Ground improvement in weak soils has become necessary in view of heavy loads
imposed by industrial structures, storage tanks and high-rise buildings. Due to scarcity of
good land, one has to build on marginal soils or on filled up soil. Reinforced soil is one of
the most popular and fastest growing techniques for improvement of poor soils. Much
work has been done on bearing capacity improvement for shallow foundations using
planar reinforcement. However, limited study has been carried out on use of randomly
distributed fiber-reinforced sand (RDFS) in shallow foundations. Fiber reinforcement
may have considerable effect on the bearing capacity improvement same as that by using
oriented geogrid layers. RDFS is an emerging technology and it has been successfully
used in variety of applications such as slope stabilization, road sub-grade and sub-base.
The available literature indicates that this is relatively a simple technique for ground
improvement which may have enormous potential for economical solutions to many
geotechnical problems. But fiber-reinforced soil still has limited case histories which
suggest the additional research to be done in this area.
The objective of present research programme is to explore the application of
discrete fibers for bearing capacity improvement and reduction in settlement, tilt &
horizontal displacement of footings. In this research work comprehensive experimental
study has been carried out on fiber reinforced sand, which includes the study on strengthdeformation
characteristics of RDFS using triaxial set up and model footing tests under
central, vertical, eccentric and inclined loads.
To study the strength - deformation characteristics of RDFS, drained triaxial tests
were conducted on polypropylene fibers of different deniers (1denier = mass in grams per
9000 mlength of fiber = 1.11 x 10"7 kg/m) and lengths. Inthese tests it was observed that
with addition of fibers in sand, there is increased peak shear strength, improvement in the
post-peak response. In most of cases strain hardening effect at large strains (i.e. more
ductile behaviour) was observed which suggests its suitability in foundation material
where large deformations are to be tolerated such as earthquake resistant geotechnicalstructures
and footings subjected to eccentric-inclined loads. In RDFS, the failure does
not take place even at strain of20% or more. Using experimental data, hyperbolic stressstrain
parameters were determined and it was found that Kondner's hyperbolic stressstrain
relationships are valid for RDFS.
Model footing tests under central and vertical load were conducted in test box of
size 800 mm long, 77mm wide and 400 mm deep. The Solani river sand reinforced with
different type ofpolypropylene fibers (monofilament and fibrillated) and polypropylene
mesh elements (cut from Netlon geogrid CE 121 and Netlon advanced turf system: NAF)
was used in the study. Amodel footing ofsize 75 mm x 75 mm was used. To study the
effect of relative density, tests were conducted at relative density of 30%, 50% and 70%
for sand and RDFS. Whole tank was filled with RDFS. No lateral movement of side
walls of test box was allowed by providing stiffeners all around it. Thus plane strain
conditions prevailed and footing acted as strip footing of 75 mm width (B). Significant
improvement in the bearing capacity and reduction in the settlement was observed due to
the inclusion ofdiscrete fibers in the sand beneath the footing. It was found that bearing
capacity increased and settlement reduced with the increase in the fibre content.
Improvement in pressure - settlement behaviour and bearing capacity of RDFS vary
significantly for different discrete fibers and mesh elements. Lowest improvement is
given by mesh elements from Netlon CE 121 and highest improvement is given by
fibrillated fibers. Length or aspect ratio (tj = length/ equivalent diameter or lateral
dimension) offiber or mesh may have an effect on bearing capacity but it is primarily the
type offiber or mesh element which matters most. Length appears to be more important
factor than aspect ratio. The 6 denier 10 mm long (tj = 325) monofilament fibers give
much less improvement compared to 20 denier 20 mm long (rj = 350) monofilament
fibers having similar aspect ratio. Pressure - settlement curves of 6 denier 20 mm, 20
denier 20 mm, 20 denier 50 mm are almost similar. "NAF" mesh elements also gave
relatively good improvement comparable to thin monofilament fibers but not better than
fibrillated fibers. Thus "mesh elements perform better than fiber" is not necessarily true
as reported by many investigators. However, mesh elements perform better than straight
fiber cut from same mesh is true. Fibrillated fibers are though straight but during mixing
these forms mesh like structure. Fibrillated fibers have shown very good improvement
even at very low values of settlement ratio (settlement/width of footing) and at
high settlements, a strain hardening behaviour was observed. At a fiber content of1% by
weight, bearing capacity ratio i.e. BCR (BCR is defined as ratio ofbearing capacity of
RDFS to bearing capacity of sand alone at 10% settlement ratio) was around 10 at
relative density of30% for 1000 denier 50 mm long fibrillated fibers. In general it can be
concluded that fibrillated fibers perform best amongst all fibers/ mesh elements used in
present study.
Model footing tests were conducted at different relative densities on RDFS to
study effect of density on improvement. Consistent improvement is shown at all relative
densities. However BCR decreases with increase in relative density but absolute increase
inbearing pressure is much high at high relative density.
To find optimum zone of reinforcement below footing, tests were conducted on
varying width and depth of RDFS zone. Providing RDFS below footing in zone of 2B
depth and3B width found most effective. It would be more beneficial to reinforce sand in
shallow depths with high fiber content as compared to low fiber content for deeper depth.
Even providing RDFS zone of 0.5B depth and 2B width below footing is also very
effective and BCR was found to increase upto 2.8 for 1% fiber content at 30% relative
A comparison of RDFS with horizontally placed geogrid reinforcement was also
studied. Optimum and maximum increase in bearing capacity using only geogrid
reinforcements was found by using 3 layers of geogrid of sizes 75mm x 375 mm each
placed at spacing of 0.33B below footing. In this case bearing capacity ratio increased to
3.2 which is less than 3.3 obtained by using0.5% of fibrillated fibers in 2B width and IB
depth only. Cost of 3 geogrid layers is about six times compared to 0.5% of fibrillated
fibers in 2B width and IB depth. Cost of single layer planar reinforcement (BCR - 2) is
eight times compared to 0.25% fibers used in 2B width and 0.5B depth (BCR=2.1).
Such a high increase in bearing capacity of cohesionless soil can safely permit use
ofshallow foundations on RDFS in place ofdeep foundation or other such costly options
and prove to be aneconomical solution for foundations subjected to heavy loads imposed
by industrial structure, high rise buildings, storage tanks etc.
An analytical method based on constitutive laws of RDFS (Kondner's hyperbola)
has been proposed to predict pressure-settlement behaviour of strip footing resting on
fiber reinforced soil. This analytical method is able to predict pressure-settlement curve
upto 2/3 of ultimate load. Predicted pressure settlement curve using this method compare
very well with reported data in literature.
Tests conducted under submerged conditions record a decrease in bearing
pressure of about 40% nearly at all settlement ratio which was expected due to decrease
in unit weight of sand due to submergence. Under submerged condition also RDFS is
equally effective as in dry condition (thus submergence under water has no adverse effect
on improvements gained by RDFS).
Model tests have also been conducted on model strip footing (75 mm x 75 mm)
resting on unreinforced and reinforced Solani river sand under eccentric-inclined load in
two dimensional tank (plane strain condition). Tests were conducted at eccentricity ratio
e/B = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, load inclinations i = 0°, 10°,20° and relative density of 30%, 50%and
70%. Fibrillated fibers of 1000 deniers 50 mm long have been used in all tests on RDFS.
Some tests were conducted on 1000 deniers 20 mm and 360 deniers 20 mm fibrillated
fibers also. The pressure-settlement, pressure-horizontal displacement and the pressuretilt
curves had been obtained for each model test. Pressure-settlement behaviour of
footings resting on unreinforced sand under eccentric-inclined load was very poor and
failure took place at very small deformations. In case of RDFS, pressure-settlement
behaviour improved substantially. There was no sudden decrease in bearing pressure with
increase in settlement. BCR keeps on increasing as eccentricity and inclination of load
increases. Tilt and horizontal displacement decreased substantially. It suggests that for
eccentric-inclined loads, beneficial effects of RDFS increased further in comparison to
central-vertical loads. The depth and width of the fiber-reinforced zone had been varied
and it was found that most optimum zone for eccentric-inclined load is 6 B wide and 1 B
deep below footing.
The findings of model test results have been utilised to develop a regression
model for strip footing on RDFS in non-dimensional form. Comparison of predicted
values of bearing capacity ratio, settlement and tilt for footings on RDFS, has shown
good agreement with their respective values of model test.
To validate models developed and know the influence of size of footing on
improved pressure - settlement - tilt behaviour due to RDFS, a series of tests were
conducted on 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm wide footing in plane strain condition.
Results showed that proposed regression model in non-dimensional form predicts very
well the BCR and settlement for 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm wide footing. For
eccentrically and obliquely loaded footings also and results showed that proposed model
predicts very well the BCR, vertical settlement and tilt. These findings suggest that
nonlinear multiple regression models developed in present research work in the nondimensional
form based on model tests can be used for design of prototype foundations
resting on randomly distributed fiber-reinforced sand.