and shows the influence of consolidation on design of such a clay
liner with nonlinear equilibrium sorption. Fourth problem is related to two-dimensional
solute transport in dredged material deposit with linear equilibrium sorption. The
comparison of results with other models affirms the efficiency of the present model. It may
also be inferred that the consolidation induced solute transport is worth considering while
designing a clay barrier systems for waste disposal sites. A limited parametric study on twodimensional
solute transport for only two parameters, the longitudinal/ lateral dispersivities
and effective diffusion coefficient, reveals that the dispersivities have almost negligible
influence on two-dimensional spread of contaminants, but the influence of effective
diffusion is substantial. Finally, it is concluded that the problems of momentum and mass
transfer with deterministic approach can be dealt effectively with finite volume formulation
with an advantage of automatic mass conservation and complexity level is less than the
finite and boundary element based numerical models.