The present thesis deals with the approximation properties of some well-known
linear positive operators and their new generalizations which include the Stancu
type generalization, bivariate generalization, B ezier variant and qvariant of the
well known operators. We divide the thesis into eight chapters. In Chapter 0, we
mention literature survey, basic de nitions and some notations of approximation
techniques which we have used throughout the thesis. In Chapter 1; we de ne a
general sequence of linear positive operators and discuss their approximation behaviour
e.g. rate of convergence in ordinary and simultaneous approximation and
the estimate of the rate of convergence for functions having a derivative equivalent
to a function of bounded variation. Further, we illustrate the convergence of
these operators and their rst order derivatives by graphics using Matlab algorithms.
In Chapter 2; we consider a one parameter family of hybrid operators and study
the local, weighted approximation results, simultaneous approximation of derivatives
and statistical convergence. Also, we show the rate of convergence of these
operators to a certain function by illustrative graphics in Matlab.
The third chapter involves the Kantorovich modi cation of generalized Baskakov
operators. We obtain some direct results and then study weighted approximation,
simultaneous approximation and statistical convergence properties for these operators.
We also obtain the rate of convergence for functions having a derivative
equivalent with a function of bounded variation for these operators. Further, we de-
ne the bivariate extension of the generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators and
discuss the results on the degree of approximation, asymptotic theorem, order of approximation
using Peetre's Kfunctional and simultaneous approximation for rst
order derivatives of operators in polynomial weighted spaces. Lastly, we also show
the convergence of the bivariate operators to a certain function and demonstrate the
comparison with the bivariate Sz asz-Kantorovich operators through graphics using
Matlab algorithm. In Chapter 4; we study some approximation properties of the
B ezier variant of generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators. We obtain direct theorem
by means of the rst order modulus of smoothness and the rate of convergence
for the functions having a derivative of bounded variation.
The fth and sixth chapters deal with the qanalogues of general Gamma type
operators and the Stancu generalization of Sz asz-Baskakov operators respectively.
First, we obtain the moments of the operators by using the qbeta function and
then prove the basic convergence theorem. The Voronovskaja type theorem, local
and direct results and weighted approximation in terms of modulus of continuity
have been discussed for both of these operators. Lastly, we study the King type
approach in order to obtain the better approximation for both of these operators.
In the last chapter, we introduce the complex case of the Sz asz-Durrmeyer-
Chlodowsky operators and obtain the upper estimate, Voronovskaja type result, the
exact order in simultaneous approximation and asymptotic result with quantitative
estimates. In this way, we show the overconvergence phenomenon for these operators,
namely the extensions of approximation properties orders of these convergencies
to sets in the complex plane that contain the interval [0;1):