Since last decade Mobile Cloud Computing has gained a great importance not only for the small, medium but also for large sized enterprises. Mobile Cloud Computing is one of the most important technology on which many IT industries are currently working on. Today is the trend of mobile devices whether it is smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, all have become the necessity of our life. Currently many researches are going on mobile cloud computing which focus on energy savings of mobile devices by offloading computing-intensive jobs from the mobile devices to the distant clouds, the access latency between mobile users and the clouds usually is large and sometimes unbearable. Cloudlet as a latest technology is capable to bridge this gap, and has been demonstrated to enhance the performance of mobile devices significantly while meeting the crisp response time requirements of mobile users. In this project the work is done on using the cloudlet as a small data center in order to reduce the network cost. Cloudlet technology is used to reduce the latency by installing it to the strategic locations over the network. It’s an approach of bringing the clouds near to the mobile devices.