dc.description.abstract |
The ever growing communication system industry and the development of the
communication techniques in the last one decade have thrown great challenges to
microwave engineers to enhance the performance of the existing systems to cope up with
the new wireless communication standards. Antennas, considered as the backbone of the
wireless communication system, have to function at par with the other subsidiary
microwave circuitry. In this regard, the challenges faced by the antenna engineers are to
enhance the performance of the antennas and at the same time to shrink the size of the
antenna system. As planar antennas are preferred mostly in wireless industry, because of
some of its advantages like light weight, flexibility, conformability etc., constant efforts
have been made to enhance its performance, since its inception. The research done in this
thesis is an attempt in that direction and the metamaterial concept is used for the
performance enhancement of planar antennas.
The pioneering work by Veselago in 1968, followed by Pendry in 1996 has made the
foundation of the metamaterial concept and since then this artificial material has been
adopted by microwave engineers for various activities. Antenna engineers are not
exceptions and have used this material for many antenna applications. A glance over the
related literature reveals that, most of the works are either results from the full-wave
simulators or experimentally verified structures. An analytical approach for metamaterial
based planar antenna was absent from the literature. An attempt has been made in this
thesis to develop an analytical model and to find out a closed-form expression for the
resonant frequency of a metamaterial based planar antenna. Although a specific type of
metamaterial (CSRR) structure is used for the analysis, but the same can be extended for
other structures also.
After attempting the analysis problem, the design aspect of such structures was
explored. The aim was to develop a fast, user-friendly module to fix the design dimensions
of metamaterial based antennas, for it to work at desired frequency. The task was
approached as an optimization problem and with the help of machine learning
approaches, was solved successfully. In order to validate the working of the developed
module, few typical cases were considered.
The rest of the work done in this thesis is to use different metamaterial structures
to overcome some of the drawbacks of simple patch antennas. Design of simple multiband
patch antennas, enhancement of directivity and design of compact planar antenna
structures are the works attempted in this thesis. Laboratory prototype of almost all the
antenna structures is made and experimentally measured for cross-verifying the results
from the analysis or from the full-wave simulators.
Although some specific metamaterials are used in this thesis, but the concepts
developed can be extended to other structures also, giving a scope for future research
work. The authors are sure that the work done in this thesis will certainly help the
antenna community in a big way. |
en_US |