The upsurge in demand of energy has been accentuated by industrial drives system,
domestic appliances etc. The drive system and many household/domestic equiments
has to its core semiconductor based switches. The very nature of these switches is 'non-
linearity', which comes into play between the voltage and current relationship. This
distorts the wave-shape of current vis-a-vis the voltage. It is found on using mathemat-
ical analysis like Fourier analysis that current not only contains fundamental frequency
but also those 'unwanted' frequncies called as harmonics. These harmonics when they
ow through the wires and cables would cause unnecessary heating and associated loss of
power. This results in failure of insulation, breakdown of equipments, equipment to be
underutilised , electromagnetic interference etc. This gives rise to power quality issues
to be addressed.
The power quality problem has been a focus area for electrical engineers. To mitigate
the problem lters have been devised. These lters are available either passive lters or
active lters. Other than cost the active lters nds comparative advantages vis-a-vis
passive lters. The dissertation work focuses on the development of a PV fed inverter
which could inject the reactive power and meet the load reactive power demand under
all irridation condition as well as mitigate the harmonics produced by a combination of
loads(non-linear and linear load). Also the simulation investigates whether it is possible
to obtain real power from the PV array by not e ecting the reactive power and harmonic
mitigation aspect for the loads. Also what will be the win-win situation under all
circumstances so that reactive and harmonic mitigation is not compromise.