Mobile node like smart phone can move at any speed 5 m/s walking speed or in a car
at speed 30 m/s. Network and Applications should be intelligent enough to adopt data
rate and Interest rate according to any speed and for any duration of active connection
between mobile node and access point. The rate at which Interest packets are generated
from mobile user in Named Data Networking is called Interest rate. High data rate makes
user experience better and low Interest rate means lesser signaling overhead so that
underlying network work efficiently specifically in mobile networks. There should be fair
trade-off between data rate and Interest rate. In this thesis we propose a novel approach
for providing mobility support for mobile producers in Named Data Networking, with
significantly lower Interest rate than other available mobility support schemes. Dynamic
retransmission timer and advance forwarding plane in Named Data Networking makes
the proposed scheme suitable for any speed of mobile node. Dynamic retransmission
timer increases the life-time of interest packet on each retransmission of Interest packet.
More the count of retransmitted Interest packet lesser the retransmission rate of Interest
packet(number of retransmitted Interest per second). And after a sufficient long period
of active connection between mobile node and access point, the mobile node become
reachable from the routing plane. After that there is no need of creating and maintaining
traces. We evaluated our proposed algorithm for 60 different speeds of mobile node
ranges from 5 to 300 m/s. A thorough analysis of results shows that proposed scheme
performs better with reduced signaling overhead.