In the wake of the emerging social issues in the developing countries, research on social
sustainability has gained importance for both the academics and the practitioners. Although there
are a number of studies of social sustainability in the supply chain, they are either supplier-related
or manufacturer-related and predominately address the CSR issues, referring to the internal
stakeholders. This research integrates the literature on the supplier, manufacturer and customer
responsibility to propose a new concept, that is, supply chain social sustainability (SCSS), which
addresses the social issues within the overall supply chain.
The research was conducted in three broad steps. First, an extensive literature review was carried
out through online databases, including Scopus, EBSCO Business Source Premier, Emerald and
Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Springer, Wiley, and Inderscience, using keywords such as social
sustainability, sustainability, social sustainability and supply chain, social sustainability and
operations, and manufacturing sustainability, to identify the key social sustainability dimensions
available in the literature.
At the same time, in-depth interviews were conducted with supply chain managers. The interviews
pointed to various social sustainability issues prevailing in the Indian manufacturing supply chain,
and gave insights into how social sustainability can be managed and what can be the possible
outcomes of adopting such practices in the supply chain. In addition, an expert panel was
constituted to identify the social sustainability dimensions and their measures suitable to the Indian
context. An initial questionnaire was designed using the measures identified by the expert panel.
To check the suitability of the questionnaire, pilot tests were conducted with the practitioners,
which suggested some changes, including some ambiguous words and phrases that needed to be
altered. The questionnaire was finalised after deleting, rewording and rephrasing some scale items
and the final questionnaire with 59 scale items, along with a write up on social sustainability, was
mailed to 1200 manufacturing companies, randomly selected from the Prowess database
(https://prowess.cmie.com) using two criteria: one, the company should have revenues exceeding
100 billion, and second, the company should have been operating for at least ten years in India.
The first phase yielded 300 usable surveys, with which the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was
performed. The results suggested six dimensions measuring social sustainability with required
reliability and validity, and the second phase survey was conducted with the refined scale items.
In the second phase, 1400 companies were picked up randomly with the above criteria from
Prowess and mailed the questionnaire. This yielded 450 usable responses.
In the third phase, the first order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the
psychometric properties of the constructs (measurement model). The results showed that the model
was fit with the required reliability and validity. In addition, the second order factor analysis was
performed to find out social sustainability as the second order latent construct. The results
suggested six underlying social dimensions to measure social sustainability, namely equity, safety,
philanthropy, health and welfare, human rights and ethics.
In order to validate the second order measurement model, efficacy testing and predictive validity
tests were performed. The tests suggested six social dimensions with 20- item scale with adequate
reliability and validity. Finally, the structural equation modelling (SEM) was performed with the
constructs of social sustainability, supply chain performance, supplier performance, operational
performance and customer performance. The statistical analysis suggested that the model was fit
with the required validity.
The results suggested that social sustainability in the supply chain significantly impacted the
supply chain performance, supplier performance and operational performance. However, customer
performance did not show any significant relationship with the supply chain performance.
For the purpose of clarity, simplicity and convenience, the thesis has been organised as follows.
The first chapter “Introduction” presents an overview of the prevailing social sustainability issues
in the supply chain of the Indian manufacturing industry and discusses the need for social
sustainability research.
The second chapter “Literature Review” carries out a detailed review of the literature available in
the field of social sustainability and its practice so far. This chapter also identifies the performance
measures related to the supply chain, suppliers, customers, and operations. In addition, it also
uncovers the research gaps in the literature and formulates the research hypotheses.
The third chapter “Methodology” presents the detailed research design comprising both qualitative
and quantitative methods. This chapter discusses the research hypotheses and the methods to test
these hypotheses. In addition, it gives an overview of the questionnaire design and data collection
method, sample size and tools used for analysis.
The fourth chapter “Results and Analysis” presents the various statistical tools used, followed by
a comprehensive analysis of the results using these. It also presents an overview of the results of
the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, with convergent and
discriminate validity.
The fifth chapter “Discussion” presents the detailed outcome of the research contributions and
elaborates on social sustainability and its relationship with the supply chain performance,
operational performance, supplier performance and customer performance. The various proposed
hypotheses and the research outcomes have been compared.
The sixth chapter “Conclusions, Implications, Future Directions” discusses in detail the
conclusions arrived at in this research and examines its limitations and managerial implications,
also suggesting the future research directions.