The respiratory system as a mechanical system, has studied by engineers, physicists,
and mathematicians for decades. Indeed, the field of respiratory mechanics is now mature and
highly quantitative making wide use of sophisticated mathematical and computational
methods. Accordingly, methods of applied mathematics, including basic calculus and
differential equations have been used as a tool to solve the problem related to respiratory
Usual Hemodynamic is concerned with the measurement of pressure, flow and
resistance. Current Biofluid mechanics, on the other hand, concerns itself with the local,
time-dependent velocity and flow measurements in blood vessels, the lungs, the lymph and
other body fluids together with the micro-circulation.
Mechanical changes in lung structure throughout respiration, also known as lung
mechanics, have been extensively discussed in the literature e.g. [2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 52, 54]. Yet,
no recognized unifying hypothesis presently exists. Much of the uncertainty exists due to the
difficulties in documenting alveolar and capillary mechanics, given the small size and large
movement during breathing. Breathing is basically a mechanical procedure in which the
muscles of the thorax and abdomen, working jointly, generate the pressures necessary to
inflate the lung. These pressures must be enough to conquer the tendencies of the lung and
chest wall tissues to recoil, a lot similar to blowing up a balloon. Pressure is also necessary to
drive air along the pulmonary airways, a classification of branching conduits that starts at the
mouth and ends deep in the lungs at the point where air and blood are close enough to
exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. The mechanical properties of the lungs therefore
conclude how muscular pressures, airway flows, and lung volumes are connected. The field of
respiratory mechanics is concerned with the study of these properties.
Present thesis entitled Mathematical Modeling of Respiratory Mechanics deals with
different types of Mathematical models of blood partial pressure, asthmatic bifurcation and
particle deposition in the human nasal cavity, vocal fold modeling, lung ventilation modeling.
Numerical solutions are obtained using finite difference method. Results are displayed in the
form of graphs in Origin (6.0) and behavior of fluid particles is visualized by images
generated in MATLAB. The whole work is presented in the form of six chapters, as follows:
Chapter 1 is introductory in nature. Besides stating the relevant definitions it gives an
introduction to Respiratory Mechanics. It gives a brief account for human respiratory system,
disease, air flow in capillaries and gas exchange process. At the end of the chapter, summary
of the whole work embodied in the thesis is given.
In Chapter 2, we have considered mathematical model letting for blood partial
pressure in arterial and venous system. In this model two simultaneous differential equation
used, arterial system and venous system are depending upon the heart rate and ventilation.
Heart rate and ventilation play a measure role to control blood partial pressure. The study
shows numerical results for blood partial pressure of arterial system and venous system. The
numerical results of the model presented for three cases, named walking, jogging and running
In Chapter 3, we consider the human nasal cavity particle deposition based on simple
mechanical principles, to build a mathematical model of fluid motion as well as particle
motion. The aim of this work is to study the velocity of fluid as well as velocity of particle in
the human nasal cavity. We have calculated skin friction on the wall numerically.We have
also included the number density effect on skin friction. This work gives the details of airflow
particle dynamics in human nasal cavity for normal breathing. Lower value of skin friction
shows the size of the nature of suspension.
In Chapter 4, we have studied the asthmatic lung at inlet and outlet positions. we have
calculated the velocity profile at different generations. Symmetric airways bifurcations
corresponding to generation 12-23 of Weibles were investigated through numerical
simulation. The effect of size of the lumen area and the number of folds on particle deposition
and the pressure drop were investigated
In Chapter 5, we studied the mathematical lung ventilation model for radioactive tidal
breathing. We have taken Radon gas for this study because Radon gas is present in the
atmosphere in small quantity. Radon particle goes in our body with the oxygen when we
inhale or breath. These particles are very dangerous to our body, and may cause lung cancer.
In this study the lung counts is find to be very high with respect to time when we inhale
normally. Otherwise it decreases and tends to zero as we exhale. In this work we are getting
different -different types of parameters like regional lung ventilation and volume parameters.
In Chapter 6, we have study a mathematical model of vocal fold. Since our body is
not pure elastic, but hyper elastic, a hyper elasticity approach is included in this work. The
present work concerns with strain energy function and extension ratios. We have calculated
strain energy function in terms of extension ratio.