dc.description.abstract |
In response to increasing environmental awareness and regulatory pressures, the paper
industry expects to recover and recycle all major grades of paper. Due to inadequate
availability of indigenous waste papers, Indian mills rely heavily on imported waste paper to
meet the raw material demand of recycled fibres. To minimize the import of costly papers,
relatively little attention has been given to develop novel methods for the recycling of
indigenous waste papers such as photocopier and laser printed papers having good quality
chemical pulp but hard to deink toner ink. Toner ink contains styrene and acrylate in its
chemical composition and gets thermally fused with the fibre surface. Conventional chemical
treatment is not effective to detach this ink from the fibre surface. Therefore, it is important to
induce suitable methods, which can increase the deinking efficiency for efficient recycling of
this new source of waste papers to manufacture paper products.
Consequently, the present research work aims to develop an effective, ecofriendly
enzymatic deinking process for photocopier waste papers. In this regard, mainly cellulase
and xylanase enzymes have been reported for the efficient ink dislodgement from the fibre
surface by peeling off mechanism. The enzymatic treatment has been reported to improve
as well as deteriorate the strength properties with enhanced drainage of recycled fibres.
Therefore, there is an intense need to find the suitable enzyme preparations, which are able
to improve the deinking efficiency (DE) and drainage, without affecting the strength
properties. For this reason, this study aims to produce crude enzyme preparations,
containing high activity for cellulase and xylanase enzymes from the isolated fungi and
subsequently, to investigate their potential to deink photocopier waste papers in comparison
to commercial enzyme and conventional chemicals. This research work has been distributed
into five chapters.
The first chapter deals with the introductory literature review of global and Indian
scenario of waste papers utilization and enzyme industry. This part also covers basic
information and literature review about the fungi, enzymes, fermentation and deinking.
The second chapter describes the materials and methodology for the enzyme production
and deinking experiments. Different environmental factors (Inoculum size, incubation
days, incubation temperature, initial pH of the fermentation medium, particle size of the
selected LCW) and nutritional factors (Carbon sources: different LCW and their
combinations, nitrogen sources: different doses of soluble inorganic, soluble complex
organic and insoluble plant based, surfactants) were analyzed for enzyme production by
both the fungal isolates individually. Various additives like sugars, vitamins, amino acids,
metal ions and chelators were evaluated. A wide range of pH and temperature values
was used for the determination of their optima for the enzymatic activity. Crude enzyme
supernatant was pre-incubated at optimum pH and temperature for various times to
determine the pH and thermal stability, respectively. Different parameters for deinking of
photocopier waste papers were optimized using chemicals, commercial enzyme and
crude enzyme of the isolated fungal strains. The deinking performance of the crude
enzymes (from the isolated fungal strains) were compared with chemical and enzyme
treated pulp/handsheets in terms of deinking efficiency, residual ink, yield, freeness,
drainage time, optical (brightness and opacity) strength properties (tensile, burst, tear
and folding endurance) dirt count and effluent load using standard tests methods.
Characterization of the pulps has been done using different techniques like Scanning
electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FT-IR) and X-ray
diffractometer (XRD).
In the third chapter, the efforts have been made to find the optimum fermentation
conditions for the enhanced production of industrially important cellulase and xylanase
by the two newly isolated fungal strains i.e. Trichoderma harzianum PPDDN-10 NFCCI-
2925 and Coprinopsis cinerea PPHRI-4 NFCCI-3027. This study also supports that solidstate
fermentation (SSF) process is suitable for these lignocellulosic enzyme production.
In the present study, T. harzianum and C. cinerea both are reported to utilize effectively
cheap wheat bran (WB) as carbon source, which stimulate the production of both
cellulase and xylanase. The combinations of the WB with other lignocellulosic wastes
(LCWs) did not improve enzyme production. T. harzianum is able to produce the
maximum enzyme production using ferrous ammonium sulphate (as nitrogen source) in
just 4 d at 34 °C. For C. cinerea, mycological peptone is used as nitrogen source to
produce the cellulase and xylanase enzyme in 8 d at 34 °C. The particle size of the WB
has shown positive as well as negative effect on the enzyme production, but WBas such
(with mix particle sizes) has shown the comparable results with the optimum particle
size. Alkali pretreatment of WB has resulted in the reduced enzyme production. The
addition of sugars except cellobiose acts as repressor towards enzyme production for
both the fungi. The additives (vitamins, amino acids, metal ions and chelators) have
influenced the enzyme production significantly. Characterization of the crude enzyme of
both the fungi shows the maximum activities at optimum pH 5.5 and temperature 55–60
°C with good stability (even up to 6 h).
Fourth chapter covers the deinking studies of photocopier waste papers. This study
deals with the deinkability potential as well as pulp quality evaluation of photocopier
waste paper using conventional chemicals, commercial enzyme (cellulase) and lab
produced crude enzyme preparation containing cellulase and xylanase from isolated
fungal strains. The chemical deinking is not able to improve DE beyond 75.9%. Different
operational parameters are optimized such as point of enzyme addition, enzyme dose,
pulp consistency and reaction time to achieve the maximum possible deinking efficiency
without affecting the paper strength properties. The enzymatic deinking experiments are
performed in acidic range because of enzyme‘s optimum pH. Commercial cellulase and
lab-produced enzymes have shown the maximum DE of around 93.9-95.2% under
different optimum conditions. The addition of these enzymes at hydrapulping stage at
medium pulp consistency is found to improve the DE. It is observed that lab produced
crude enzymes are responsible for the increase in the brightness. The results have
indicated that the enzymes have the potential to maintain or improve the strength
properties by promoting the fibrillation, if they are used in optimized conditions of dose
and time. The higher dose and longer reaction time than the optimum value found to be
detrimental to the fibre surface.
Commercial cellulase and crude enzymes from the isolated fungal strains have improved
ink removal efficiency by 23.6 to 25.4% and freeness by 19.6 to 21.6%, with the
reduction in drainage time by 11.5 to 17.3% than chemical deinking. The strength
properties like tensile and burst indices are observed to improve by 2.7 to 6.7% and 13.4
to 23.9%, respectively. The folding endurance is also 10.3 to 15.9% higher with respect
to chemical treatment.The tear index is reduced by 7.6 to 21.9% in all the enzymatic
treatment. The ISO brightness is improved by 3.2 to 5.2% when using crude cellulase
and xylanase of the isolated fungal strains, while commercial enzyme reduces 2.1% ISO
brightness than the chemical deinking.The results of deinking efficiency and freeness are
comparable with commercial cellulase, but the strength properties significantly improved.
The ISO brightness of crude cellulase and xylanase treated pulps are higher than the
commerical cellulase treated. BOD/COD ratios of effluent from enzymatic deinking with
crude enzymes (0.59 and 0.55) have been observed to be higher than that of chemical
deinking (0.45) but almost equal to commercial cellulase (0.57).
Characterization of the enzymatic deinked pulps has shown better fibrillation than
chemical treated (SEM analysis) thus exposing more hydroxyl groups (FT-IR analysis).
The crystallinity indices are found to be higher for the enzymatic treated pulp than
chemical treated pulps (XRD analysis). The lower effluent load during the enzymatic
treatments makes the process ecofriendly.
The final chapter concludes that isolated fungi T. harzianum PPDDN-10 NFCCI-2925
and C. cinerea PPHRI-4 NFCCI-3027 are capable to produce the cellulase and xylanase
production to deink the photocopier waste papers. These crude enzymes and
commercial cellulase have the potential to replace the conventional chemicals used to
deink the photocopier waste papers without deteriorating the handsheet strength
properties after the improvement in the freeness. |
en_US |