Municipal solid waste (MSW) has been a menace due to rapid urbanization and uncontrolled
population in India. MSW identified as the energy source and this energy is recovered through
waste to energy conversion processes. It solves the dual problem of waste management and
energy security. Waste to Energy (WTE) has become increasingly important. The feedstock
dealt with here is municipal solid waste which is a liability to the present generation.
Introduction to municipal solid waste, need for the waste to energy and typical waste to energy
technology and exergy analysis has been discussed. Available literature and works so far done
are thoroughly reviewed and objectives for future scope of work has been discussed. Plasma
gasification model is developed based on Gibbs energy minimization method in Aspen Plus to
simulate conversion process of MSW to syngas by plasma gasification process. Developed
model is verified by using MSW feedstock and comparing the results with Zhang et al [3].
Using this model plasma gasification with air, steam and steam-air gasification are done and
syngas yield and composition are tabulated. Exergy analysis for all three cases has been done
and results are presented. Successful operation of WTE plants right in the middle of large cities
testifies to the fact that gasification is the best technology. In this work, plasma gasification has
been studied and results discussed.