Health is a state of physical and mental well being and not merely the absence of
a disease. This definition particularly fits well with the concept of Ayurveda, based on
holistic approach whereas conventional medicines treat the affected part of the body
only. Use of medicinal herbs in various civilizations is as old as the mankind itself. WHO
estimated herbalism to be the most commonly practiced in all parts of world? In recent
years, a global trend is noticed for the revival of interest in the traditional system of
medicine. Screening of medicinal herbs has become a potential source of biodynamic
compounds of therapeutic value in phytochemical research but little is known on the role
of essential trace elements, which play a vital role in health and enzymatic processes.
Popularity of medicinal herbs has also brought concerns and fears over the
professionalism, quality, efficacy and safety of herbal products available in the market.
Imposing regulatory standards using good agricultural, laboratory, supply and
manufacturing practices only can ascertain the public belief that herbal and natural
products are safe. Therefore, an extensive investigation of trace element analysis (TEA)
and organic constituents are essential. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA)
has been used as multielemental technique for the determination of 23-31 elements in a
variety of herbs and herbal formulations. AAS was used for the determination of toxic
elements Ni, Cd and Pb especially. Also, thin layer (TLC) and column chromatography
including preparative TLC were used for the separation of organic constituents, which
were identified by ir, NMR spectral and GC-MS methods. Thesis is divided into six
chapters, a brief discussion of each follows:
Ch I introduces the ancient Indian medicine system using herbs and their therapeutic or
medicinal uses. An overview of traditional medicines and their scientific literature is
discussed. General aspects of radioanalytical methods including NAA, its different types
and applications in various fields for trace element analysis (TEA) in complex biological
samples are emphasized. Ageneral survey of drugs from natural sources is discussed.
Literature reports on organic constituents and biocompatible trace elements have been
reviewed. Lastly, Aim and Scope of the present work is described.
Ch II describes Experimental Methodology and Instrumentation along with sampling
methods and sample preparation in NAA and AAS. Major emphasis has been on short
irradiation using pneumatic carrier facility (PCF) in DHRUVA reactor at the BARC,
Mumbai resulting in the determination of 20 elements. Also included are details of highresolution
y spectrometry including associated hardware and software. Modified version
of phosphorus determination is described. Also our results on the participation in
Intercomparison studies of Corn flour (CF-3) and Soybean flour (SBF-4) are discussed.
Separation of organic compounds from the natural products is described along with a
brief description of spectral identification and GC-MS methods.
Ch III deals with our results on the analysis of 30 elements in 10 samples of mint
{Mentha Spicata) leaves collected from four different locations in North-West India. It is
enriched in Ca, Mg, K, P, Na and Fe. Variation in elemental contents from different
locations is attributed to difference in soil characteristics and environmental factors.
Toxic heavy metals Hg (97-983 ng/g), Sb (1.8-315 ng/g), Cd (15-722 ng/g) and As (98-
320 ng/g) are all found at sub-ppm level and vary in a wide range. Strong inverse
relationship is observed between Na and Mg with CI (r= -0.95 and -0.97 respectively).
An inverse correlation (r = -0.91) was observed between Zn and Cr, essential in
enzymatic processes. K/Na in four different locations varies by a factor of 3 while K/P
varies in a range of 2-10 with mint leaves from Dehradun showing the lowest ratio.
Column and preparative TL chromatography (CHCI3/MeOH/CH3COOH in 9:2:0.5 v/v)
were used to separate menthol and 1,3-dihdrocarveol in methanolic extract. Structure
was elucidated by elemental analysis, ir, NMR and GC-MS studies.
DPPH radical scavenging activity of diethyl ether extract was found maximum at
~40 (.ig/mL and attributed to polyhydroxy compounds. Ten hitherto unknown
compounds; 2-(1-methyethylidene) cyclohexanone; 2-hydroxy 3-ethyl 2-cyclopenten-1-
one; 4-ethyl 1,3-benzenediol; 4-acetyl 1-methyl cyclohexene; 2-propyl 5-methoxy
phenol, carvone, octahydro-1, 4,9,9-tetramethyl methanoazulene; 2-chloro 1-ethyl 5-
methoxy 3-methyl benzene; dibutyl phthalate and mono (2-ethyl hexyl ester)
hexanedioic acid were identified in diethyl ether extract by GC-MS.
Ch IV: After coming across news reports on Curry leaves {Murraya Koenigii) being
antidiabetic and anticancerous, we analyzed 28 samples from all over India for 24
elements. Most elements vary in a wide range depending on the origin of their location.
It is observed that Br, Cs, Sc, Th and Zn vary by an order of magnitude whereas Fe,
Mn, Na, K, Rb, Se and P vary by a factor of 3 to 5 only. Leaves from the southern zone
are enriched in K, Mg, Mn, CI and P but those from the western zone are rich in Na and
Zn. Concentrations of most elements from eastern zone are at par with the mean
values. It is known that Cr, Fe, Cu, and Zn play an important role in the maintenance of
normoglycemia by activating the p-cells of pancreas. Curry leaves are a rich source of
nutrient trace elements such as Fe, Cu and Zn besides Mn, Se and minor constituents
(K, Mg, Ca and P). Rb and Cs are linearly correlated (r=0.93) as their salts enhance the
absorption of insulin in lower respiratory tract by lowering the breakdown of glucose.
Three new compounds were separated from the ethanolic extract by GC-MS: 3-
methylthiopropanenitrile (I); 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, mono (2-ethylhexyl ester) (II)
and 1-penten-3-ol (III). I is a plant product of biosynthesis of glucatropaelin, II an
allelopathic compound reducing the need for weed management and III a strong
antioxidant which can account for the antidiabetic and anticancerous properties.
Ch Vdescribes the analysis of leaves (5), roots (4), fruits (3) and seeds (3) of sixteen
anti diabetic herbs including three capsules (Himalaya) and five commercial herbal
preparations for 6 minor and 22 trace elements. K(3.20-60.9 mg/g), Ca (4.98-47.8), Mg
(0.43-1.92 mg/g), CI (0.21-11.9 mg/g) and P (0.59-6.11 mg/g) form minor constituents.
All these are electrolytic or structural elements and play a role in the fluid balance. Na
(0.03-5.67 mg/g) and Fe (0.11-0.27 mg/g) are found in <0.5% amounts. No single plant
part is enriched in all the elements. Tejpatta, a leaf used as spice is enriched in Ca
(47.8±3.5 mg/g) while roots like Kutki and Naagarmotha are enriched in Cr (2.15±0.02
ng/g) and Se (1.04±0.07 ng/g) respectively. Marodphali a fruit contains elevated
concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn, all correlated with diabetes. Seeds of Jaamun and
Kaalijeera are considerably enriched in V (2.97±0.18 ug/g) and Mn (356+10 ug/g)
respectively. V and Mn play an important role in controlling diabetes. Bitter gourd
capsule (Himalaya) and powder (Vyas) contain very high amounts of As (1.01+0.07
ng/g and 1.44+0.12 ng/g) and Br (433+27 and 203±6 ug/g) respectively. Hg content
also varies in a wide range of 23-143 ng/g but well below the permissible limit (3 ug/g).
K/P were found in a range of 6.45-10.7 with a mean of 8.19+1.39. Cu and Zn are well
correlated with r- 0.89. Again Rb and Cs are linearly correlated with r= 0.87.
In addition five antidiabetic formulations Madhunashini (Gurukul and Divya),
Diabetex (Jagdamba), Jambrushila (UAP) and Diabeticin (BACPO) were analyzed
where Cu, P, Fe and Mn contents were 2-3 times higher than raw herbs and capsules
while Mg content was higher by a factor of 6. Herbs and capsules have higher
concentrations of Na, Ca, CI, Vand Zn. Most elements (K, Cr, Zn, Ba, Rb and Se) are in
comparable range. However, toxic elements (As and Hg) are significantly lower in
formulations. Rb and Cs show even better correlation with r= 0.93. Zn and Cr show an
inverse correlation with r= -0.81 depicting antagonistic behaviour.
Petroleum ether extracts of A. indica (neem) showed four compounds by GC-MS:
1,1,2,3-tetramethylcyclopropane, methyl phenyl sulfone, n-hexanedecanoic acid
(palmitic acid) and 9,12,15-octadecatrienal. Octadecatrienal, commonly known as
linolenic aldehyde, is reported in the hexane extract of kewda, an aromatic plant. Two
compounds 7-(but-3-enyl) 1,2-dihydro cyclobutabenzene and 2-hydroxy methyl 1-
methoxy 9,10 anthracenedione were separated from the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of
petroleum extract and identified by GC-MS. Anthracenediones are a class of anti-cancer
Ch VI deals with the analysis of trikatu - used as a stimulant and for treatment of cold is
a mixture of three spices of dried ginger (Z. Officianalis), black pepper (P. Nigrum) and
pipali (P. Longum). Its five brands from Yogi (Haridwar), Vyas (Indore), Zandu
(Mumbai) and Sushrut (Nagpur) Pharmacies and a local sample from Mumbai were
analyzed for seven minor (Al, Ca, K, Na, P, Mg and CI) and 24 trace (As, Au, Ba, Br,
Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, La, Mn, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Th, V and Zn)
elements. It exhibits higher amounts of Ca (3.83+0.8 mg/g), Fe (0.48+0.20 mg/g), Mn
(167+22 (ag/g) and Se (0.12+0.4 ug/g), which are all of nutritional importance. Some
toxic heavy metals such as Sb, Hg, Th were found below permissible limits. Cu/Zn
varies linearly with Zn (r = 0.92) whereas Fe and Mn exhibit inverse relationship (r = -
0.89). Ginger is particularly enriched in Ca (12.6+0.1 mg/g), Mg (1.88+0.06 mg/g), Fe
(427+34 ug/g) and Mn (266+45 ug/g) whereas black pepper is enriched in P (3.53+0.35
mg/g), Cr (8.65+1.48 ug/g), Se (0.093+0.02 ug/g) and Zn (37.1+6.7 ug/g) contents.
Barbituric and tannic acids were separated from the methanolic extract of
pipali and confirmed by elemental analysis, ir spectra and GC-MS. The essential oil
obtained by hydro distillation showed 10 compounds; 2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid,
decane, 1-decyne, 3,4, 8-trimethyl 1-nonene, undecane, bis- (1-methylpropyl) disulfide,
2-nonynoic acid, 2,4-decadienal, nonanoic acid and tetradecanoic acid, by GC-MS.