The most of the buildings that were designed according to the earlier codes sometimes may
not satisfy the requirements of the present seismic codes making them to the prone to the
earthquake. This may cause the partial or complete collapse of the structure in case of any
earthquake event. Thus to prevent the structure from heavy damage and to increase the
seismic performance of the building we need retrofitting of old structures.
Preparedness and awareness are the key role in mitigating a disaster and thus for the
protection of the structures and preventing the loss of life, Retrofitting of the seismic
deficient structures is must.
The present work deals with the analysis of a G+9 storey building located in seismic
Zone III. The building was designed according to the IS 456:2000 and other using
Earthquake code IS 1893:2002 along with ductile detailing provided. This study shows that
ductile detailing is more efficient for earthquake resistant design. Also analysis was carried
out with conventional retrofitting technique like shear wall and steel bracing addition.
The work is divided into two parts: In the first step analysis of building was carried
out and push over curves were plotted and seismic resistance of the building was calculated
then in the second step conventional approach of retrofitting was employed and analysed. It
shows that building behaves well in earthquake with shear wall and steel bracing addition to
the existing structure.