The world is witnessed of rapid urbanization in the last few decades. Currently 31 percent of India’s population lives in cities and these cities are responsible for driven socio-economic activities. As concern by the statistical data, approximately half of the India population estimates to live in cities by 2030. This unprecedented increasing in urbanization causes significant challenges among which water and sanitation is most important factor. In India water supply and sanitation sector suffers from constantly inefficacy, with limited coverage and poor quality services. So the government main focus on fulfil the needs of society and to provide greater opportunity to improve the quality of life for today and in future. Government of India had launched the JNNURM mission for augmented the existing condition of urban services system. This urban service delivery aspect covered the status of water supply, waste water, solid waste and storm water drainage system.
The main objective of this study is to develop the framework for sustainable water and waste management to investigate whether the present status of water system is sustainable or not. These include evaluation of the existing water system & its solution for improvement by using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. The capability of the MCDM techniques is to provide a hierarchical quantitative framework and a process of comprehensive integration of diverse components. The system to be studied is divided into major interacting components; e.g., water supply, waste water, solid waste & storm water sub- system. These are present as third level indicators. Each third level indicator is determined by a set of second level indicators (For e.g. status of utility, governance & maintenance, Environmental issue & economy) which in turn, depend on basic indicators. The value of all the basic indicators with respect to the present state computed with the help of available information or field monitoring. The extent of contribution of each indicator to overall sustainability is different therefore different weights have been assigned to indicators by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.
The rapid baseline assessment of urban water system by using above method is carried out for five cities (Chandigarh, Allahabad, Visakhapatnam, Solapur and Jabalpur) among which Chandigarh is taken as reference benchmark. This analysis showed that the cities vary considerably with respect to its existing system. The final value of each city is represented in terms of Composite Value Index. This has a minimum score of 0 and maximum score of 1. In this technique, the best solution is the one which minimizes the distance from an ideal point
to an alternative solution. Thus the study demonstrated the evaluation of composite value of sustainability by combining many input indices which measure each single aspect of urban water performances.
As MCDM method used various qualitative and quantatively data for obtained the final score of alternative, while in reality, the decision problem data are changed or unstable. So sensitivity analysis used to effectively resolve this problem. This analysis has done by SAW technique. The main focus is to find most sensitive attribute which lead to higher change. The main focus is to find the most sensitive attribute which lead to change in the final score value by changing the attribute weight.
The SWOT analysis framework is important tool for analysing system strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It helps to focus on strengths, minimize threats, and takes the greatest possible advantage of available opportunities. In this study SWOT technique is applied to MCDM methods that help to choose appropriate method according to specific objective. Thus it analyze the advantages and disadvantages of MCDM method. It is also used to bring out some of inherent strength and weakness of Chandigarh city.