Controlled demolition of structures is the process of tearing down/bringing down or breaking apart a structure after its useful life period or partly damaged uninhabitable structure with the help of some equipment in a controlled manner so as to have negligible impact on its surrounding environment with minimum effort. For small buildings it is a simple process with the help of light equipment, but in case of larger buildings it may require the use of a wrecking ball, cranes etc.
After a devastating earthquake some structures remain standing but become dangerous and uninhabitable. Such buildings/structures need to be removed quickly and efficiently as it is an imminent threat to life and surrounding structures. Controlled demolition using explosives is the solution.
We describe the planning and analysis for controlled demolition of two multi-storey buildings using explosives. Various steps involved in the demolition process such as preparation of demolition plan, charge calculation, placement of explosives, sequence of detonation, stability report and precautions to be taken are presented in this report. The report also includes brief explanations about the types of explosives, detonators and terminology used in demolition industry.