dc.description.abstract |
In recent years nanotechnology has been among one of the most exciting areas, which has
revolutionized the scientific, medical and technological research having vast potential for
usage in energy, environment, health and agriculture. Nanotechnology is not limited to the
understanding of physical phenomena occurring at this scale but leads to creating
improved materials, devices and systems exploiting their unique properties for the
betterment of human life. At this scale the physicochemical properties of nanomaterials
become size and shape dependent and have been largely attributed to the phenomena of
quantum confinement and surface effect. It has been observed that with the reduction of
the size of nanostructured materials to less than or equal to the de Broglie wavelength of
the charge carriers, quantum mechanical phenomenon become pronounced altering the
different properties.
In 0-D nanostructures like quantum dots, the carriers are confined in all three dimensions
while in 1-D and 2-D nanostructures like nanowires and thin film respectively, carriers can
freely move in one and two dimensions, respectively. Moreover, it was observed that the
longer dimension of 1-D nanostructures (nanowires, nanoneedles and nanorods) makes
them suitable to connect with the macroscopic world for electrical, electronic, magnetic
and many other physical measurements. Therefore, 1-D nanostructure is more appropriate
not only for the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices like gas sensors, electron-field
emitters and logic devices etc but also leads to exhibit excellent optical, electrical,
magnetic and mechanical properties. Furthermore it was observed that the self assembly of
these nanostructures into porous nanostructures influenced optical, electrical and magnetic
properties due to high specific surface area of these nanostructures. In order to have a
control over the different material properties and developing functional devices, it is very
essential to synthesize nanostructures with high degree of regularity in size, shape,
dimensionality and alignment. The synthesis of the nanoscale materials with precise
control in size, shape and dimensionality still remains a challenge to the scientific
community. However, a large number of approaches have been developed to synthesize the
nanomaterials of different size and shape. These methods can be broadly classified into
two categories: Top down approach (physical methods) and Bottom up approach (chemical
Among all nanoscale materials, metal oxides nanostructures have fascinated the scientific
community extensively because of their tremendous applications and rich physics behind
the different properties at this scale. The magnetic and optical phenomena have contributed
to the wide ranging applications. As a result, the 3d transition metal oxides have been
studied extensively for theoretical and experimental investigations in the recent years in
these areas of research. Among these, CuO has aroused the great interest in oxide
semiconductor physics because of its attractive physicochemical properties such as
magnetic, optical, electrical and ferroelectric properties. Narrow direct band gap (1.2.eV in
bulk) p-type semiconductor CuO have monoclinic structure with four CuO molecules in
unit cell in which Cu atom is attached to four nearly coplanar O atoms and O atoms linked
to Cu atoms at distorted tetrahedron. CuO is antiferromagnetic with Neel temperature from
213 to 230 K. It has been proposed in literature that in a highly symmetric divalent copper
monoxide structure, the Jahn –Teller distortion introduces a strong electron phonon
interaction which causes the high Tc superconductivity in layered cuprates. Due to its low
symmetry, CuO has been found to exhibit ferroelectric properties. Various optical studies
show CuO as a charge transfer insulator, but the presence of micro traces of Cu3+
introduces excess holes in CuO which makes it a semiconductor.
CuO nanostructures possess superior and remarkably different physicochemical properties
from their bulk counterparts due to large surface area, size and shape effects. These
nanostructures have been greatly investigated in recent years due to their extensive
applications like gas sensing, super capacitor/Li-ion batteries and waste water purification.
The origin of ferromagnetism in pure and doped CuO nanostructures is interesting due to
3d electron induced strong coupling and its applications in spintronics and magneto-optics
devices. Furthermore the coupling of magnetic order parameter with other parameter like
ferroelectricity is also of fundamental importance and added one more feather in the
applications of CuO nanostructures. Synthesis, properties and applications of a variety of
CuO nanostructures has been published in several reviews.
From the above, it is clear that it requires a systematic approach to synthesize CuO
nanostructures with controllable morphology and to explore the effect of
morphology/doping on the observed optical and magnetic properties. Hence, an attempt
has been made in this thesis to synthesize low dimensional pure and doped CuO
nanostructures with different morphologies without using any surfactant and investigate
their optical, magnetic, ferroelectric and dielectric properties thoroughly. The effect of
morphology and doping on these properties have been analyzed and discussed. |
en_US |