Smart grid technology requires intelligent and e cient monitoring of power system net-
work in control centers to prevent unwanted power system blackouts. With recent tech-
nological developments, it is now feasible to monitor the health of power system in
real time by using wide-area measurement system (WAMS) having phasor measurement
units (PMUs). PMUs are considered as an integral and important component in the
smart grid era. PMU devices have the ability to provide data measurement at a very fast
rate and it can also accurately time synchronize the phasor measurements of the system
to a common time reference using GPS signal. This work utilizes PMU data for wide-
area backup protection(WABP). Di erent features using positive and negative-sequence
components have been studied and integrated using fuzzy logic to distinguish faults from
other power system disturbances more accurately and reliably. The performance of this
new protection scheme is evaluated for di erent types of faults on a modi ed 400 kV
WSCC-9 bus network simulated through EMTDC/PSCAD software. Programming for
implementation of proposed algorithm is done in MATLAB environment. Crucial issues
such as current inversion, voltage inversion and load encroachment are also addressed.
It is di cult to identify fault inception during power swing condition. Conventional
fault detection methods for normal operation of power system nds limitation during
power swing condition. A faulted section identi cation technique during power swing
using WAMS has also been presented in this work.