For the simulation of Rayleigh wave, fourth order staggered grid wave FD program was
used for both the homogeneous and basin models (Narayan and Kumar, 2014). The
Gabor wavelet was used for the source excitation. The effects of basin shape ratio,
impedance contrast and the shape of basin on the Rayleigh wave is analyzed. The
simulation of this wave revealed the mode transformation and amplification of the
Rayleigh wave at the basin-edge. The spectral amplification increased when the depth
was increased at the left edge of the basin as well as in the entire basin. In case of higher
frequencies the spectral amplification decreased with the increase of basin depth. The
spectral amplification was found to be highest in case of triangular basin. Similarity
between the elliptical model and gentle slope trapezoidal model was obtained. The
increase in average spectral amplification was found to be increasing with increase in IC.
The decrease in spectral amplitude while moving away from the basin edge was found
due to the damping effects in the basin.