Liquefaction is serious threat both to life and property and need to be prepared for in
advance. This makes liquefaction assessment compulsory. SPT has been in use traditionally
but slow speed and inaccuracy are some of its serious limitations.
Keeping in mind the importance of both accuracy and speed in actual field projects, CPTu
has been used for liquefaction assessment and soil profiling at four different sites in IIT
Roorkee. Attempt has been made to assess the credibility of CPTu for rapid and more
detailed analysis as compared to SPT which can ensure extensive use of CPTu as fair
replacement of SPT for soil profiling and liquefaction analysis.
Also, in case of limited time and unavailability of actual fines content data, Robertson’s
formula for determination of fines content can be very useful. Fines content obtained from
the above formula has been compared with the actual fines content and depth wise
comparison of the results has been done graphically.