Present study intends to identify enablers of learning at individual, team, and organizational
level to build a learning organization. It also investigates the role of learning organization in
developing an employer brand. These enablers are resonant leadership, intrapreneurship,
knowledge management, total quality management, and supportive learning culture.300
management institutes located in 19 states of India selected at random have been considered as
a unit of analysis. 300 directors and 300 faculty members were contacted to seek their opinion
on various items of survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire has been self-designed with
the help of review of relevant literature on learning organizations. Faculty members have
responded to questions on resonant leadership, intrapreneurship, knowledge management,
supportive learning culture, and employer branding. Whereas, directors have responded to
questions on total quality management and learning organizations. Structural equation
modeling using AMOS 21.0 version has been used to check validity of constructs and test the
hypothesized relationships among them. Total quality management and supportive learning
culture have shown positive influence on learning organization. Resonant leadership,
intrapreneurship, and knowledge management have non-significant relationship with learning
organization. Consequently, learning organization also has a non-significant relationship with
employer brand. In the present study, total quality management and supportive learning culture
have been found to act as enablers of learning organization. The management institutes who
have participated in the survey affirmed that their emphasis is on infrastructure building. These
institutes have not been able to transform as a true learning organization as they are facing
several impediments such as bureaucracy, power distance, and equivocal approach of faculty
members. Though, learning organization is an ideal concept practiced mostly in western
organizations, but in reality transforming an educational institute as a learning organization
needs to overcome barriers of power and politics, values, and norms. Therefore, the purpose of
developing a holistic model of learning organization has been defeated in the current sample.