Earlier, the wind energy conversion systems were implemented using squirrel cage induction
generators and are operated at fixed speed to get the output voltage at a fixed frequency. But with
the advancement in power electronics, advanced control strategies and modified circuit
topologies, wind energy systems are now implemented using other machines like Doubly Fed
Induction Generators (DFIG) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG) and also
are operated at variable speeds. Nowadays DFIG are used for majority of the wind energy
systems. But the PMSG based wind energy conversion systems has certain superior qualities
when compared to DFIG based wind energy conversion systems.
In this dissertation, it will consider its work on modeling of PMSG based wind energy
conversion system and the possible changes which can be implemented to improve the
performance of the system. The wind energy system is designed for variable speed operation.
MPPT technique is used so that maximum possible power can be absorbed from the system at all
operating conditions. A study is done on improving the performance of the system so that the
system will be able to provide the output voltage at a fixed frequency meeting the required power
factor and dealing with the synchronizing issues so that all the grid requirements are met. To
verify the theoretical results, simulation results are carried out.