dc.description.abstract |
In the field of medical imaging technologies, ultrasound imaging (US) has an important
role in the diagnosis of several diseases because of its safe application for patients, low cost
and portability. In usual, the diagnostic procedures based on the perception of medical
images are performed in a subconscious way which is based on the conclusion drawn upon
how the clinicians understand and interpret them. It is only since the last couple of years that
computers have been used to process the images digitally in the equipment to some extent
and thus help the clinician in their diagnostic decision. However, it is a difficult task in the
case of US images because of the presence of speckles and other artifacts. The image
segmentation is also a key step in several computer aided diagnosis systems used to identify
a particular region of interest such as the tumor, lesion and other abnormalities, to measure
the growth of tumors and to help in treatment planning.
Speckle considered as multiplicative noise is a prime factor that degrades the contrast
resolution and masks the meaningful texture information present in the US images. This
makes accurate identification of object boundaries and contours of anatomical structures a
challenging task. Hence, the image denoising can be considered as a fundamental task to
improve the quality of the US images by suppressing the speckle noise without affecting the
edge information. Thus, in the above perspective, the image denoising algorithms should
fulfil the following three principal criteria:
1. The algorithm must be capable of suppressing the maximum amount of noise from a
particular region.
2. The true tissue information, including the edges and other fine details should also be
preserved and if possible, may be enhanced.
3. The denoising algorithm must be computationally efficient, stable and robust.
With the above background, the main objective of the present research work has been
to design and develop the effective algorithms to achieve the improved performance in image
denoising and segmentation. To obtain these objectives, it has been necessary to analyze
and identify better approaches among the existing remarkable denoising and segmentation
approaches and also it necessitated to improve the performance of the best identified
approach, either by modifying the earlier algorithm or by suggesting a new algorithm.
Accordingly, the entire research work has been planned and carried out in the following three
different steps.
1. Comparison of several existing image denoising methods has been carried out under
two major categories, i.e. spatial domain category and transform domain category, and
an optimum approach suitable for the US medical images has been identified.
2. Based on the post-analysis of the approaches from two major categories mentioned
above, new suitable denoising approaches have been designed and implemented to
improve the quality of the US images by suppressing the noise and preserving the
3. A comparative evaluation of several existing segmentation approaches used for the US
medical images have been carried out and new segmentation algorithms for the US
images have been designed and implemented.
In order to achieve the first objective of the initial phase of work, the performance of
various existing denoising methods namely, adaptive weighted median filter (AWMF), wiener
filter (WF), maximum homogeneity over a pixel neighborhood filter (MHOPNF), anisotropic
diffusion filter (ADF), speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD), nonlinear complex
diffusion filter (NCDF), total variation filter (TVF), nonlocal means filter (NLMF) in spatial
domain, while wavelet, ridgelet, curvelet and shearlet based methods in the transform
domain category, have been evaluated on the test images degraded by different types of
noise such as speckle and Gaussian noise and on real US images. Their performance is not
only analyzed and evaluated in terms of visual perception, but also in terms of different
performance measures such as the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), signal to noise ratio
(SNR), structural similarity index metric (SSIM), figure of merit (FOM) and edge keeping
index (EKI). Besides the above parameters, mean to variance ratio (MVR) has also been
used for the quantitative analysis of the US images because of the nonavailability of the
reference US images. From the experimental results, it is observed for all noise levels that
the TVF, NLMF, curvelet and shearlet based approaches are able to suppress good amount
of noise with better edge preservation in terms of quantitative measures, but in curvelet
based method, some visual distortion like oscillations occur in the denoised images. For
some images, ridgelet based approach also provides a competitive performance than others,
but further it leads to some visual distortion. Moreover, diffusion based and the TVF
approaches suffer from the loss of edge information. It is also observed that the better
perceptual quality is obtained by the TVF, NLMF and shearlet based approaches. The
diffusion, ridgelet and curvelet based approaches are also suitable to provide better
denoising performance, but at the cost of blurring the edges and introducing some visual
Under the second objective, six different algorithms are proposed in the present work.
Based on the results obtained from the above comparative analysis, the first denoising
approach based on M-band ridgelet transform is proposed in the present work. It utilizes the
features of M-band wavelet transform in place of the 2-band wavelet transform (WT) used in
the implementation of the ridgelet transform. The proposed approach utilizes the variation of
the frequency resolution feature of the À trous algorithm by which a noisy image has been
decomposed into different scales. NeighShrink (NS) thresholding is also utilized in the
proposed approach to provide the approximated modified image coefficients that also
improve the noise reduction efficiency. Based on the experimental results, it is observed that
the proposed M-band ridgelet thresholding (MBRT) approach is able to produce better
results by suppressing a sufficient amount of the speckle noise with more edges being
It is observed on the basis of the findings obtained from the first objective, that the
curvelet based approach also produces better denoising results. Curvelet transform (CVT)
uses a parabolic scaling law to resolve the two dimensional singularities along curves. It
also overcomes the limitation of the wavelet and ridgelet, which are less efficient to represent
the sharp transition like line and curve singularities available in the images. To represent the
edges more efficiently, ripplet transform (RT) has been evolved by incorporating two new
additional parameters. It also provides a new tight frame with a sparse representation for the
source images with discontinuities along the curves, where 2 refers to parabolic
scaling same as the curvelets and for 3, ripplet has the cubic scaling and so forth. Based
on the literature review and comparative evaluation performed earlier, the WT thresholding
approach has improved its performance by incorporating some spatial domain techniques.
Considering their merits, two different nonlinear filtering approaches in ripplet domain have
been proposed here using the NS and BlockShrink (BS) thresholding approach that are
named as the RTNLF-1 and the RTNLF-2, respectively. Nonlinear bilateral filtering (NLBF) is
applied to the low frequency ripplet coefficients. The performance of these proposed
denoising methods depend on the decomposition levels, different parameters of the RT and
NLBF approach. The optimal values of these parameters have been decided by conducting
the several experiments on the available test image datasets for the different levels of
speckle noise with several combinations of these parameters. The results of the proposed
RTNLF-1 and RTNLF-2 methods are compared with the bilateral, wavelet based NeighShrink
(WT-NS), wavelet based NeighShrink using the NLBF (WT-NLBF-NS), wavelet based
BlockShrink (WT-BS), linear homogeneous mask area filter (LHMAF), ADF, Fourth order
PDE filter (FOPDEF), SRAD, NCDF, improved nonlinear complex diffusion (INCDF), wavelet
based approach using generalized Gaussian distribution (WT-GGD), squeez box filter (SBF)
and TVF approach. It is observed from their comparative results that proposed RTNLF-1 and
RTNLF-2 methods provide better quality of images by suppressing more speckle noise as
compared to others. Moreover, the RTNLF-2 approach performs better than the RTNLF-1.
The higher SNR and PSNR values with larger EKI and SSIM values obtained by the
proposed approaches indicate that the noise suppression is neither at the cost of blurring the
edges nor at the loss of edge information.
From the analysis of experimental results obtained earlier, it is observed that the TVF
approach is quite good and has the ability to suppress the noise, but it performs noise
reduction with the loss of edge information which means that some edge information is lost
within the noise residual. Thus, a remnant approach for adaptive fusion based noise filtering
(RBAF) is proposed using the TVF and shearlet thresholding using cycle spinning (CSST)
approach. The proposed RBAF approach fuses three different images processed by the (a)
TVF approach, (b) CSST approach and (c) extracted edges structured information (ESI) from
the remnant of TVF approach and processed by the CSST approach. The proposed RBAF
approach fuses these images based on the 3×3 block variance map evaluated for all three
above processed images. The RBAF approach improves both the perceptual quality and the
detectability of real US images and several test images corrupted with the speckle and
Gaussian noise of different levels (characterized by their standard deviation and variance).
To assess the performance of the proposed RBAF approach, the results of other methods
such as the TVF, TI-WT, curvelet thresholding using cycle spinning (CSCVT) approach,
CSST, CVT with the TVF approach (CVT-TVF) are considered. It is observed from the
analysis of all the experimental results that the higher values of EKI and FOM with improved
values of the SNR, PSNR and SSIM are obtained for the proposed RBAF approach. Further,
it indicates that the improved noise suppression provided by the proposed RBAF approach
does not produce the blurred edges. Besides this improved performance, the proposed
RBAF approach also helps to suppress the staircase/blocking effects produced by the TVF
method and the fuzzy edges introduced by the CVT and ST based methods.
Based on the outcomes of the different experiments performed earlier and the
literature, it is observed that anisotropic diffusion is widely used for denoising of the US
image, but it suffers from the loss of edges information available in the images that are also
very important for visual perception. To represent more edges, nonsubsampled shearlet
transform (NSST) has been presented by providing both the multiscale and direction analysis
of an image. Further, two different noise filtering approaches using the modified nonlinear
adaptive anisotropic diffusion (NADF) equations in the NSST domain and thresholding
approach (similar to the CVT and ST thresholding) have also been proposed. In the modified
diffusion process, an adaptive gray variance is also incorporated with the gradient
information of eight connected neighboring pixels to preserve the edges, effectively in the
first proposed approach and named as the NSST-NADF. Motivated by the better noise
reduction results of the NLMF presented in the first comparative analysis, the nonlocal pixel
information is also incorporated to evaluate the gradient of eight connected neighboring
pixels with an adaptive gray variance in the second proposed approach and is named as the
NSST-NLNADF. Their denoising performance is also compared with all aforementioned
existing methods, including the speckle reducing bilateral filter. The proposed methods are
also adapted to both the speckle and Gaussian noise. Based on the experimental results, it
is observed that the proposed NSST-NLNADF approach ensures an improvement in noise
reduction and preservation of more edges by providing higher SNR, PSNR, FOM, SSIM and
EKI values than the NSST-NADF approach and others and thus providing the processed
images with better visual quality.
In order to achieve the next objective of the present work, two different segmentation
methods are proposed to delineate the region of interest in the US medical images using
clustering and level set methods. Based on the literature, the performance of the traditional
active contour segmentation methods is subjected to appropriate and accurate contour
initialization and optimal configuration of the contour propagation controlling parameters,
which also require extensive manual intervention. Therefore, two different segmentation
approaches, namely hybrid edge-based active contour model (EBACM) with the kernel fuzzy
c-mean clustering (KFCM) and region-based active contour model (RBACM) with the
Gaussian kernel fuzzy clustering (GKFCM) have been proposed here to segment the US
medical images.
In the first proposed segmentation approach, the features of both the edge-based
active contour model using the distance regularized level set and the KFCM clustering are
merged to detect the abnormalities from the US images. In the proposed approach, the fuzzy
membership function from the variants of KFCM with spatial constraints, i.e. KFCM_S1 and
KFCM_S2 clustering, is employed to initialize the curve that evolves to extract the desired
object of interest. In addition to contour initialization, the results of the fuzzy clustering are
also used for further evaluation of the contour propagation controlling parameters. Thus, two
different segmentation approaches, namely the EBACM-KFCM_S1 and EBACM-KFCM_S2
are proposed, which start with the KFCM_S1 and KFCM_S2 methods, respectively, to
initialize the curve and evaluate the curve evolution controlling parameters. The
segmentation results of both the EBACM-KFCM_S1 and EBACM-KFCM_S2 methods are
compared with the different variants of fuzzy c-means using spatial constraints (FCM_S1 and
FCM_S2), KFCM_S1, KFCM_S2, geodesic active contour (GAC), region-based active
contour driven by region scalable fitting (ACMRSF), edge-based active contour model
(EBACM) applied on the large database of the US images. Their performances are
estimated, quantitatively in terms of different performance measures such as true positive
(TP), false positive (FP), accuracy (ACC), Jaccard similarity index (JSI), dice coefficient (DC)
and Hausdorff distance (HD). The quantitative analysis shows that the results of the
proposed segmentation methods provide higher segmentation accuracy compared to the
others. It also provides better values of other performance metrics such as the TP, FP, JSI,
DC and HD. For the proposed EBACM-KFCM_S2 method, when tested on the US images,
the averaged performance measures such as the TP, ACC, JSI, and DC are higher than the
EBACM-KFCM_S1 method. The proposed approaches also help to remove the need of
manual intervention and decrease the processing time.
In the second proposed segmentation approach, the features of the RBACM driven by
the RSF energy and the two different variants of the Gaussian kernel fuzzy c-mean clustering
with spatial information such as the GKFCM_S1 and GKFCM_S2 are utilized. In addition to
the previously described methods in the earlier paragraph, two more hybrid segmentation
methods using the RBACM approach have been proposed, which starts with the GKFCM_S1
and GKFCM_S2 approach, individually. The proposed approaches utilize the GKFCM_S1
and GKFCM_S2 clustering, individually, not only to initialize the contour, but also to estimate
the several contour propagation controlling parameters. These proposed approaches are
named as the RBACM-GKFCM_S1 and RBACM-GKFCM_S2. In these segmentation
approaches, the intensity information in the local regions as against the global regions in
conventional RBACM approach, are utilized to drive the motion of contour toward the desired
object boundaries. The RSF formulation is also responsible for attracting the contour toward
the object boundaries, thus increasing the speed of the contour propagation. The
effectiveness of the proposed approaches is illustrated through several experiments
performed on the similar US images, synthetic test images and also compared with the
results of the above segmentation methods, including the RBACM using spatial fuzzy
clustering (RBACM-SFCM) approach. From the experimental results, it is observed that the
segmented images obtained by the proposed approaches are approximately similar to that of
the manually delineated region compared to others. It is further observed that the proposed
approaches achieve higher segmentation accuracy than the GAC, ACMRSF, RBACM-SFCM
and EBACM, which itself signifies improvement in the results of the proposed approaches.
These proposed methods also take comparatively less time to segment the image.
For the purpose of implementing and evaluating the performance of the above
discussed proposed methods, the US images were acquired from the image database
available at (http://rad.usuhs.edu/medpix/parent.php3?mode=home_page), (http://ultrasonic
s.bioenggineering.illinois.edu), (http://www.ultrasoundcases.info/), (http://radiologyinfo.org/en
/photocat/), (http://thelivercarefoundation.org) and from the database of GE, Phillips and
Siemens. |
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