In view of the world's depleting fossil fuel reserves, which provide the
major source of energy, the development of non-conventional renewable energy
sources has received an impetus. Solar energy is most important among
renewable energy resources due to its quantitative abundance. The simplest
and the most efficient way to utilize solar energy is to convert it into thermal
energy for heating applications. The most important and basic components of the
system required for conversion of solar energy into thermal energy is called solar
collector. Asolar collector is adevice designed to absorb the incoming solar
radiant energy converting into thermal energy at the absorbing surface and
transferring this energy to afluid flowing through the collector. Further flat plate
solar collectors may be divided into two main classifications based on the type of
heat transfer fluid used i.e. liquid heating and air heating collectors.
Solar Air heaters, because of their inherent simplicity, are cheap and most
widely used collection devices. The primary disadvantage of solar air heaters is
the need for handling relatively large volumes of air because of its low thermal
capacity as working fluid. The thermal performance of a conventional solar air
heater is poor because of relatively low heat transfer coefficient between
absorber plate and the carrier fluid (air). Use of artificial roughness on the
absorber plate has been found to be an effective method of enhancing heat
transfer coefficient. However such an enhancement in thermal performance has
been found to be accompanied by asubstantia, rise in pumping power required
to make the air flow through the collector. The endeavor, therefore, is to provide
the roughness geometry in such a way as to keep pressure losses at the lowest possible level while maximum possible gain in heat transfer is obtained.
The review of literature shows that several investigators have carried out
work on the performance of solar air heaters with roughened duct by providing
various types of geometry of roughened elements. It was found that the use of
thin circular wires and ribs of different geometrical shapes and orientation,
transverse as well as inclined V-shaped, chamfered and combination of different
geometries have been investigated. It has been observed that fabrication of
absorber plates having ribs is a tedious task and may not be cost effective. Fixing
of thin circular wires along the absorber plate is found to be easy,accordingly
several investigators investigated such geometry in transverse and inclined
orientations. However, no study has been reported for the arc shaped geometry
as artificial roughness.
In view of the above, it was planned to carry out investigation on the
following aspects;
1. To investigate experimentally the effect of arc shaped geometry of thin
circular wire used as artificial roughness on heat transfer coefficient and
friction factor in solar air ducts.
To develop correlations for heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in
terms of roughness and operating parameters.
3. To investigate analytically the thermal performance of solar air heater
based on the correlation developed for heat transfer.
4. To investigate the thermohydraulic performance of solar air heaters having
arc shaped roughness geometry as artificial roughness and to find out the
optimum roughness parameters of such a geometry.
The experimental work carried out in the present study is based on
creating artificial roughness on absorber plate to enhance the heat transfer
coefficient between air flowing in the duct having one side as absorber plate. The
indoor test facility has been designed and fabricated to generate heat transfer
data at different airflow rates for a range of roughness parameters in rectangular
duct. The range of parameters considered under the experimental study is as
given in Table 1.
Table 1: Range of parameters
S. No. Parameters Range
1. Reynolds number(Re) 2,000 to 18,000
Duct aspect ratio (W/H)
Tosl-soction length, L (mm)
4. Roughness height, wire diameter, e (mm) 1.0 to 1.98
5. Hydraulic diameter of duct, D (mm) 46.86
6. Relative roughness height, e/D 0.021 to 0.045
7. Wire arc-angle, a (degree) 30u to 60u
8. Relative arc-angle', a/90 0.3333 to 0.6666
9. Relative roughness pitch, p/e 10
10. Insolation, I (W/m^) 1000
The arc shaped parallel Gl wires have been pasted on the inner surface
of the absorber plate. The effect of relative roughness height, e/D and relative
arc-angle, a/90 on heat transfer coefficient and friction factor with Reynolds
number has been studied. Experimental data have also been collected for
smooth ducts under similar conditions so that a comparison of heat transfer and
friction characteristics of roughened and smooth ducts can be made.
It has been found that the enhancement of Nusselt number and friction
factor as a result of providing artificial roughness has been found to be strong
function of flow and roughness parameters. The effect of system and operating
parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop for the roughened duct of solar
air heaters were also discussed. However, the system designer requires the
correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor in order to predict the thermal
and thermohydraulic performance of the solar air heater having roughened duct
provided with artificial roughness in the form of arc shaped small diameter wires.
Therefore, correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor as function of
system and operating parameters have been developed from experimental data.
The developed correlations are as given below;
Correlation for Nusselt number:
Nu = 0.00105 (Re)1139 (e/D)0377 (a/90) -°A2°
Correlation for friction factor:
f = 0.144(Re)"a171(e/D)°-177(a /90)0119
It is found that the correlation predicts the values of friction factor
reasonably well in the range of parameters investigated.
The analytical determination of thermal performance has been carried out
on the basis of correlation develop for Nusselt number. A procedure for
computing the thermal performance of solar air heater having roughened as well
as smooth ducts has been outlined.
The effect of roughness and operating parameters on thermal
performance has been examined and a comparison of performance of
roughened solar air heater with that of conventional solar air heater having
smooth duct has been made to determine the enhancement as a result of using
of artificial roughness. It has been found that the best performance of the
roughened solar air heater corresponding to the roughness parameters that yield
maximum heat transfer coefficient.
It has been pointed out that it is desirable that the geometry of roughness
elements is selected so as to increase the heat transfer while keeping the
pumping losses as low as possible, i.e. the thermohydraulic performance of the
system with such a geometry is the best. Thermohydraulic performance of solar
air heater having roughened duct with arc shaped roughness elements has been
discussed. Thermohydraulic performance is determined in terms of effective
efficiency of solar air heater with roughened absorber plates. It is determined by
taking into consideration of actual thermal energy gain and equivalent thermal
energy required to generate power required for pumping air thiough the solar air
collector. In order to determine the optimum values of roughness parameters the
composite performance plots having effective efficiency and thermal efficiency
versus temperature rise parameters are prepared. The optimum roughness
geometry parameters corresponding to maximum effective efficiency for specified
operating conditions have been determined on the basis of thermohydraulic
conditions. It was found that effective efficiency increase as the temperature rise
parameter decreases, attains maximum and then decrease. It has also been
observed that for high values of temperature rise parameter the thermal ,
efficiency and effective efficiency valuesare approximately the same and hence
the optimum roughness parameters can be selected on the basis of maximum
thermal efficiency.