Conventionally, the human vital signs are detected using invasive methods. A noninvasive
detection of the vital signs is an attractive alternative over the conventional
methods due to its two-fold advantage over them. Firstly, the attention and cooperation
from the human subject under test are optional. Secondly, it does not cause distrace
to the human being as in case of conventional methods. In addition, the non-invasive
method of human vital sign detection is, in general, free from periodic maintenance.
Since 1970s, researchers and academicians started the effort towards the development
of RF systems based on Doppler principle for applications like healthcare, military
and disaster management. All such reported efforts are characterized by their noninvasiveness
and use of a particular single band during measurements.
A number of noteworthy overseas research groups like the Centre for Radio Frequency
Electronics Research (CREER) in Canada, Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems
(RFCS) research group in the University of Florida, Department of Electrical Engineering
at the University of Hawaii, Yonsei University in Seoul,Korea and the ’WiPLi’
Lab in the University of Udine, Italy carried out research towards the development of
a human VSD Radar. In India, research groups at several premier technological institutes
like Centre for Applied Research in Electronics (CARE), IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur,
IISc Bangalore and IIT Roorkee are engaged in the design and development of noninvasive
RF sensor for a variety of day-to-day applications. IIT Bombay in Mumbai
is also engaged in the study of biological effects of radiation on the human body.
For any non-invasive human vital sign measurement system, the detection accuracy
and sensitivity are two very crucial factors. With single band operation, either accuracy
or noise sensitivity in detection can be achieved in a particular operation. The
challenging issue in front of the existing single band NIVSD system is to bridge the
trade off between the detection sensitivity and the amount of noise in the received signal.
The performance of the existing single band NIVSD systems may be improved by
using multiband operation. While higher frequency allows signal detection even with
very minute variations but at the cost of increased noise, the lower frequency band
minimizes noise with inferior detection sensitivity. The cross-correlation between the
individual base band signals will emphasize significant information present in both
the bands while suppressing unwanted signal components.
A concurrent multiband system can fulfill these requirements. Hence, this thesis aims
at designing and development of a concurrent dualband RF system for human vital
sign detection. Multiband transceiver architecture may be implemented using parallel,
switchable or concurrent arrangements of the basic functional blocks. Use of
parallel system architecture for the concurrent operation is less attractive due to high
power consumption, complex hardware and its bulky nature. A switched mode multiband
system suffers from the drawback of inconsistent measurement conditions for
the same human subject due to switching delay. Consequently, these two schemes
are not viable due to one or more reasons like the requirement of a large hardware,
high-power consumption, and / or complex radio architecture.
The current trend in the area of Microwave / Millimeter wave integrated circuit research
is to reduce the system losses, component count and power consumption level
so that the RF systems can be used as a portable handheld device. A concurrent multiband
system, based on hardware sharing, fulfils all these criteria. In view of this, the
present thesis aims at designing and development of a concurrent dualband RF sensor
for human vital sign detection.
The research work reported in this thesis focuses on the design, implementation and
characterization of a concurrent dualband RF sensor for non-invasive detection of human
vital signs. Out of many vital signs, the human life and its existence can be
ascertained by virtue of its respiration and heartbeat signal. Hence, respiration and
heartbeat signal of the human being are considered as the vital sign for the experimentation.
The proposed sensor operates simultaneously at dual frequency bands
centered at 2.44 GHz and 5.25 GHz. The sensor prototype is developed using indigenously
designed concurrent dualband subsystem and few commercially available
components. Finally, a hardware prototype of the proposed RF sensor has been developed
and experimentally characterised to validate the concept.