Lessons learnt from past & most recent earthquakes, continuously call for the seismic
strengthening of the structures. As a matter of fact, the number of lives & economic losses
claimed by a disaster like earthquake isn’t due to the earthquake itself, it is primarily due to
the collapse of civil engineering structures which are unable to withstand the ground motion
induced due to earthquake. There is a famous quotation that “Earthquakes don’t kill people,
buildings do”. This depicts the uttermost necessity to check for the seismic vulnerability of
the structures & to make them able to withstand the earthquake forces that it may be
subjected to throughout its remaining life or increased design period. In a country like us,
where thick population can cause a magnified effect on the earthquake hazard, it is really of
prime importance to strengthen the seismically vulnerable structures.
Seismic retrofitting has been an interesting topic for researchers for quite some time.
However, for our country hardly anything has been done in terms of code prescription or
special design requirements for seismic load cases. An attempt has been made through this
research procedure so as to represent seismic retrofitting technique a dearer one to the design
offices and for practical implementation.
In this study, an existing building which is primarily a Moment resisting frame of five
storeys, has been analysed for gravity loading and seismic loading. The capacities of the
existing and retrofitted buildings has been evaluated and compared through Non-linear
static analysis of the frames. The local and global retrofitting techniques which has been
used are FRP jacketing and installation of additional steel bracings in the building frame.
The viability of the local retrofitting technique such as FRP jacketing of the columns and
beams so as to boost the overall structural capacity of the structure has been investigated.
The enhancement in the existing member capacities has been evaluated through their
strength and ductility parameters, i.e., through axial load-moment interaction diagrams,
Moment curvature diagrams and Moment-rotation diagrams. The global performance of the
structure has been evaluated using the non-linear hinge parameters developed manually with
the help of Microsoft Excel and feeding them into SAP2000. Also, the global performance
of the structure after installation of additional steel bracings with and without FRP wrapping
has been investigated through nonlinear static analysis of the retrofitted frames. The study
shows that the enhancement in the global performance of the structure is insignificant when
only columns are retrofitted with FRP strips, however, the ductility of the structure can be
enhanced significantly when both the beams and columns are wrapped.